15 acres of broken glass | Teen Ink

15 acres of broken glass

May 7, 2013
By Purlfluff GOLD, Colfax, California
Purlfluff GOLD, Colfax, California
17 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you&#039;re drowning, you don&#039;t say &#039;I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me,&#039; you just scream.<br /> -John Lennon

Grimb was ready, ready to cross the Ravine. He had not always been ready, but now he was. He had joined the Raviners only a couple of months ago, but within those couple month he had soared. He was now one of the higher class Raviners and even had his own little assistant that followed him around. His name was, Grunt or this Slave of mine depending who he was talking to.

Now, this was Grimb’s moment he was going to cross the Ravine. One day about ten years ago, a bunch of big companies, got tired of recycling, so they dumped all of their glass in one spot. It was a huge attraction to the people, there were roller-coasters and even hot dog buildings by it. Since everyone was by it, they thought it was a great idea to throw more glass in it and all of the other companies dumped their glass in it. Before you knew it, everything in that area was covered with broken glass. Scientist determined that it was around fifteen acres of broken glass.Then the Raviners came in and started to worship it. Some people try to walk across it, but all of them end up dying.

Now Grim was going to walk across the broken glass, and he thought that he could do it. He told his master that he and Grunt were going to cross the fifteen acres of broken glass and his master was ecstatic. Grim was told to only bring items that he could carry on his back. So Grim decided to bring Grunt. He could go without food and water for quite a while, so he thought that he had this.

When Grimb arrived at the Ravine, he has never felt so proud before in his entire life. All of the members of his religion were there, all dressed up in there red togas. The protesters were driven away by the help of shotguns. People gathered around watching for bloodshed. The only bloodshed would be grunt, and he is so skinny that there would not be much.
For the first part of the journey, Grimb road on Grunts back. Then after a couple hours grunt stopped, threw Grimb off, and started punching him. Grimb tried to say yield, or halt but it had to effect. Then as Grunt was about to finish Grimb off with a piece of glass, a Manshark came out of nowhere, ate grunt, then ran off yelling “Cops ain’t got nothin on me.” super loud.
After the initial shock was over, Grimb realized that he was bleeding out. His shoulder was really bad and Grimb thought that he was not going to make it. So he went back, but then he tripped on a shard of glass and got his foot stuck.
It was about and hour later Grimb died from starvation. The cult eventually disbanded and crushed all of the glass to make a beach. They eventually found the skeletal remains of Grimb, Grunt, and the Manshark, so the put them on the beach like exhibits in a museum. The Manshark was eating Grunt, while Grimb was lying helplessly on the ground. The called it, life before this was a beach, and the danger was mansharks and idiots that go into random cult worshipping big things, which is most definitely more dangerous that possible dying in a ocean of glass.

The author's comments:
Mansharks Rule


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