Decide your Fate | Teen Ink

Decide your Fate

April 19, 2014
By Anonymous

Tris’s Horoscope
March 21: You will be betrayed right after you had gotten rid of the last leader and find that you are faced with a difficult decision.
March 23: You will escape with people close to you, but be on guard because danger is lurking around every corner.
March 25: You have finally made it to the place you have been dying to reach but be prepared to learn some startling news.
March 27: You are learning new information and each day you become more and more apprehensive about the world around you. Be prepared to fight back.
March 29: You have just been betrayed by someone very important to you and you no longer know who you can trust. Don’t worry. Things will get better.
March 31: You have learned more about the place you had thought was the most secure and things are going to change fast. Be ready.

Tobias’s Horoscope
June 1: You have organized a plan to put an end to all of the madness, but it is very difficult. Be brave.
June 3: You have to face someone for something terrible you have done. All of the plans are coming into place.
June 5: Someone that cares ab out you has reassured you about something you weren’t sure about for a long time. Cherish your times together.
June 7: You have made it back to the place that you tried to leave so many times and your have to face many big decisions.
June 9: You have finally told your secret to the ones that it hurts the most and you have made your decision.
June 11: You have lost someone that your care so much about and you don’t know how you will move on. Keep going and remember what she would have wanted and to continue with a brave heart.

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