Lemon Island | Teen Ink

Lemon Island

December 4, 2013
By Anonymous

Deep in the jungle of the remote island, Lemon Island, Kurt woke up from his horrific dream. Kurt was your typical thirty-year-old guy. Loved sports, ate a lot, and didn’t have a wife. He lived on Lemon Island, a run-down uninhabited dump. The population was a live and well seven people. Kurt lived on the Northwest edge of Lemon Island. Lemon Island is the size of Texas, but is shaped like a perfect square. The other six people that live there; four of them live on the Southeast edge, one lives on the Southwest edge, and for the other one nobody knows where, what, or who it is. All people know is there is a legend that someone has lived there for two-hundred years and, they have found the fountain of youth. Scientist believe this person is a female that is roughly in a thirty-year-old body but is really two-hundred years of age. They call her Wild Woman. The four people that live on the Southeast edge is a family. The dad Jeff, the mom Rose, and the two boys, Jack and Robert. Jeff is a retired MLB player who came to Lemon Island to start a family away from the world. He is forty-five, and his wife is forty-three. Their two sons are sixteen and fourteen. They are a wealthy family that has food flown into them so they do not starve. The man who lives on the Southwest edge is Billy White. He is a trillion-air. He owns the biggest house in the world. He came to Lemon Island because it was the only place in the world that had a flat piece of land big enough for his house to be built on. He is your typical seventy-two-year-old man, watches Fox News all day. He is suffering from JYD disease (Junk Yard Dog) so it is only an amount of time before he kicks the bucket.

Kurt decided that today he was going to find the lost treasure on Lemon Island, so he gathered up some things before he set off on his journey. He decided he would travel to the middle point on the island and begin searching there. He thought maybe an X would be there, so he went there first. From his home to the middle point of the island is about two-hundred-fifty miles long. It would take him five days to complete this trip on foot, and these five days were almost the longest five days of his life.

Day one was in Kurt’s opinion “easy”. He walked approximately seventy-five miles that day so he was ahead of schedule. While walking he ran into a black panther. The black panther jumped him, and luckily Kurt brought along his rifle, so after the panther bit his pinkie off, Kurt shot it dead. He then took his long butcher’s knife out and cut away the meat that could be cooked. He carried the meat twenty more miles before stopping at a waterfall and setting up camp. There under the peaceful twinkling sky he made a fire, cooked his panther meat, and enjoyed a refreshing canteen of water. He thought he was going to be a millionaire when he would reach his destination.

Day two was just as “easy” as day one according to Kurt. He walked one-hundred miles on day two while getting bit by a snake. He was walking and all of a sudden and right out of the brush came a twenty foot long snake. He tried to wrestle it, but the snake got the best of him. It bit him right in the ear, but thankfully it was not a poisonous snake. Kurt just took the gauze out of his pack and wrapped it around his head five times. While he walked the one-hundred miles that day Kurt enjoyed the beautiful jungle scenery. It was a sunny day, great for walking. He made camp at an abandoned cave that looked like it had been used by some kind of animal. That night Kurt ate two bananas and drank coconut milk. In his eyes after those two days the trip seemed like it would be a piece of cake, but mother nature had other things planned.

Day three was horrific compared to days one and two. After walking a combined one-hundred-seventy-five miles on days one and two, he only walked twenty-five miles on day three. The day started out to be a walk in the park, but then after the twenty-five miles a hurricane hit. This forced Kurt to find shelter in a nearby cave that was the home to over five-hundred bats, but do to the hurricane they has been flushed out. The rain lasted the rest of the day, and Kurt saw the wind throw all kinds of things around. Like, cows, trees, lemons, coconut, tigers, and lots of water. Kurt had no food or water that night, so he went to sleep hoping and praying for a better tomorrow.

Day four was no better than day three. Kurt managed to walk the toughest forty miles of his life. It rained every second of the day. While he walked he would sink into the jungle floor. It was a muddy mess. He was covered head to toe in mud. He fell down a total of one-thousand-five-hundred-one times in the muck. It took him twelve hours to walk those forty miles. When he stopped at 8:00PM he fell right asleep, again with no food or water, again hoping for a better tomorrow. With only ten miles left in his journey Kurt had no clue what he had in store.

Day five was the best day of his two-hundred-fifty mile long adventure. It took Kurt one hour to walk to the middle point on the island. When he got there there was a hut just as the size of an outhouse. He went in and… There it was, the lost treasure of lemon Island. He opened the chest it was cast of bronze, and you wouldn’t believe what was inside. Inside was a note, just a note that read; You Are Mine!!!! After Kurt had read this he was scared to death, what could possibly, or who could have wrote this note. He thought. Only one possibility, Wild Woman. Kurt decided that it would be smart to get back to his house on the Northwest corner of the Island. The trip back would be a long Two-hundred-fifty miles.
When Kurt arrived back at his house after three days, on his wall in red ink was written. You Are Mine. Kurt was again freaked out, and this time there was no escaping.

Before Kurt turned around he was grabbed by Wild Woman. She was mesmerized right when she saw him. He felt the same way. They fell in love. They were married by a special priest that flew to Lemon Island, form America just to marry them. They were both in bodies that were thirty years old at the time of their marriage. But, Wild Woman was really two-hundred years old. Their marriage was an extremely happy one.
Kurt was about to have his eighty-ninth birthday, and suddenly he heard a gunshot. He ran to his hut where he had heard the shot, and there on the floor was his wife, Wild Woman. Kurt was devastated; his wife for fifty-nine years was dead. He did not know what to do, so he ate; and ate; and ate. He ate lemons.
Kurt was ninety-nine years old when he died. He died a peaceful death in his living room chair on June eight. The cause of death was old age, and over consuming of lemons. From the time his wife died, to the time he died, he ate over 1.5 billion lemons. He had become obsessed with them, but if he wouldn’t have he would have died ten years earlier. Some people say these lemons killed him, but I say they saved his life.

The author's comments:
This was and assignment for class, and we were pushed to do our best.

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