Quick Write 32 | Teen Ink

Quick Write 32

May 14, 2024
By Anonymous

 Im walking home after an long day at work my car gave out on me out of nowhere and know sits in my driveway collecting rust. So now after long and painful 8 hour shifts i have to walk through my non peaceful town called st.louis, where thousands of crimes happen and you have to try your best not to get involved. Just to get back to my wonderful bed. But at the same time this walk can also be very peaceful, if you ignore the gunshots and screaming you can look at the beautiful skyscrapers glowing in the night sky. But this night there was nothing, no gunshots, no yelling, not even the skyscrapers are lit up. Which is very odd i look around and realize everything is offend theres not an person in sight, I look up and see an very neon light above the clouds.

The author's comments:

Im about to graduate 

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