Willy McDuff & the Weirdo Factory | Teen Ink

Willy McDuff & the Weirdo Factory

May 3, 2024
By Anonymous

United Kingdom 

*A whimsical brightly light stage opens a cutscene, with a young 16 year old man named Joseph on this journey 

*Willy McDuff is a character of eccentric charm, and to separate mundane and magical from the horrors that is The Unknown.


 Now who is The Unknown? Well, he is rumoured to be a evil chocolate maker who lurks through the walls, and he is made of chrome and looks like a knockoff of The Undertaker

*Willy McDuff:

 We are going on a catgacting adventure along with exarserdray lollipops and a pasadise of sweet teats.


 Our friend, The Unknown, is hiding in the walls. 


The Unknown comes out of the walls, and hides behind the mirror, now who is The Unknown’s friend? AI

*Willy McDuff: 

Welcome to the Enchanted Garden my friends

*Guest 1 in head:

 Why does this look like a scene out of Breaking Bad?

*Me thinking the same

*Willy McDuff freezes, in a shocked expression

*The Unknown lurks out of the walls, and in front of Willy Mcduff’s crew 

*The Unknown 

in a very sinister voice:

 Ah Willy McDuff and his band of explorers, you have something that has been my life achievement to obtain, The Anti-Graffiti Gobstopper, now hand it over or you will be taken to the land of The Unknown. 


The Unknown disappears, and hides behind a later to see mirror

*Narrator: about 2 minutes later our friend The Unknown makes an appearance

*Narrator: The disappointment was immeasurable with our guests visiting the Imagination lab, which is exactly what you need in the lab. 

*Fast forward a bit through the trip, where my time is to strike.


 I am looking to a mirror, until I see chrome shining behind the mirror

*The Unknown makes one of the most evil laughs ever behind the mirror


 The Unknown jumpscares Joseph, but not frightening him for long


I knew it was you, The Unknown.

*The Unknown and I have a swordfight out of all things, toy swords of course

The Unknown

I’m done with this sword fighting Joey, Now time for something up my sleeve, a beam


Hey Mr Unknown, take a look at yourself, I grab a mirror


The Unknown disappears after the mirror blinding


The Unknown, 

The End 

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the Willy Wonka experience in Glasgow, it was hilarious how weird it was, and I decided to spoof it with me and it's villain, The Unknown, who was never in the original story.

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