My Wild Ride | Teen Ink

My Wild Ride

March 20, 2013
By Anonymous

My Wild Ride

Have you ever wanted to see a loved one who passed away? I have, and for me, one day, that dream came true.
“Rachel, are you ok?” my friend Alice asked me.
“Ye-yeah, b-b-but s-s-something caught m-my eye!” I stuttered not believing something actually came out of my mouth.
“Well, what is is?” my other friend Catherine squealed.
Speechless, what I saw pulled me to it like a magnet pulls metal, and I look down, and realize I am running towards it. I stopped, my feet skidding.
“What now, Rachel,” Alice complained catching up to me.
“It is blue!” is all I managed to say.
I saw Catherine and Alice exchanging worried glances out of the corner of my eye.
“ We don't see anything,” my friends mumbled.
Giving the fastest facial expression, i scream “What? It is right here!”
I remove one twig at a time until i hear Catherine choke- or so i thought.
“ Whoa!” Alice and Catherine exclaim in unison.
“What is it?” Catherine questioned me.
“ I am not 100% sure, but i believe its a time machine like the one from Back to The Future, except this one is much prettier.
“Let’s go in!” I offered.
“Okay” my friends agreed.
We got in and it looked very much like the one from a movie I watched once. it had a simple lever and touch pad dial for entering numbers for the places I want to go to. It was glamorous inside. Slowly, I punched in the numbers “10, 22,2000” which meant October 22, 2000. There was a very special reason I chose this date. It is the day that my parents got my puppy, when i was very young at about 2 months old. I pulled the lever, and the machine went flying like Dorothy’s house in The Wizard of Oz. I thought i would never survive and then:splat. We landed, and we were still alive. As I walked out I saw my parents holding a baby. Only then did I put the last piece into the puzzle. That baby was me! As I walked up to myself, I stare into myself I baby me looks me into the eyes like she knows its me.
“Rachel?Earth to Rachel?” Alice waves her hand in my face.
“Wha-? Oh, don't you realize who that is,” I point to myself.
Their faces are as still as stone.

“That’s me!!” I shout.

I shouted too hard because before I knew it, my parents came over to me and were intrigued about what I said. I didn't know if I was allowed to tell them or not. I just stood there, silent as stone. What could and should I say to my parents that have no idea I am their future child? I decided to tell the truth.

“Mom, dad, I have something to tell you.” I started.

They were perplexed because I called them mom and dad.

“I am your daughter from the future. I came from the year 2013 where I found a time machine and came back to see my dog as a puppy, not realizing I would find myself as a baby.” I finished, looking at their startled faces.

Baby me began to cry, and parents tried to shush me.

“I know what she wants because that is me. Give her water and more water. It won't help completely because she has a stomach problem that prevents her for holding large amount of anything in her stomach.” I assisted them with me.

“Thank you very much. We appreciate your help. This is a little strange for us, but it is good to know our daughter will grow up like you because she is you, I think,” my parents thanked me and smiled. I confused them.

“Let’s head back,” I said.

“Ok, but before you go I want you to have something, or actually someone,” my parents intrigued me.

They came back with a puppy like mine, but not exactly.

“This is max’s brother, and we want you to have him,” my parents gave me the gift.

“Thank you very much!” I exclaimed.

We went back to 2013 and I had a puppy that looked the same to do all over again.

Note: Completely fictional story.

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