World War | Teen Ink

World War

January 6, 2014
By Anonymous

World War

It was November 25, 2022, and Christmas was just a month away, but the anger had been built up for far too long over the years, the countries could take no more. A missile was shot from Africa and hit Texas which led to a war between the United Nations and Africa, and other countries did not like the way the U.N. was treating Africa and started helping Africa.
The United States later started a draft and will take anyone that was willing to fight.

Two months earlier

It was a nice September morning, not too cool, not too warm at the McDermick home in Cleveland, Ohio. It was a nice Sunday morning around 54 degrees, around 8:30 A.M. when unexpectedly the door bell went off. "Who is at the door at this hour?" Jackie said to Johnny. Johnny got up and went to the door and it was Ted, Ted has short brown hair, blue eyes and is muscular. Ted is Johnny's ex wife's new husband, and lucky for Johnny, Ted was a mobster. "Open the door, I know you're in there Johnny." Johnny opened the door "Look Ted, I told you I don't have anything to do with Kim anymore."
"It's not about Kim this time." Johnny soon paused because he was surprised that a mobster came to his house not looking for trouble. "What do you want then?"
"I just came over here to tell you sorry about everything I did to hurt you, and wanted to let you know I will help you whenever you need it." Ted then turned around and walked out to his car, while Johnny went back to sleep. Later that day Johnny and Jackie were both watching the news, "Africa threatens war against U.S." Africa earlier in September had arrested a troop from the U.S. and sent him to life in prison, while killing all the troops that were in Africa. The United States took no time to make the next move by telling Africa that if they were to continue killing U.S. Troops that their income on food would be cut to three percent a month.
"You don't think we will actually go to war with them do you?" Jackie asked "No, I don't think there were be any reason, but if they keep doing what they are we might have no choice."
The weekend passed by quick and Johnny was back to work at the local shopping mall from 6:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. during the week and had the weekend off.
After two weeks had past the news had posted that the U.N. was planning on cutting Africa food income to three percent a month to be in effect by next week.
That sparked all other countries to start to defend Africa saying, they had done nothing wrong and would be left to starve. The U.N. put their plan into full effect on November 8. There were also warning about a draft if Africa would to attack.
Jackie soon got concerned, "Johnny, would you join the army if there was a war?"
"Jackie, I would not want to spend one moment without you but I would want to fight for my country.
On November 25, 2013 Africa shot of a missile which landed in Texas and the U.N. took no time to take action by sending 10,000 troops into Africa, and the draft in the U.S. had started.
Johnny joined the army and went off to war against Africa.

Present time

"Were going to go in and kill anyone in sight, do you understand!" "Yes Sargent!" They were in a helicopter about 15 miles away from the coast of Africa.
"Ready for war there?" Johnny asked "yea, waiting all my life for this. When the helicopter landed on the coast, it was like a ghost town, nobody was there. Johnny's squad searched the town and there was nobody there, until a sniper shot rang in the distance. "Everybody get to cover!" It seemed to be a warning shot, but nobody want to take the chance.
After two weeks of battle, Africa was low on troops, food, and missile. What was happening to Atrica was unfair to many other countries by cutting their food. Now that the U.N. was fighting a war, why not go against them?
Iran decided to make a deal with Africa by sending them 10,000 troops and food to feed 30,000. Later Israel gave Africa troops. The U.N. were starting to be pushed back, until they had no choice but to bomb Africa. The bombs were going to be dropped at December 30, so the U.N. troops had time to get out.
December 30 came and the bombing were going to be set to blow up Africa at 5:30 P.M. Africa started begging the U.S. to not send missiles toward them, because it would just make the war even worse. When the clock stuck 5:30, everyone was watching their television, if the missiles would be shot of or not.
The smoke came out of the bottom of the missile and it was shot up into the the air, it later hit land there would be a fly over with B52 bombers, to take out anyone that was still moving. December 31 came and Kenya was nothing but rubble now, nothing was left, it was a ghost town. At Least 136,400 people were killed in that attack.

On February 23, 2023 Johnny was sent out to Kenya to kill any African troops hiding out there. “I hope this goes by smoothly.” Johnny was hoping “It’s never easy being at war, something will happen, or maybe for once nobody will be there.”
The attack would be with four planes two tanks, and plenty of ground troops. When they reached Kenya, it still seemed to still be a ghost town, but there was a feeling that everyone going into Kenya knew that this could be a trap.”
The pilot’s reported to be no one in the surrounding area, which gave the go ahead to search every last spot. The tank got 10 feet into the city and a mine went off killing four. “Take cover everybody.” After the mine went off there was snipers in the destroyed building. The bullet’s hit Ten people, seven were killed and three were injured and one was Johnny, he was later picked up by a helicopter and was sent back to the U.S. Johnny later died, he was 28 short black hair and average size man.
The doorbell later went off to Jackie’s home, when she got to the door there were two people from the army at her door, “Jackie we're sorry, but your husband Johnny has recently died after being shot.” Jackie was speechless as she started to cry and she dropped to the ground after the army men walked away.
The war ended in 2026 after a treaty was made between the U.N. and Africa. Over 1 million people were killed during the war, mostly Africans. Jackie later had a kid, it was Johnny’s kid, and Jackie named him Johnny Jr. when Johnny was 20 he went into the army and fought in many other wars for his father.

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