The Gamer | Teen Ink

The Gamer

May 11, 2014
By Anonymous

"Hey guy's you ready", I said. I heard through my headset. "Yea", and it’s on, me and my friends are in the zone killing the enemy and trying to win the game. But the guns aren't real, they are part of the video game me and my friends play. Guns in galore three, the hottest multiplayer game online. I for one am number 797 in the world out of millions. My name is Travis and I am going to compete at the guns and galore three world championships! With this invitation, I have come upon a conclusion I have to practice for the semifinals coming up next week. This means I must stay awake very late at night, and train to get into the finals. What happens is the top 10,000 people get in the competition. You play games called matches and try to be the best. The bottom 9 on the scoreboard are kicked out leaving the top 9 passing through this will eliminate half the players very quickly they do this until there are only 1,000 top ranked people to move on to semi-finals. So I must be on my A-game and try to win I am already under rank 1000 but that doesn’t change anything. I still have to try and win. Now, that you know what I like to do why don’t you get to know me, I live in Florida and also like to surf and shoot hoops with my friends, although video games are pretty much my life. I go to Oakland high school, and live in the Oakland gated community. I live an average teenage life but just am exceptionally well at playing video games. The semi finals are tomorrow and I’m going to get some rest to prepare to win. I woke up early to get ready for semi finals. It’s pretty much just getting up and turning on your gaming system and connecting to the network, all I have to do is win 5 matches and I’m through. That’s exactly what I do and I'm ready for the world championships being held in Hong Kong, Japan. So to prepare for the long hard competition I work hard all week to get in all my schoolwork and to practice extra hard on my killing techniques and my gaming skills to be top notch as I enter the World championships. I worked hard all week so I go to shoot hoops with my friends to see them before I leave and to get away from the video games for a couple hours. I finish with my friends and pack up for the championships, tomorrow I get on the plane to Hong Kong, where the next day the championships start.

I wake up early and board my plane arriving at Hong Kong as expected. As I get there I get into my hotel and get ready start the big day tomorrow, pack my video game, mic, and controller. I was tired from the long flight so I decided to get some rest and sleep into tomorrow so I'm bright and awake for the competition. I wake up and head to the convention where the championships are being held. I want to win so bad because first prize gets dibs on guns and galore four as well as 50,000 dollars, it’s a big deal. As I go to sit down and get ready an announcer comes on and says, tournament starting in ten minutes prepare and get to your stations. My station is like all the others but its cool how my name is on it with my game name as well travis93. I connect to the network and get ready to play. The competition won’t last long because so many people are knocked out the first round it is cut down to 500 after the first round is over. The first round goes by and I win that, so is the second and the third. Its cut down to me and 100 others in the final matches only 2 more matches for me and I'm in to the final game where everything is at stake. I start off the next match really good killing multiple enemies and come out on top catching everyone off guard and moving up in rank to number 255. The next match is the next to last, so if I win I'm in to the final game. If you get into the final game you automatically win 1,000 dollars as well as world recognition and your picture in gamer magazine as well as a pre-ordered copy of guns and galore 4 so it will be cool if I can get in. this match starts off bad I'm doing terrible and need to step my game up or else I'm going to lose it, I take a couple deep breaths and get back in the game. I turn corners, dodge bullets, and maneuver myself around enemies pulling myself into the final game at the last second, yes! Am I happy. The final game starts up and I won 1,000 dollars and the other cool prizes but I really want the front cover of the gamer magazine and 50,000 dollars. I get in the game and come in to win. I start off good with a few kills and getting ranked up, I'm number two on the scoreboard which isn’t good enough for me and I'm not able to get ahead of number one because he’s so much better than me. His name is Tommy and he won last year. He is very well at playing the game and makes it seem so easy, I never thought I’d make it this far but I'm not getting ahead of him and there’s only a minute in the game. The timer starts ticking down and I try my best to get ahead but it doesn’t happen and the final bell rings, giving Tommy the number one world spot. I am stuck with number two, I’m still surprised I made it this far but I know I'm coming back next year for sure. Even though I lost, guns and galore 4 world championships here I come!

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