Inspired Death (Edited) | Teen Ink

Inspired Death (Edited)

November 16, 2010
By shaune43 GOLD, Bel Air, Maryland
shaune43 GOLD, Bel Air, Maryland
11 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Shaune get your finger out of the hole in my pants!" -Leah

I was running through the forest my pursuers close behind me, when I burst through a clearing. I saw more enemies coming in from all the other sides. I had only moments to escape. I searched around me for any exit, but to no avail. I readied myself for a fight. I pulled out by faithful swords deftly twisting them through my fingers. They rushed on me and I howled a battle cry. I killed everything in sights on my left, on my right, in front of me, and behind me. Bloody soaking through my clothes the body count rising. Then suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my leg, then my arm. I fell to my knees as I was stabbed in the side. Fighting to my last breath, blood gushing from seemingly every part of my body, I killed my last foe and stood with my head held high. I was too weak to stay standing and I fell on the top of my slain offenders, victorious and dead.

The author's comments:
I had to fix some wording and grammar errors. I really need to learn how to proof read my submissions. :)


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