The Sum of All Fears | Teen Ink

The Sum of All Fears

March 14, 2014
By Thomas Garrett BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Thomas Garrett BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Sum of All Fears by Tom Clancy
Published 1991

In Tom Clancy’s thriller, The Sum Of All Fears, world peace is at risk due to Palestinian terrorists discovering a lost nuclear warhead. They plan to detonate it in order to cause a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Nearing the end of Yom Kippur War, a nuclear device was released, but never detonated. Eighteen years in the future, Palestinian terrorists discover the lost WMD on a farmer’s land.Gathering help, they convert the weapon to become even more dangerous than previously imagined. These Palestinians are in the midst of a rivalry at the time, and wish to completely destroy the Israelis. Working together with a German scientist who wishes to return his country to its former state, they construct a thermonuclear warhead. When the weapon is detonated at the Super Bowl in Denver, Colorado, not everything goes as planned. The weapon had design errors, and failed to kill everyone at the game. Unfortunately, thousands still died. In reaction, the President devises a nuclear strike in retaliation. If not for Jack Ryan, the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, who was able to contact the Soviets and prevent a full on nuclear war, the two countries would be on the verge of total annihilation. The terrorists were furthermore captured, and punished with death.
This book was very interesting, despite the fact that I have not read any of the previous books in the series. It was slightly difficult to keep up with at times, but it was worth it. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves suspense and thrillers.
My favorite character in the book was probably Arnold van Damm because of his personality. The way he acts almost reminds me of myself. It was nice to feel a slight connection.

The author's comments:
I chose this piece because it seemed to be an intense book that would be fast- paced enough for me.

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