Change | Teen Ink


March 21, 2013
By LandonShelley BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
LandonShelley BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The first time I saw him, he painted a hex sign on my right arm. I was walking my dog, Maggie, a few nights ago and he just casually walked up to me and pulled me aside. He seemed he a hurry and quickly painted a hex sign on my right arm and just kept on walking down the dark road. About five mins later, I had lost all feeling in all of my fingers. It felt like they just were not there anymore.
I’m Molly Evans and I live in a house on East Creek St. in Florida. My mom died when I was young and it is just my dad and me for now. I hate school and all I want is my life to be more interesting than school, school, and more school.
The next morning, my dad had gone off to work, and I was home alone on Spring Break. It was a dark and rainy day and I had nothing to do. Hours and hours went by and I was getting the urge to do something. I was beginning to feel my fingers more and more now from the hex sign incident yesterday. I think I have seen my dad with the same sign on his ankle, so I don’t think much of it. So, I decide to take Maggie for another walk and see if that weird guy who is always walking down our street wants to explain to me what this hex sign on my arm is for. Sure enough, only about 10 mins into our walk, there he is again, walking casually down the street. Towards me. And this time, he is looking right at me with a smile on his face. I get a sudden rush of panic that goes through my whole body. After about what seems like forever, he walks up to me and stops me.
“I know things, you don’t.” he says. “Follow me.”
And I have no choice but to follow him around the corner and behind an old, abandoned house. I turn around the corner, and there he is, right in front of me.
“My name is Connor.” he says to me quickly.
And suddenly I panic for a second because I know I have heard that name before. I have definitely heard it somewhere, but I can’t remember where.
“I am here to explain to you what your job is in this world. I don’t know if your dad has told you, but I work for an organization called “Change”. We want to make this world better for people like you and me. Not everyone agrees with things that we are doing, like I’m sure you have heard, but trust me, we will change this world.”
After he says this, I have no idea what he is talking about. The look on my face tells him that, “Excuse me, but I think you have the wrong person.”
“No. I most definitely do not. You are the future of this world. You are the only girl that can do this. Your mother made a few vital mistakes that I do not want you to have to make.”
“My mom? How do you know my mom? What have you done to her?”
“Calm down, calm down. I did not do anything to your mom.” he says, “I need you to listen to me very carefully. You have a choice. But I am just telling you now that this world does not stand a chance without you. I need you to follow me back to my place, where I can explain more.”
“How do I know you that are not just trying to kidnap me?”
“You need to trust me. If I tell you that Maria Evans used to work for me, will you then trust me?”
“What have you done with my mom?”
“I tell you again, she worked for me and now, she is dead. Will you come with me?”
“I will follow you if you tell me where my mom is.”
“Ok. Let’s get going then.” he replies, “Your mom has been dead and I no one had anything to do with it besides herself.”
Well, of course I already know that my mom is dead, but I am curious and want to follow him anyway. If he know about my mom and about my dad, then this Change organization that he is talking about must been serious. My dad loved my mom very much and he would do anything for her. I need to figure out what is going on.
the next day...
Suddenly I wake up and I am in a very small and dark room. At first I panic because I don’t know why I am not in my bed and my alarm clock had not gone off yet, but then I remember what happened yesterday on my walk. Wait. Where’s Maggie? Maggie?! Maggie!!! He must have taken my dog after I fell asleep on the way home. I jump to my feet and begin to look around. I’m in a room with darkened windows all around. I can barely see out. I see all kinds of blurred people walking round left and right everywhere. There! I catch a glimpse of a familiar face looking at me, but I can’t tell who it is. There are so many people.
I decide to figure out what is really going on here. I open the door slowly to make sure he is not there. Suddenly, the familiar man is walking up to me. Wait. Is it dad? Dad?
“Yes, It’s me. Listen very carefully. I’m working here trying to find your mom. Yes, she is still alive, but under the hands of Connor. I need to find her. Connor has brought you here to see if you know anything thing about me. Don’t tell him anything. I thinks I know your mother is still alive. Be strong. I have got to get out of here before he sees me talking to you.”

The End.

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