Double Helix | Teen Ink

Double Helix

December 15, 2009
By jerome smith BRONZE, Queens, Montana
jerome smith BRONZE, Queens, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey” Lenny said.
“Hey Lenny I have something to tell you” Dr. Wyatt said.
“What do you have to tell me Dr.Wyatt” Lenny said.
“Lenny your father hates me because, when you were being born I was there helping your mother. She wanted a baby that didn’t have Huntington’s disease. So she asked me to do genetic tests to get rid of the disease and that how I created you.” Dr.Wyatt said.
“I don’t get why he is mad at you for doing this” Lenny said
“Well the deal I made with your mother for doing this was that I could keep the eggs and make babies with them” Dr.Wyatt said.
“OMG so you saying that I am a chimera” Lenny said.
Lenny at this point is way too overwhelmed on what he had just heard because his whole life had just been full of secrets.

“Lenny I am so sorry that your parents and I have never told you that you were scientifically born” Dr.Wyatt said trying to ease Lenny up.

“Why couldn’t you just tell me this is not far” Lenny said.

“You wouldn’t understand it” Dr.Wyatt said.

“Ok but I still don’t get what having taking the eggs makes my dad so mad at you” Lenny said

“With the eggs I was able to create several children that your dad knows about because the deal was that I was able to keep the eggs that she didn’t use and I was able to perfect them and create more chimeras” Dr.Wyatt said.
Lenny leaves the office with out saying a word and went home the Rachel who he asked to get the building blueprints from city hall. He asked her this because one day while he stayed late and everyone was gone he let out the rabbit and holding it he dropped it and it ran all the way to a storage room where he had found a secret elevator with one of his employees in it. The next day he tries to go the elevator again because he saw something strange and it was the 5th basement floor because the building only had 4 in the blueprint. The day after that he goes in to the elevator and tries to do everything he can but it won’t work till Stacy came it with Dr.Wyatt key card.

“Did you get the invitational tour of the level 5 basement yet” Stacy said

“No he never gave me one. Did you know that there was another basement floor” Lenny said.

“Yes I stole his card and told him he lost it once as I just did and ive been down there” Stacy said.

“Lets go down” Lenny said
They made there way down there and realized what it was. They saw a laboratory and a couple of rooms. They realized that with the eggs that he kept from my mother, he had used them to create many of the same things that they were and he kept them here so nobody would know. As they were leaving the elevator doors had open surprising Lenny and Stacy who were right behind them.

“Hey I have seen that you took it upon yourself to come down here but its ok because I was going to give the tour tomorrow” Dr.Wyatt said.

“Why haven’t u told me about any of this” Lenny said

“Because this was part of the deal that me and your mother made” Dr.Wyatt said.
At this moment Stacy jumped on Dr.Wyatt and heard a bone crack in him and they she brutally started beating him till Lenny tried to pull her off but he could not hold her back for much longer and then Dr.Wyatt escape by going up the elevator and locking it so that the kids could not get out. They were trapped for a couple hours but then someone had cam down and all of this was over because Dr.Wyatt had vanished with his crew when the cops came.


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