Gridiron Greatness | Teen Ink

Gridiron Greatness

December 5, 2013
By Bailey Farrior BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Bailey Farrior BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Deafening cheers and rigorous currents of blood surge through my ears, blocking out any other sounds that attempt to reach me. I am forced to attentively read the hands of the mastermind to whom I put my complete faith and give undivided attention to. My mission is acknowledged, allowing me to face what now lies directly ahead of me. I deftly check my gear; insuring that each harness has been fastened tight, securing chest. This will act as an exoskeleton for my body, without it I would be entirely crushed. With this device, I am a turtle, and cannot be stopped. The passionate roars of the crowd surrounding me rapidly swells, and my attention is brought to the focus of the unnaturally radiant light that leaves nothing obscured by the thick blankets of twilight. Eleven figures abruptly break unison, and find their posts adjacent to my allies. Despite any obstacles that may lie ahead, each adversary holds his own assignment, and has full intent to accomplish it.
One particular competitor faces-off directly in front of me. I meet his eyes with a hostile fierceness, and keep them locked into his. Every motion I make imitates his; feet staggered, leaning forward to grant pressure to one arm. My eyes infiltrate his soul, penetrating the very entity that holds him together, and it is now that I realize I have won. His pupils desperately dart back and forth, perhaps looking for an escape, but it is already too late. Animal instinct begins to overcome any traces of civilized nature left within me. My muscles howl with rage, prone to erupt at any given second. I am a bear, waiting for the first shift of my prey as a chance to strike with a thirst for blood. Suddenly there is a change of pace, and for a brief moment all is still. The spectators are silent with anticipation of what is to come, and a complete secession of movement has been reached within the entire coliseum.
The scent of rain begins to creep down from the night sky, and the moon has been devoured by the monstrous clouds that dominate the heavens. Small crystal droplets begin their descent from above, and the light drizzle glistens on every leaf of the field that we have congregated on. However, the moisture does not linger for longer than a moment before it is evaporated into the air, and the field becomes heavy with humidity. A thin layer of mist develops into the scene, only slightly shrouding the stirs from across the line that segregates our two teams.

The stench of fear is prominent now, mixing with mutual feelings of animosity for each other. The silence is shattered abruptly as a familiar cadence is boomed from the leader of the pack, but his cries are not heard. Time becomes sluggish, and my ears no longer pick up any form of noise. The detection of movement sparks the last conscious command relayed from my mind, willing the activation of every muscle fiber incorporated in my body. Utter chaos detonates within the scene. My torso has sprung forward, aimed directly at the intended target; I am a tiger, striking swiftly at a careless gazelle, and the sheer force of contact thrusts his meek frame into the ground. Glorious cheers pierce my skull and invigorate me further, though the minor victory does nothing to sate my desire for ultimate triumph.

In one swift motion, the valuable sphere is slipped into the arms of a greater individual. His feet stab into the turf, generating a tremendous amount of speed that will give him an advantage over any lagging competitors. A horde of athletes envelope him, granting an almost impenetrable shield that will slice through any opposition that presents itself. The echoes produced by the multitude of spectators resonated through the air waves, causing the earth to vibrate with relentless energy. Several of my comrades have either come forth to intercept the unstoppable force, or have fallen victim to their tremendous offenders. I watch as a few of my companions are devoured by the unforgiving assault, some are nearly lifted from the ground and cast into one another. The troops that our team is left with dwindle to a fraction of what we started with. Any immediate sense of hesitation is eliminated by the potent adrenaline coursing through my veins.
The formation that lies ahead becomes a blur of white, and now, a reaction must be produced to match their action. The remainders of my allies come together, forming a stampede, equal in size and speed to that of the opponent’s. Within the pack, any and all doubt is eliminated. The first impact created a boom that reverberated throughout the arena; the second and third creating an impassable mass-clustered together forming a wall. The man entrusted with the precious oval-shaped ball had the appearance of an indomitable foe, but could not deceive anyone from the fact that he was weak of mind. His eyes wavered, reluctant to alter his original path, for fear of a sudden end being put to his dash for glory. It is too late, thousands of eyes gleam with thrill as I become an eagle, plummeting into contact with this nearly immobilized rodent. The strike brings forth a clap of thunder that sends a shudder throughout the crowd. Stars fill my vision as I lay on top of my challenger, and the sense of victory overflows within me. The ground is delicate, and the harmonious chants of my name put me at ease.

The author's comments:
My love for the game of football inspired my writing.

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