The Chronicles Part One | Teen Ink

The Chronicles Part One

January 11, 2013
By Steal BRONZE, Lynchburg, Virginia
Steal BRONZE, Lynchburg, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Lying will get you no where in life".

The Chronicles Part One

Chapter One: Intro

Sean and Lisa lived together for six years since Sean was a drug dealer. Sean was trying to get out the drug game before he end up in jail just like the rest of his old friends. As Sean’s kids get older, he hopes his sons don’t end up like him. This is the story of “The Chronicles Part One”.
Chapter Two

Lisa and Sean got married for six years. They spent lots of time together. Every night they watch a movie, Lisa would cuddle up in Sean’s arms and fall asleep. Almost every night, Sean would sneak out the house while Lisa was sleep and go on the block with his friends to sell drugs. Right then and there, a black car with tinted windows pulled up. The windows rolled down and shots fired. Sean and his friends start running but, one of his best friends was shot twice: once in the head and once in the chest. When Sean got home, he broke almost everything in the house. He was mad because, the guy that got shot was his best friends from his college football team. That night, Sean thought about what happened on this night. He wishes he could find the guy who killed his friend and kill him so that he knows what it feels like to get shot.
Chapter Three

The next day, Sean spent time with Lisa and his two kids. Sean still thought about the shooting that happened that night. He decided to let it go and not to tell Lisa about it. Then the news came on. Lisa went in the living room to watch it. The announcer announced that a man got killed on the next block over from where they lived. Then they showed a picture of all the people who was there when the shooting happened. Then they showed Sean’s picture. He was on the wanted list because; they think Sean was the shooter. Tears rolled down Lisa’s eyes. She went to her and Seam’s room and slammed the door. Lisa was real mad that she thought about leaving Sean and find another man but, she can’t leave him because, she’s really in love with him.
Chapter Four

One month later, Lisa came back because; she loves Sean so much that she could never leave him. When Sean went to the store, he saw the car that was at the shooting. It was the car that shot his best friend. Sean had his gun on his waist. He waited until the dude came out the store. After the dude came out, Sean shot him six times. The police came because: the clerk at the store called them. When they found the gun Sean was holding, they handcuffed him and took him to jail. When he saw the judge, he sentenced him to life in prison until he gets bail.
Chapter Five

One year later, Sean is still in jail until he gets a bail hearing. The next day he went to court the judge gave him an eigh-hudred thousand dollar bail. Sean couldn’t believe it. He now realizes he has to spend all his money he made from selling drugs. He called Lisa and told her to bring the money so he could get out. Lisa said “No” and then said Sean had to promise not to sale drugs anymore. After Sean agreed, she got the money and bailed him out. Now that Sean is out of jail, he decides to move to Wisconsin. The family moved to Wisconsin and they’re looking for no trouble or drama in this state.
Chapter Six

When they got to Wisconsin, Sean saw another friend from his college basketball team. His friends name is John. John was the starting quarterback on the team. When he first started, the coach gave him the starting position because: he was real good at that position but, when John start selling drug at the age of nineteen the coach kicked him off the team. Meanwhile while Sean and Lisa were talking, Sean had a surprise for her in the garage. Sean told her to close her eyes. When she opened them, she saw a 2013 Lamborghini for her birthday. She jumped in Sean’s arms and kissed him. She was so happy about the car.
Chapter Seven

It was all most Christmas in a cold Wisconsin and Sean wanted to buy Lisa a mansion he saw for four million dollars. He bought the house but, he didn’t tell Lisa because: he saved the house for a Christmas present. The next day, Sean got John to bring his big truck to take the furniture to the mansion. He put a blind fold over Lisa’s eyes on the way there. When they got there, Sean took the blind fold off Lisa’s eyes. When she saw the mansion she screamed from the top of her lungs. She was real happy that Sean bought a mansion for them and the kids.
Chapter Eight

It was a winter night when Sean and Lisa were out the house going to a club for Sean’s birthday. It was so stormy that Sean couldn’t see the road while he was driving. All of a sudden, a car ran the red light. He was driving so fast that he hit Sean real hard on the driver’s side of the car. Sean hit his head hard on the door and when the windows shattered, some pieces cut his head. Sean was in serious condition when the ambulance came. The police officer asked Lisa did she want to press charges against the driver. Lisa said yes then the officer took the driver that hit Sean’s car to jail for running the red light.
Chapter Nine

At the hospital, the doctors said that Sean had a coma and said that he might recover in five or six months. Lisa went in the room and sat beside him. She sat the flowers on the table, kissed him on the forehead, and left out the door. After five months, Sean recovered his coma and went back home with his family. When he got home, Lisa didn’t say anything to him because: she found a condom wrapper under their bed. She told him they were getting divorced and that she was keeping the kids. Before she left, she gave him the divorce papers to sign. It was the end of their relationship.
Chapter Ten

After the divorce with Lisa, Sean met another girl named Olivia. Sean and Olivia dated for a month. Lisa came back to the house because: she left her purse. When she came in the door, she heard squeaking noise coming from upstairs in her and Sean’s old room. When she opened the bedroom door she saw Sean and Olivia naked in the bed. Lisa grabbed Olivia’s hair and hit her three times in the face then she left out the door crying. Sean was furious with himself but, then he realized they were divorced.
Chapter Eleven

It was late March since Sean and Olivia been together. When Sean first saw Olivia, he knew she was the one for him. He wanted to marry her on the first date but, he took it slow and wanted to get to know her better. In April. Sean and Olivia got married. Sean hopes that one day Olivia will have a baby and he wishes it will be a boy so he could teach him how to fight, how to become a man, and how to treat his wife when he gets married one day. Sean and Olivia are happy they are married and they hope to stay together forever.
Chapter Twelve

When June came in 2002 when Sean turned twenty years old, he decided to go to college to play basketball. The college basketball team he chose to play for was LSU Tigers. Sean wished to be a basketball player all his life so he got his dream. He played shooting guard on the team. He was so good that he scored thirty points, ten rebounds, twelve assists, five steals, and three blocks. In that game, he scored a triple double. A coach from the NBA team Boston Celtics went to one of Sean’s games. Sean played so good that the coach gave him a contract for ten point five million dollars to play for Boston Celtic for only one year. After Sean got the money he bought a different mansion but, this one was bigger than the other. When Olivia saw the house, she jumped in Sean’s arms and kissed him. Now Sean lived the life from a drug dealer to an all-star basketball player. He hopes to be MVP during his first season.

Sean lived a happy life with a new wife. From a drug dealer to a basketball player.. Will Lisa come back and remarry Sean or will Sean and Olivia stay together forever. You’ll find out on the next Chronicles.

The author's comments:
The story is about a man named Sean lived his life drom a drug dealer to an NBA basketball player for the Boston Celtics. He left his first wife and married another woman named Olivia. How will Sean contiue to live his life as a basketball player at the age of twenty.

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