How We Earned A Million Yen In One Night | Teen Ink

How We Earned A Million Yen In One Night

April 20, 2014
By @RGBHolic BRONZE, Singapore, Other
@RGBHolic BRONZE, Singapore, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How We Earned a Million Yen in a Night
(Warning: We deny any responsibility if you are trying out!)

¥10000 was all that was left for us to survive.
Yusei-san stared at the 10000 yen bill and muttered.
“You eat too much Roku. Food isn’t that cheap!”
“So you’re saying that it’s MY fault?? I can’t move without energy! Without food, I’m just an useless piece of metal!”
I exclaimed.,
“We just don’t have any jobs. That’s why!”
My voice echoed in the small, cold room. The two of us fell silent again. Talking wastes energy, especially for an android like me.
I’m Roku, a teenage android. I mean, my mental age is set up as an 18-year old teenager.
And this scary guy who shouted at me just now is Yusei-san, indispuatbly the strongest human being I have ever seen. Since I don’t have a home, I live at his house. About an year ago, Yusei-san found me leaning against the front door of this apartment room, barely awake. He took me inside his house and gave me some warm tea, and took care of me. I talked about who I am, honestly. Yusei-san believed in me, and has let me stay at his home since then. Since I can’t pay any money, I am working together with him to pay back.

Suddenly, Yusei-san’s cell phone rang. Yusei-san picked it up and started speaking.
“Hello, Ito-san. … Yes, we are running out of money. …What? Really? …Ok. …Sure. Thank you so much! …See you later”
Yusei-san put his cell phone on the table and smiled at me.
“Looks like we got a new job, just in time. Now, let’s go to the agency!”

The Ito Agency is an agency that accepts requests and then gives the job to the agents. The type of request can vary from finding a lost pet to robbing a 2 million yen piece of jewelry. We accept any requests, whether they are good or bad. Well, no one can decide the positives and negatives of things of stuff nowadays that the law is useless.
Our boss, Ito-san, was waiting for us, with his crossed legs rested resting on the desk. He thinks that it makes him look cool.
Ito-san showed us a picture of a man with scars on his face.
“Ooh… looks so scary… But who is he?” I asked.
“He’s called Diablo, and he’s the boss of an Italian mafia clan with about 1500 members. Diablo’s been involved in every sorts every sort of crime; murder, bank robbery and drug dealings.”
A Mafiosi?
“So… your job is to go to this party which is going to be held at the imperial hotel, and kill this guy. No big deal, huh?”
Ito-san smiled. Yusei-san knitted his brows and looked Ito-san straight in the eye.
“Man, you look just as scary as Diablo.”
“How much do we get?”
Yusei-san ignored Ito-san’s joke and said with a serious tone.,
“Well, this job was requested from the FBI to me secretly, so the reward should be about $10,000.”
“$10,000? That’s…”
I started calculating using the computer in my head.
“…About ¥1032951.14!?”
“That’s right, Roku.”
Ito-san smiled again and turned to Yusei-san again.
“So, take it or leave it?”
Yusei-san looked at me.
“I’ll take it.” I nodded with confidence.

An hour later,we were running to the Tokyo Imperial Hotel under the orange sky, being stabbed by brisk winds. The street was crowded as usual, with couples, friends and families strolling happily. In contrast, Yusei-san and I were running hastily, bumping into people a million times. It was like the time of the world has stopped.
Just as we were crossing a pedestrian bridge, a man stepped in front of us. His long black coat reached to his ankles.
This guy, Hiromi-san is from the secret police, which the government of Tokyo relies on for all those “dirty” top-secret jobs, like killing and capturing threats.
Hiromi-san smiled and came skipping towards Yusei-san, spreading his arms.
“What a surprise! I missed you soooo much, Yusei!”
But Yu-sei san dodged him.
“Sorry, Hiromi. We’re in a hurry today.”
Hiromi-san laughed.
“Wow, you’re so coldhearted, Yusei…But that’s why I like you!”
Hiromi-san grabbed me from behind, took out a surgeon knife and thrust it on my neck.
“Did you guys really think I’ll let you pass? Your “father” has ordered me to capture you, Artemis.”
I rarely get angry, but this time, I guess, was an exception. I hate people when they call me by that name. It’s from a Greek goddess of moon. A GODDESS.
“Don’t call me that! My name’s Roku. And that person is not my father! Never!” I cried.
“Well, he made you. That means he’s your father right?”
Hiromi-san smiled.
My “father” is a highly intelligent professor hired by the government. He made androids – weapons like me to make an invincible army for the country. But for some reason, I got a virus that installs emotions into me, and I have escaped from the army. The professor wants me back and get my emotions – mainly stuff like love, kindness and empathy that humans have - uninstalled from me, because he doesn’t want the civilians to know that such an army of androids exist. He is afraid that I may reveal everything to the public. I’ll never do so, though. I don’t want to put innocent people in danger.
“Anyways… today, I’ll capture you for real, you junk!”
Hiromi-san said, and took out his handcuffs.
“Oh Yeah?”
I smirked at him, grabbed the other end of the handcuffs, and released electricity from my hand. The electricity went through the handcuffs and then flowed into Hiromi-san’s body.
Hiromi-san screamed and fell to the ground with a thud.
“Are you ok? And Hiromi…” Yusei-san glanced at Hiromi-san with a worried look.
“I’m absolutely fine! Uh… He should be ok, the electricity wasn’t that strong…”
Hiromi-san raised his head a bit and glared at me.
“You… You brat…!” He said in a husky, but irritated voice.
I grinned and waved my hands to at him in response.
“Sorry, Hiromi-san. But we are too busy to play tag right now. Bye-bye!”

The sun had set completely, and the city of Tokyo was gleaming like a jewel box. We had been running for two and a half hours straight. Yusei-san was running at a constant pace for the whole time (Unbelievable, but it’s true) I was slowing down every minute.. My feet were stumbling, and I was trying to catch my breath. I looked back many times to check whether someone was stalking us.
Finally, I stopped in the middle of the street, and slumped. Yusei-san rushed to me.
“What’s wrong? We’re almost there!”
“I…I think I’m running out of battery…”
I responded. Yusei-san looked around us.
“There’s no convenience store, no grocery store, no McDonalds… What should I do?”
“You can just leave me here. I don’t want to get in your way” I said.
I can wait for an hour or two, pretending like I’m sleeping here. Yusei-san will be fine; he is strong enough to go to the party and accomplish this mission without me. But Yusei-san grabbed my shoulder and peered into my eyes with a serious look on his face.
“Listen, Roku. I won’t leave you here alone. It’s too dangerous.”
My eyes were trembling with fear. Yusei-san grabbed my shoulders more tightly.
“I’ll find something for you to eat. Trust me. You don’t go anywhere, okay?”
I nodded silently. Yusei-san ran off.
It was March, but the cold wind was still blowing through the city of Tokyo, stirring up the dead leaves and dust on the streets. I felt my mind fading away into the darkness. I was scared. Maybe my “father” sent me another guy to chase after me. If that is the case, there is no possibility I would be safe. I felt so lonely, as if this bench I am sitting on and I was cut off from the rest of the world. Pedestrians passing by seemed, or perhaps pretended, not to notice me sitting silently on the bench. Now that I know how an invisible man would feel, I promised that I will never dream again to be one.
Just about when I was losing my consciousness and sinking into the abyss ,I felt something shoved in my mouth. The savory smell and taste of tenderly braised pork and fragrant mushroom filled me.
“Sorry to keep you waiting here. I bought you a pork bun”
Yusei-san’s gentle voice eliminated my anxiety and pulled me back to this world once again. This ordinary pork bun was like an elixir to me, bringing me back to life again.
“Thank you so much, Yusei-san.”
I smiled at my hero.
He smiled back to at me.

We arrived at the hotel just on time, and rode the elevator to the 50th floor, where the party is was being held.
When we arrived at our destination, Yusei-san and I were greeted by tough-looking men pointing their guns at us.
“I guess Diablo knew some uninvited guests were coming.” Yusei-san said.
I looked at him hopelessly.
“What should we do?”
“Well… We have to say “hi” to them, don’t we?”
Yusei-san smiled at the men and cracked his fingers.
The men were stunned for a while, but then one of them tried to fire at Yusei-san. But before they could fire at him, Yusei-san punched him hard on the face. The man collapsed, and his friends pointed their guns at Yusei-san.
Yusei-san glared at them ferociously like a starving tiger that found its prey. Then, he charged into the army and knocked the men out one by one, by throwing them over his shoulder, by kicking them in the stomach, and by hitting an uppercut in their chin.
I was looking at Yusei-san with amazement.
“Roku, watch out! Behind you!” Suddenly Yusei-san shouted at me.
I turned back and saw another army of armed men charging towards me.
“That brat would be easy to get rid of.” I heard one man saying.
Oh Yeah?
I took out my two guns, and shot the men in the feet. The men fell on the floor like dominoes.
“Ha! In your face!” I said.
We thought we had got rid of every one of them, until we saw more men running towards us from the two ends of the corridors.
“Roku, you deal with the ones from the right corridor. I’ll play around with these guys from the left corridor!” Yusei-san shouted at me.
I nodded and prepared for the attack.
Armed men rushed to me like starving beasts with congested eyes glaring at me. I took a deep breath, looked straight ahead and pulled the triggers of my guns., over and over again.
The noise of shooting and shouting filled the air for a few minutes, and the whole floor fell silent again and was filled with the smell of gunpowder and blood.
Piles of bodies lied on the floor, making the red carpet even more red with the flowing blood. Both Yusei-san and I was were panting after such an intense fight with an army of mafias. Since I am an android, I didn’t have any wounds, but Yusei-san’s business suit was torn everywhere, and he had scrapes on his face.
We high-fived each other and walked to the banquet room. The big wooden door, decorated by gold, leading to the banquet room was at the end of the corridor.

“Are you ready?”
Yusei-san whispered to me at the door.
“Of course, we need money, right?” I said in a serious tone.
Yusei-san chuckled.
“All right, prepare yourself.”
He turned the doorknob.

The author's comments:
I wrote this story in my English class's creative writing unit. In this assignment, we had a theme which is "A teenager going to a party". Initially I wrote a rather ordinary story about an ordinary teenage boy going to a party at his friend's house. Initially this story went well, but soon I have realized that it is difficult to include thrilling incidents in this story, and that I didn’t know how I could end it. I was completely lost.

When I have realized that I couldn’t write anymore, I finally decided to stick this story in the trashcan and start writing another, better piece.
So this is how I my final piece was born.

What I really like about this story is the uniqueness of its setting, and its characters. I really enjoyed describing each scene using the five senses and writing dialogues that fits the personalities of the characters.
I hope you like it too.

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