The Big Catch! | Teen Ink

The Big Catch!

May 1, 2013
By Dyllan Skinner BRONZE, Flat Rock, Michigan
Dyllan Skinner BRONZE, Flat Rock, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the great depths of the ocean you find exotic fish ranging from the thousands to the millions in species. But, there is only one of kind fish, so big, so bold, so stupendous, any and every fisherman is after it. You’ll find in this little town of Sank Town two boys of the age fourteen and twelve that have a big adventure in front of them. The older boy works at a local deli store and helps with delivering goods to and from people. The younger one mows the lawns of people on the street and helps around the house.

They have been saving up to buy a boat for the summertime when this fish shows up. Trying to catch the fish they dream about costs some a large amount of money. The boys collected all their money and the total amount was $1,000.00. They eagerly looked in magazines and on the Internet and realized the boats were too expensive. There excitement was taken away by the reality of the cost of the boats. Disappointed by this they tried something that they thought of doing.

Down the street there was an old man that couldn’t do anything due his health. But he has a big boat; it was his father’s and his to go fishing out in the ocean. He treasured that boat like it was his son. The two boys were disheartened about not getting the boat so they gave it a try to see if he would let them use it. So the next day they gave it a try; the y went up to the door and knocked, an old man in a wheel chair opened the door and asked them if they needed anything. They asked him if they could use his boat for the coming of the big fish.

The man requested the boys to show how much they really wanted it, because it was like his child and he didn’t want anything to happen to it. So he wants to see if it’s in the right hands, he gave them the opportunity to state what they needed it for and how much it was needed. So the man requested that they mow his lawn, do some errands, and pay some money for him to lease the boat out to them.

After the weeks end the man had realized they really wanted to go so he gave it to them for the day of fishing. The boys thanked them and it was then for days until the fish come around. The next day the boys needed some equipment to gather up for the trip. Some of the needs were to get hooks, lines, weights, snacks, drinks, and to collect the poles they bought with the left over money they spent on the boat.

Finally, it was the day they have ben waiting for their whole life! They were ecstatic about going out; they got an early jump on the day. They went to the bait store and picked up some fish and other baits. By the time they got on the boat it was about 7:00 A.M. Full speed ahead the brothers went on the adventure of their life and fulfilling there dreams. Their dreams are not fulfilled yet they still have to catch their fish. In the spot they were bound to catch the fish they stopped and dropped the baits. Here and there they would get little tugs and bites on their lines but nothing major. Then it happened they saw the fish they were after swimming in circles around where they’re. He casted it out and waited, then off goes the rod the line spinning out fast and crazy.

They grabbed on the fishing pole together. Out of nowhere there was a huge splash it came from the big fish it jumped out of the water and was diving deep. Furiously he reels and the younger one grabs the harpoon. Colorful, glistening sides of the fish was showing the younger one threw it and got him in the side. They pulled it in, but it was a close fit. After the forty-minute fight they haul it into the ship with the crane on the side of it. It came into to be 10 feet 4 inches and weighed approximately 900 pounds.

When they got up to shore all the people were waiting to see what they have caught. Hauled up onto the dock it was the biggest marlin ever caught. It was about to break the crane that pulled it up due to how much it weighed. As the boys got up they saw the old man. They thanked him for the opportunity, but he said no thank you for doing this. They were confused but soon realized why, he has been after that fish for decades and now his ship caught it. That’s why this has happened and ha fulfilled their dream. So that’s how the meanest, biggest, and furious fish was caught by two young men who was determined to do anything they set their mind to.

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