Enders Game | Teen Ink

Enders Game

November 26, 2013
By H berry Souza BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
H berry Souza BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Enders game”

Enders game is a military science fiction book. Written by Orson Scott Card, this book evokes the feeling of being in the future or future world. Andrew Ender Wiggin is a small boy in the beginning of this book and into the end he is transformed into a man. He overcomes every obstacle that Colonel Graff and Mazer Rackham put on his plate. He is set to isolation, he is made fun of, he is beat up but he never ever gives up. In this story the formants have already attacked earth once, and they plan for that not happen again. Ender is sent up to battle school, were he learns how to think and act like a formant. In his time at battle school he meats a couple of friends along the way, Petra, Bean, Alai, Dink. He is then graduated from Army to Army when they finally give him his very own army, Dragon Army. Dragon army is able to beat every other army with his little squad of an army. In his army he learns how to control toons and he learns different strategies on how to win. After he beats every army he is graduated to command school, were he learns how to control ships within ships.

There is a book and now there is also a movie for it. In the book we have Peter, Valentine, Petra, Dink, Dap, Crazy Tom, etc. In the movie a lot of the scenes get switched around. For example Ender Wiggin was supposed to meet Bean when he firsts gets his army. Also in the movie Alai and Bernard are supposed to be kind of the group leaders, but in the book it is Ender and Bean who figure everything out. I think the director made the movie this way because it had to show that all of the launchies could rally behind a strong figure, a smart figure. In the book the Colonel and Anderson try to isolate Ender but in the movie he makes friends quite quickly.
I think they did that to him to make him look manly and strong willed. In the book everything went a little faster than I thought it should’ve been slower and taken more time so they could’ve put more details into the movie. But I see why the directors kind of rushed the story, the movie itself with all the parts cut off was already quite long, so the directors made a smart choice instead of cutting out parts they just made them all faster. I also thought the actors would be different, because in the book Ender and everyone else in the book was supposed to be a lot younger, Ender Wiggin was supposed to be in kindergarten the first time they talked about him in the book. I think the director started Ender at a different age because they had to find an actor that would fit Ender, and it s hard to find a good 5-year-old actor. Who could? The actor would also have to be able to grow into a man, and accelerate in his activities. I am very pleased with how they created the simulation and the desks in the movie. I wanted them to be modern but I didn’t want it to be cheesy or corny the book had a lot of futuristic ideas in it, I was scared that the directors wouldn’t be able to pull of all of the simulators it was quite a lot of electronics. I was also quite happy with who the director picked to play Valentine and Peter as well. I thought Valentine was a great actress she played the loving, patient kind sister very well, she was always watching out for ender. Peter I thought did a great job of being very ill minded and mean. He was a great actor I think the director did a very great job at picking roles.

Overall I was happy at the way the movie turned out to be. I really wish they didn’t leave out so many key points in the movie. I thought they left the biggest parts in there but forgot the parts that made the movie dramatic. They also changed a lot of parts in the movie that I thought helped compliment the movie. The overall experience was quite great, but as usual the book is always better.

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