Modern Day Apocalypse | Teen Ink

Modern Day Apocalypse

December 18, 2013
By MichaelHardin BRONZE, Tyronza, Arkansas
MichaelHardin BRONZE, Tyronza, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is hard, it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne

All over the country different agencies are designing and creating new weaponry to use to defend the United States. The enemy forces have joined together and have planned the most extreme attack ever on a single country. If we’re going to survive we have to create a super weapon to defend ourselves against the attackers. There has been a weapon created, a weapon like no other. A parasite that will enter the body and reproduce rapidly to kill anyone that comes in contact with it. It’s extremely small and, while it can be spotted, it would very hard to see with a naked eye. What they don’t realize is that this parasite has a mind of it’s own and plans to infect more than the body but also the mind of the infected host. What they don’t realize is that they’ve created a real life zombie apocalypse. They’ve seen the test mice act a little strange but a mouse doesn’t have the same characteristics as a human and they’ve no idea what they’re getting the world in to. The first strike will happen in exactly two weeks on December 21, 3012.

Three Weeks Later…

Everything that I feared has come true. The strike went smoothly and the soldiers celebrated what they thought had been a victory three days after the launch. The enemy forces retreated when their guys started dropping like flies. News came that the soldiers started attacking their own kind the night after the strike. Everyone thought that they had just given up and didn’t want to have to go back on the field. I knew differently. I had a fallen enemy soldier who had no real identification or family delivered to my lab for testing. I didn’t find anything unusual until I noticed the teeth had become inordinately rigid. I then realized that the parasite had eaten away the inside of the teeth and made it their home. The outside layer of the teeth had become extremely thin and didn’t take much pressure to break. I also found traces of the parasite in the stomach and intestines. I knew how the parasite spreads. It made the infected host so hungry that he or she would eat anything, even another human. When they bit in to their prey the outer layer of the tooth would break releasing the parasite into the victim. Usually the bitten didn’t die and the process would repeat itself again. That’s what happened to the soldiers when they made it back to their mainland. It would help the United States at first, but what happens when they parasite spreads down into our borders. Would this be the end of the world? A lab experiment? A tiny creature no larger than a piece of dust? Of course, the human race has overcome challenges before but I have a bad feeling about this.
It looks like the enemy has been crippled by our new weapon and we’re safe from any attacks, although, the enemy forces aren’t the only thing we have to worry about.

The Next Day…

The parasite is spreading rapidly. While it did protect us from the enemy I fear that the weapon we created to defend ourselves will be what brings us to an end. I see now that we may have to create a new weapon to defeat, or at least suppress, the weapon we’ve created in the first place. I don’t like the way things are turning out but all I can do now is watch and wait.

The next month…

The parasite has infected most of the European area and there has been reports of the parasite in some parts of the United States. Everything that I feared is starting to become real. The parasite has turned the infected into zombies. We hear of people in Europe boarding up windows and closing down shops to defend themselves against the infected. They’re stocking up on guns and ammunition to fight back. The US Government has already made it clear that the infected are not to be treated as a human and that it’s not illegal to shoot and kill them. It won’t be long until the world has been overrun and when that happens the zombie movies will become reality. All we can do is supply ourselves with what we can and hope for the best.

One Week Later…

More and more lives are being taken every day and as of now, there is nothing we can do to stop it. A town known as Redcliff, which isn’t but about 30 miles away, has been attacked by about a hundred infected. That number multiplied rapidly before the town was overrun completely. Redcliff was home to about 60,000 people, almost all have now been infected. I’m in a lab surrounded by water. Lets hope they don’t know how to swim. The last thing I need in my lab would be a bunch of infected people breaking down my doors and swarming me. I don’t have many items that I could use as a weapon here.
I’m going to head out and look for some sort of weapon just in case. I don’t know if I’ll need it but if I don’t do it now I’m not sure I’ll have the chance again.

Three Days Later…

I found an old pipe beside a dumpster. I don’t want to have to use it but if they invade, I’ll have no choice. They’ve made it to the town closest to my lab. Nothing is keeping them back except water. I’m on edge and I haven’t done much research lately. I need to get to work but I can’t keep the idea out of my head of zombies invading my lab and eating me alive. Can you even imagine?

One Week Later…

One has gotten inside my lab. I fought it off and managed to survive. I don’t think I’ll be able to fend off a horde if one manages to make its way to me. The one that invaded my lab wandered onto an old wooden boat and drifted out to my island’s shore and made its way inside. I don’t believe they are capable of swimming but I’m going to fortify my island just in case.
A call came in through the emergency phone from a home somewhere in the city. They’ve asked for my assistance but I’m honestly not sure what I could do to help without going to them. I’d never make it out there alone. If I could just find a firearm I may be able to make it to him. I sure could use some company.

The Next Day...

I’ve decided to help the man from the phone. He called again requesting I come to him and I think I just need to face my fears and go. I know how I would feel if I had to be in his situation. I’ll pack and I’ll set out tonight. The infected aren’t as bad at night, maybe they have trouble seeing?
I have enough supplies to last me a week just in case I’m not able to make it back. I’ll bring my journal to continue my writing. I hope this man is still there and I hope he’s still himself.

The Next Day…

I made it, he’s alive but he’s not doing well. His name is Dave and he’s been on the run since the uprising started. I’ve spared some food and water for him and we plan to set out for my lab in the morning.
We woke to pounding on the doors and windows, we were surrounded. We grabbed our weapons and prepared to fight for our lives. Dave had some guns, a M1911 pistol and a M16 assault rifle. When the zombies broke through we unloaded on them and used all of our ammo in the process. We managed to get rid of all the infected but it was a very close call. We’ll make a stop at the local gun shop on the way to my lab for a restock of supplies.

The Next Day…

We’re in the gun shop, we’ve stocked up on ammo and have grabbed a bite to eat. Now we’re ready to head out. It’s noon and the infected are everywhere. I have a bad feeling about this. Maybe if we work together we can make it back to my lab in one piece. They’re coming I can hear them pounding on the door and looks like it’s time to make a sta…

This is Dave, unfortunately the infected invaded and the doctor was lost. I’ve decided to take over his lab and continue his research. Maybe I can discover a way to suppress the zombies. I’ve decided to not continue his writing because it’s his personal journal. Maybe I’ll get this published so the world may see how the world went from a peaceful, happy place, to an infested nest of zombies.

The author's comments:
I was told to write a unique piece of writing about anything. Later that night I was watching The Walking Dead and decided to write about an zombie apocalypse. This topic has been extremely overused, so to make it a little more unique I implemented some ideas from the Resident Evil games and put my own twist on things.

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