The Lucky Find | Teen Ink

The Lucky Find

December 15, 2010
By dylan13 BRONZE, Sulphur, Oklahoma
dylan13 BRONZE, Sulphur, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day I was walking down to my grandparent’s house, and I was looking at the creek that runs by the house. In the creek, I saw a little boat floating. I ran over there to pick it up. I got there and picked up the boat, and there was an envelope in it. I took the envelope and looked inside. I couldn’t believe what was inside - $5,000,000 dollars! I started jumping up and down. I was so happy. I ran inside to my grandparent’s house and told them about my amazing discovery. They were just as happy as I was. I called up my parents and they came to get me. We went out and built a huge indoor basketball court with batting cages and a place to play football, shoot bows, and play basketball games. Then I had an idea: to build a huge 4 wheeler & dirt bike course! So I called up all of my friends, and they came out to play football, basketball, hit in the batting cages ride 4 wheelers and dirt bikes, and to shoot our bows. We were all getting tired, so we decided to build a huge fort. We went out and bought all the supplies needed, and started building the best fort ever. It had bunk beds, refrigerator, television, couches, and a football and baseball fields out back. It was awesome! We all stayed in our fort for about a week. Playing football and the whole nine yards. My friends were getting ready to all leave when my dad said “Everybody get in the limo” which he had just bought. We were going to the Rangers vs. Yankees game. We all started piling in the limo. When we got there you could smell the fresh cut grass and ballpark hotdogs. Our seats were on top of the Yankees dugout. It was awesome! CC Sabathaia, the Yankees pitcher, threw a no hitter that night. We got to meet him after the game. He signed all of our stuff and showed us how to throw his pitches and got to talk to him. We headed home and got back to Sulphur, took everybody home, and settled down to rest after the great week. Then I heard someone saying “Dylan get up” and rolled me over. So I looked around, and I was in my bed, it was a dream.

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