S Heaven | Teen Ink

S Heaven

December 11, 2013
By MidnightRy0 BRONZE, Stockton, California
MidnightRy0 BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing can be loved or hated until it is understood

Yuuji was a boy around 15 years old; he lived in Japan his whole life. He has only a sister left after his parents died in a car accident. His life was plain; every day playing games and nothing to do. The sport he played only involved a wooden sword and movements. In the summer Yuuji was at home listening to music when he heard announcer in the TV commercial saying, “The new video game Sword Heaven is coming out and soon only few people will get the game before it comes out two weeks, to get this you must sign up be the 20 lucky members, and good luck fellow gamers!”

Yuuji was amazed and interested with a happy impression on his face. He ran to the video game store to sign up. He wanted to the game before it comes out because it had a wonderful feeling having it first than any other gamers. Yuuji went home with joy even though he doesn’t have a chance of being the 20th member, but he still wanted the game. The game created was a famous video game maker named Mr.Hiroushi that sells millions of dollars. This year he told the fellow gamers about his changes of gaming and his new discovery of gaming. He hopes that everyone would enjoy his discovery. The next week it was announced in the big screen in the middle of the town. Everyone that signs the form came to hear the news. Yuuji was just walking to buy groceries when he heard the announcer voice. Coming near the crowd, he heard a lot of excitements from the gamers. The trailer of the game began showing how awesome the game was, and after couple of minutes the announcer appeared.
The announcer said, “We are glad that many people signed up but only 20 members will succeed, please find your name if you won.”
Once in a life time Yuuji was amazed of how he won and felt with joy going home with the game to play right away.
It was a big box not like any other games Mr.Hiroushi made and he remember that Mr.Hiroushi found a discovery in gaming. In the box it included a helmet, and the instructions were to wear the helmet and turn on the game. Yuuji slept on his bed with the helmet, turning it on feeling excited. He made his account and went in the game. He notices that there was a choice between swordsmen or swordsmen with a shield. He picks the swordsmen without shield.
“Enjoy the game,” the game announcer said with an evil tone.

Yuuji didn’t mind until he was actually in the game holding a beginning sword. He was shocked to be in the game until he found the other 19 members scrolling the menu where you can logout. He was relieved that he can go home to his sister.

“Well I can start practicing killing monsters then before any other new members,” he said.

Yuuji practiced for weeks and returned home to see his sister. His sister told him that she was going to play the game to when it comes out. Yuuji thought of how he can improve in the game going to quests. He can’t accept quests until people started actually playing the game. Next day he started the game again and went on a journey to fight a first level boss. It wasn’t easy because he is actually really fighting the frog monster. Yuuji was glad the only sport he knew involved a wooden sword, although the swords he’s holding is an actually steel sword. Opening the door to the boss many minions were surrounding it.

“How am I supposed to win if it’s ten against one,” saying it sadly with a sad face.

He started with the minions not minding the boss, and after several minutes he manages to kill all the minions with energy still. The boss was ready holding to the side beginning to open the sword machete. Beginning fighting the boss moves in patterns and they fought for an hour until he knew the boss weakness, it was its back. He slashes the back with the sword if it was actually true, it was and it was defeated. For being the first ever to kill the first level boss and the last hit bonus, he was rewarded with a rare skill, being a double wielder. It was a unique skill so he kept it safe in inventory when he needed it for other strong boss fights. A week passed by and many gamers were joining and having fun with the new discovery. Yuuji walk around the main plaza seeing that many girls and even men played the game. Walking to the shop he asks the shopkeeper for a quest.

“Can I get a quest for the first level boss fight,” he asked.

“Sure are you sure your ready the game has just come out yesterday and it seems so real, and are you sure if you get hurt it’ll hurt for real,” the shopkeeper said.

“It’s okay I have enough armor, potions, and if I get in trouble I can teleport out of the floor,” he said.

“That armor isn’t strong enough going alone I recommend you buy my shop’s armor the Midnight Ryo. It’s black clothing that protects from magic, but not swords,” he said.

“I’ll buy it, and it will be useful thank you sir,” Yuuji said.

The man went to the back door and pulled out the Midnight Ryo clothing. It looked like it was rare or unique. The man gave him the Midnight Ryo and the quest. On the quest the reward was 1,000 gold right enough for a new level sword. Yuuji went again and won 1,000 gold for new sword. Next day, all players were summoned to the main plaza. Everyone looked surprisingly of wants happening. A red cloud surrounded the sky and a huge red monster with a mask appeared. It looked like it escaped from the floors which it cannot do, but it didn’t carry a weapon.

“Hello fellow gamers I am Mr.Hiroushi the creator of this world,” it said.

“I am informing you that if you die in this world you’ll die I the real world, and I have deleted the logout button,” he said.

“This is serious and in order to logout is to defeat the last boss which is me, and I am expecting you in floor 70 good luck fellow gamers,” he said.

It disappeared in the red cloud and the weather change back to like a sunny day. Everyone looked mad and wanted to go home. Yuuji was scared that he couldn’t go home. Many people were going to the front lines where they start their floors. Yuuji couldn’t think about going solo in the front lines, so he went to the main plaza to find a partner. Then, he heard a conversation of the people that they wanted to defeat the first boss. Yuuji was gladly to help because he already defeated it two times. The leader told them about how the 20 members didn’t teach new gamers about the game and they died in tragic without knowing. He hated the first 20 members and people started calling them cheaters. Yuuji wanted to be in the group so he kept quiet being a beater. The leader informs that the entire member must make a group, Yuuji saw everyone making their groups already inviting each other in a party. He looks alone until he saw a girl in black clothing. He asked if she wanted to party up or be in a group with him and she did. He knew her name right after he invited her to the party, her name was Mei. Days of training all the groups were tired, the night before the boss fight Yuuji was eating a piece of bread with honey. His partner to was eating, he insisted that honey was best for the bread so she did enjoying every last piece of it. She told him that bread was the only food she ate for the last few days of not logging out of the game. She said that the honey made it better and she was thankful for that.

“Don’t die tomorrow in the boss fight ok, because I don’t want anyone I know dying on me,” he said.

She nodded and said,” I won’t.”

The fight is today and Yuuji wasn’t worried at all because it was quiet easy the first time he defeated the monster. Opening the gate to the boss everyone was ready with gear. Groups were spreading killing all minions. Yuuji wanted Mei to get the last kill bonus, so he did stop for her for the kill. Noticing that the sword switched from machete to a rapier sword he had to go for or else it can kill her. Last bonus reward was received to him and it was Midnight clothing that was all black. That became his clothing every day. At the end everyone was proud of him but he told him that he was a one of those 20 members. Everyone stopped and began getting mad that beaters only cared about themselves. Yuuji had to quit and solo the front lines only, but Mei promised that someday they’ll meet again and she’ll become stronger to join him in the boss fights. Opening the door, Yuuji said sorry to her and sense then he hasn’t seen her for two years. Yuuji got older and gotten use to this sword world. People stopped hating the world and started enjoying its weather, just clear and sunny. On a perfect weather, both sunny and windy Yuuji was relaxing under a tree. He knew today that he’s going to clear the next floor fighting a monster. All the other soldiers knew he was a beater so they didn’t care but to clear the floor of Yuuji’s helped. Relaxing still he overheard soldiers that today a vice leader of guild is joining to help them fight. Yuuji could careless but to defeat all 70 floors to go home. Being interrupted relaxing by a girl he wakes up seeing the same girl two years ago. They notice each other right away. Yuuji was amazed, and shocked it was…Mei! She looked older and wore red and white clothing like she’s a Vice Leader of a guild.

“It’s been a long time I missed you Yuuji,” she said.

“It sure is Mei,” he said.

“What are you doing here isn’t today the second boss fight,” she said curiously.

“Yeah I’ll be helping today,” he said.

“Me too, and lets team up it’s been a long time I want to see how strong you are,” she said. Yuuji nodded and went to sleep again. Hours later and he had a good nap,

She told him that she was going to help out in the battle as a vice leader. Yuuji was just glad to see her again and happy that she joined a guild. Hours passed and the group was setting to the 20th floor. Every 10th floor there’s a monster waiting seeking true powers. The second boss wasn’t strong as the first; somehow they seem stronger than before. After the second boss fight defeating it like it was supposed to be the first boss fight Yuuji and Mei set to main plaza where they shared the bread two years ago. Sharing the sweet honey Mei invited Yuuji to a party.

“It’s been two years lets team for the third boss fight,” she said.

"Sure it's been two years since I seen you and I like to see how much you improved," Yuuji said smiling.

And so he accepted the request and tomorrow they were meeting at the entrance in the main plaza. Yuuji woke up really early waiting for Mei, seconds’ later portal was summoning someone, and it was Mei screaming. She was screaming and a man like the age of 20 walking behind her wearing the same clothing. They were in the same guild and he was supposed to be her bodyguard or someone that watches over her.

“Why were you at my house without me knowing,” she screamed.

He told her that he was to protect her because she was important to the guild. She told him that today she was partying with Yuuji. The man suggested going back, but Yuuji stopped and request that if he duel him and win then he can protect her instead of him. Thinking that he can beat Yuuji with his new enchanted sword he accepted. Yuuji’s sword wasn’t ordinary it seems like it was handmade and was colored black. 10 seconds before the duel starts and they both were in stance. The man’s stance was ordinary holding the sword with two hands tightly. Yuuji was different it seemed like it was a weak stance that can easily be taken down. Rushing at each other Yuuji swung to the side and the man straight at Yuuji, he chuckled like it was easy. At the last few seconds before two swords touched Yuuji swung faster than before unexpectedly. A long sound shrieked. The man’s sword was broken apart and Yuuji’s was like it didn’t give a scratch. The crowd was amazed that strong swordsmen might win the game for the people. They thought about asking him to defeat the last monster or Mr.Hiroushi on the last floor, so everyone can leave this world.

“I’ll try my best to defeat it and save everyone,” he said.

“Can I be your partner in the frontlines,” Mei asked.

“Are you sure like I said two years ago I don’t want someone dying on me and mostly you,” he said.

“I’m not dying and I’ll protect you even if we can’t leave this world,” she said.

Mei smiled and reached for his hand.

“Can I tell you something Yuuji,” she asked.

“Sure what is it,” he said.

“I like you,” she said blushing and nervously.

Yuuji began to blush too and he said that he likes her too. Yuuji’s life was nothing and after this game it seems like Mei has made Yuuji think that he shouldn’t regret playing this game. He thought that she might be the one. Next day, they set to the third boss fight Yuuji and Mei began more bonding to each other like couples. Holding each other’s hand they reach to the third boss and Yuuji wasn’t sure about fighting it yet. It seems like it was not like any other boss like the last two, so it won’t be easy with two people.

“It’s okay I’m here and I’ll protect you no matter what,” she said.

“I’ll protect you too, and let’s get our teleport stone ready in case,” he said happily.

They got the stones ready and opened the door. It was dark and gloomy, several seconds later the fires in the wall began to light up to the boss. It’s a gigantic half ox and half lizard holding a giant sword. It was thrice their size, and Yuuji thought that they should escape until when they're sure to be ready. Mei insisted that it’s the third fight and was determined that it should be easy. Convinced, Yuuji went close new it. Starting off the fight he swung the sword sideways, uppercuts, and any other way to hurt as soon as possible. They didn't want to take the chance to get hurt over the gigantic sword, but then it was the monster's turn and it slowly turned sideways and smashes it's sword on Yuuji. Using all the strengths he has to slowly push the sword away. Every time he pushes and uses alot of energy he drops alot of health. Slowly seconds to half, Mei slowly seekig for opportunnity for an openning. This was a good strategy, but risky becuase of how he can possiblely die trying. Mei using every seconds to do as much as possible until she saw Yuuji healths drops to the tiniest drop of health. She finishes the monster ,but Yuuji was on the ground.

"Yuuji!!!," Mei said over and over again.

He didn't wake up nor moved. She thought of the worst thing that can happen and that Yuuji was dead. Sobbing and yelling his name over and over again. All she wanted before this ever happened was to kiss him. Raching for a kiss Yuuji awakens suddenly, and it was like a miracle.
It was one becuase his health bar was at it's lowest that a single damage can possible kill him.
They whispered quietly at each other," i love you." Days later they become more loving couples like any other. Quests, journeys, and more they had were so much. After what happen in the third biss fight they got close and decided not taking anymore risks. In the morning Mei went to Yuuji to infrom him that he can join her guild so she can always be with him. To test his skills the leader of the guild was to challenge him. Rumors said that he never loss and that he can be the leader that can win the game. It didn't matter if he lost and it only matter how strong Yuuji was. Everyone gather and Mei was watching in the crowd. Yuuji wasn't hesitating for an unknown reason. He slide to the menu and turn on a unique skill, it was the skill from the first monster the doublewielder skill. With that he went to his inventory and reached for a sword.
Pulling both swords out they face each other the challenger and the leader.It began and Yuuji started aggressively and the leader had a shield instead. This skill was unique, and if he hits something with the two swords the more speed he gets. Enhancing the speed as much as possible at the last second he look for a good shot. It was fast enough to defeat him, but unexpectedly he used the shield like it glitched. It didn't look like he miss, but he did. The leader won ,but Yuuji ask how he lost. He assumed that he was one of cheater that has unique weapons, but he wasn't. Yuuji remembered and saw something when he did the last swing. He remembered that it said it was an untouchable object. With that he thought that he was Mr.Hiroushi the reator of the world.

"You found me and I didn't expect you to be that fast which made my mistake," Mr .Hiroushi said.

"And for that ill give a chance to end this game now if you win a duel against me again without untouchable object," he said.

"If you die then you die trying," he said.

Mei was scared and told Yuuji not to. They can keep winning monsters until the last one. She didn't want to take the chances of Yuuji dying after the incident with the third boss.
Yuuji didn't have a choice, but to accept to save people from this world. The leader change the setting and invited a duel. The duel was about to start and its about life or death situation for Yuuji. Yuuji started off like the same and going for it. He charge as much speed as possible making sure not to miss and when he waited for the moment it was not enough, he saw a sword running down his stomach. He look down scared," is it over he thought". They both fell down, somehow the blow hit the leader in the side of the stomach. Stabbing each other Yuuji won and saved everyone. Mei thought if you Yuuji died and save the game then what she will do when she get back to the real world. The leader insisted that Yuuji should live and made this a interesting game. Moments later Mei and Yuuji told each other to find each other in the real world and never stop. Then a light shining down to everyone and everyone transported back. Yuuji woke up in his bed and he looked the same. It was the same day he was trap in the game like it happened it seconds. He got out of bed and said," I'll find you,"...

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