Imagine Anything | Teen Ink

Imagine Anything

June 5, 2013
By Kaylin Garcia BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
Kaylin Garcia BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Are you ready?” Jordan asked. “Yea!” I replied excitedly, so we jumped out of the plane and I could feel the wind blowing through my hair. It feels so good. Then we have to deploy our parachutes and land on the ground.

Once on the ground we pulled out our compass to see which way the cave was. Once we found the cave we entered it to find out that it was filled with lava. We realized we were going to have to stay on the rocks to survive. I hoped from rock to rock with Jordan close behind. After a lot of hard we finally got past the lava and I saw a big “X” on the ground.

When I saw the big red “X” I yelled “Jordan I think I found it!” He said “Okay! Let’s start digging.” So we started to dig and we finally realized we ran into a treasure chest. So we started to dig around it to pull it out when we heard my mom yell “Dinner’s ready!”

We threw down our shovels and ran into the house. When we got to the table we started talking about how much fun it was to pretend that we had found a treasure.

As we grew older we stopped pretending and faced reality. Now I look back on those days and I cherish the days my brother and I played together using out imagination. I also realized now my ability to imagine things helps to set high goals for myself.

The author's comments:
i wrote about imagination because my brother and I use to imagine all kinds of things when we were little. Imagination played a huge role in my childhood.

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