Destiny or Dragonclan Chapter two ~News~ | Teen Ink

Destiny or Dragonclan Chapter two ~News~

February 20, 2013
By WolfyRawerz BRONZE, Everett, Washington
WolfyRawerz BRONZE, Everett, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Rawer! Means I Love You In Dinosaur.

The black cat sat on the boulder as cats emerged from their dens. A black tom with a white muzzel and paws and white chest padded out to the black she and smiled.
" Hello Dragonstar." DragonStar smiled.
"Hello GhostWhistper. " GhostWhistper hopped on the boulder next to Dragonstar and flicked his tail over her ear.
" Are you ok?" GhostWhistper gave her a worried questioning look. Out of the corner of DragonStar's eye she glanced at her deputy.
" Yes I'm fine." More cats emerged from their dens including the beautiful medicine cat. As all the cats assembled, DragonStar stood up and began to speak. " DragonClan has had 3 newborn kits added to the clan over night." Several joyful mews came from the crowd. A young tortoiseshell she-cat called out.
" Was it PurpleFlower or TawnyTail?" A excited questioning look came from the young apprentice. Dragonstar smiled and nodded.
" TawnyTail had 3 newbron kits." The apprentice let out a small excited squeel. " GhostWhistper, I'll let you organize the patrols if you like." GhostWhistper nodded and with that DragonStar hopped off the rock and padded towred her den and dissapeared behind the litchen covered entrance.

The author's comments:
This is the second chapter in my series I made. Credit to Erin Hunter for the insperation.


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