Cambo | Teen Ink


February 28, 2014
By Josh_Scism BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Josh_Scism BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I thought my day couldn't get any worse from when I was almost eaten by a crocodile. But I was wrong. But I am getting ahead of myself let’s start at the beginning.My name is Cameron Rider but my friends call me Cambo my parents were out of town and I was at home alone. They were only supposed to be gone a week but when it was two days after they were supposed to be back and I couldn't get a hold of them I started to worry. I got a call later that day from the CIA saying that my parents had gone MIA (missing in action) on a covert op. My head started spinning and I dropped the phone. When I picked it up the man was still on the line. He told me they wanted to take me to a safe house in rural Georgia. I wanted to know where my parents were and the man said they were looking for them.

The men came in a blacked out SUV with the earpieces and everything. I really didn't want to ride in a car with these guys for four hours but it looked like I would have to anyway. As soon as I got in the car I passed out and didn't wake up until we were almost in Georgia. They told me when we were about fifteen minutes away I had to wear a blindfold the rest of the way. I didn't argue these people were big and they were all packing. When we got to the safe house the CIA guys set up a rotation for protection. I listened in and devised a plan of my own. It only took me a couple of days to fully figure out the rotation. There were two men at the safe house at all times and for about five minutes there were four men. And at that time was when I would need to put my plan into action. I had looked around the car on my long ride and saw where the spare tire was stored and the first step of my plan was to get rid of the spare tire. I waited until all the men were inside the house and I snuck out the window with a screwdriver in my hand. I would have to work fast if I didn't want to get caught. First I opened the trunk by using the screwdriver on the lock (hopefully they didn't notice it). Then I pulled up the floorboard under which the spare tire was stored. I pulled the tire out and rolled it down the hill into the woods and put everything back into place, closed the trunk and ran back to my window. I was crawling back in the window when I heard the door slam.

One of the men knocked on the door to my room and asked if I wanted any breakfast. I came out of my room feeling pretty good about myself. I got even happier when I smelled bacon and pancakes cooking. After I ate I turned on the TV in my room and was watching the Braves and Rangers play when I heard the car pulling up. Now it was time for step two of my plan. As soon as I heard the front door close I got the screwdriver out of the drawer where I had hid it. I grabbed the TV remote and turned up the volume on the TV so they couldn't hear me open the window. I crawled out and ran to the car and used the screwdriver on the lock again. I jumped in the back and closed the trunk as quickly but also as quietly as I could. I pulled up the floorboard again and jumped in and pulled the hatch back down. About forty five seconds later I heard the front door open and the close. Then I felt the car doors do the same and then the car started up and I was on my way. It was a pretty uncomfortable ride back to the city but it was worth it. When the car turned off and and the men closed the doors I waited about thirty seconds before I opened the hatch and looked out the window. I realized I wouldn't be able to get anywhere because I didn't have any money. I didn't like the idea that was forming in my head but I realized it was what I had to do to save my parents.

I was driving down the highway before I realized the laptop in the passenger seat beside me with a video paused on the screen. When I pulled over in about ten miles I restarted the video. It was from an intelligence agent at the CIA saying that they had the estimated location of my parents. That helped me find out what I was going to do next. I found a McDonald's and got on the laptop looking at flight times to Jamaica. My new plan was almost suicide but I knew I had to do it. I rammed through the chain link fence seeing the plane I was hoping to catch a free ride on. It had already started down the runway so it would have to gun it. I got up alongside the plane and put the laptop on the gas pedal so I could keep my speed up. I climbed over into the passenger seat while still holding the steering wheel to keep me steady. I rolled down the window and started to crawl out trying to get on top of the car. I was almost all the way out when the car started to turn away from the plane, if I wanted to get onto the plane I would have to jump now. I went for it thought I had missed it but I grabbed one of the poles leading to the wheel and held on for dear life. I was able to get my other arm around the pole and I wrapped my legs around the pole to. It started to raise up and I thought to myself that i am on my way to save my parents. I got up into the wheel well and got to where when they re-opened I wouldn't fall out.

When the plane landed in Jamaica and I got off I had to find where my parents were being held hostage. I thought back to the video on the laptop and remembered the man had said that they were thought to be in a house along the rocky coast. I got a map trying to find some rocky coast in Jamaica. I found it but it was also on the other side of the island. I saw a car just sitting there and for the second time today I would have to steal a car. When I made it to the other side of the island I found the house very easily mostly because of all the guards out front. I thought either this is Usain Bolt’s house or it is where my parents were being held. I realized I would have to get in by sea but I would have to have a boat for that. Third vehicle I had stolen that day I thought as I was speeding down the Jamaican coast in a zodiac. When I got to the house I tied all the ropes in the boat together and began to climb. I got to where I could tie a knot around a sturdy rock for the escape. I found my entrance which was a big window I would just have to jump through. I was in the air already when I thought about how bad of an idea it was to just run in guns blazin’ especially since I didn't even have a gun. As soon as the window broke alarms started blaring. I took off running down the hall looking for doors with cameras focused on the door. I found it and thought it was of no use for me to try and be quiet anymore. I took a step back and rammed the door with all my might and felt it crack. After two more tries I was in and saw my parents looking at me wide eyed and a new-found respect. I got my Swiss army knife out and picked the lock on their chains. They got up still with a look of shock on their face and we took off back the way I had came in and we were met by a group of six guards. We split them two, two, and two. My parents did some crazy karate, jujitsu stuff while I just stuck to the old fashioned kick to the family jewels. When we had all the taken out one more guy came around the corner doing all kinds of back flips and ninja stuff so I picked up a taser from one of the unconscious guys on the floor and tased him. We had almost gotten back to the window I had came in when we heard the sound of the hammer on a gun click behind us. We turned around and facing us was a big buff man that looked like he could break me like a toothpick. But what he didn't know was that I still had the taser in my hand even though I couldn't shoot it I realized how heavy it was so I whispered to my parents to run out the window on my go. He told us to quit talking so I said okay and hit him in the head with a taser knocking him out cold. We were climbing down the rope when we started to hear gunfire. I yelled jump and we fell almost fifty feet into the ocean. I would like to say it didn't hurt but I would be lying through my teeth if I would've said that. We got into the Zamboni and were going back down the coast when my dad said the first words to me since I had found them which were you're grounded. The funny thing was I was alright with that.

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