Stranded | Teen Ink


May 16, 2024
By Anonymous

On January 12, 1971 a boy named Henry Johnson was born, he grew up with his mother, when his wife said she pregnant, he freaked out, so he left and never came back. Until January 13, 1987, his dad came back and shot Henry’s mom. His mom was pregnant with his brother John, Henry was feared so he grabbed a knife from the kitchen and killed is dad. Henry left and got into his plane to go to Australia.

On January 13, 1987 John Johnson was born. His eyes where a really beautiful color, Navy blue. On August 19, 2007, John got in his private plane with his pilot and flew to Australia  to meet his long lost brother. He wanted to find him.

Henry started to freak out, his plane was going insane. It was windy, the wind was 40 miles and our. His plane completely shut off nothing was working. His plane door were jammed shut… CRASH-BOOM! Henry’s plane crashed into the hot Sahara Desert. 

10 hours later, 7:08 PM Henry woke up, his arm got ripped off. He didn’t know what to do, he sat on the hot sand, saying to himself, “well my life’s over, better die in a hot desert.” Henry fell back asleep. 5:17 AM Henry started to smell smoke, but not that campfire smoke, gasoline smoke. 

Henry looked up and saw an plane going down, the plane nosed dove into the sand…BOOM!, a loud explosion over the hills, a plane burst up into flames. Smoke started to fill the morning sky. Henry looked over and saw another person.

His legs stuck under a large piece of the wing, a large piece of metal was jabbed into his stomach. Henry grabbed his first aid kit and ran over to help. The man screaming in pain, “HELP ME, PLEASE HELP”. Henry moved the wing and said, “can you move your legs,” John said, “yes, thank you.”

“Ok, this might hurt, bite on this cloth.” Henry said. Henry slowly took it out and put a large piece of cloth on the wound, putting alot of pressure. John screaming in pain, “AAAAAAAHHHHH”. “It’s ok, you’re doing great.” 

“Can you take a deep breath for me?” questioned Henry. Henry got a pillow and blanket from the plane and made a bed for John.  Next morning John woke up. He woke up Henry. John said, “thank you so much for helping me. My names John, what about yours?” “Henry, Henry Johnson, and your welcome.”

“Wait, did you say Henry”? John said. “Yes, your name is John, I had a brother named John, I never met him though.” Henry said.  “I’m your brother.” Henry said, “why are you here, how did you get here.” “I was flying to Astrailia to find you.”

So after Henry and John finally met. John woke up one morning and didn’t see Henry. John screamed, “HENRY, HENRY.” until he thought he saw a figure lying on the ground. John ran over and found Henry.

Henry wasn’t moving at all, John checked for a pulse, nothing. John cried, his brother was gone. 

Henry James Johnson, 01-12-71-05-16-24

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