Danny and Maddie | Teen Ink

Danny and Maddie

October 3, 2014
By Patrick Howard BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Patrick Howard BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was a man named Danny, he had just got divorced and was sad all the time.  Danny was walking down 5th Avenue and saw a building that said Homeless Children with no education on the sign.  So he walked in was saw children just looking at him with sadness in their face, Danny ask the Manager if he could adopt a child,  Danny chose a girl named Maddie.

Maddie was eight years old with no life.  Danny took Maddie home and Danny said i will enroll you in school on Monday.  Maddie said thanks i really want to be in school with other people and become who i want to be  when i grow up, Danny said well Maddie you will have to learn and do your best. 

Maddie was a little shy because she didn't know Danny that well.  Danny took her shopping and bought her stuff that  she needs for school. Maddie has never been happier in her life, shes glad a man pick her to live with.

Twelve years later Maddie finish high school with A’s and B’s.  She got accepted to Appalachian State.  She wave goodbye to her Stepfather Danny who was crying as he watched he leave.  Danny wanted Maddie to become what she wanted to be Daddy’s little girl had grown up.

Maddie got married in November to a man named Oscar Williams.  They had 2 kids boy and girl. Maddie and her family grew up to see their babies grow and finish school.  Maddie was 66 when she died.  Four years later there went Oscar.  Mark and Julie was their kids. They grew up and lived Happily Ever After.

The End

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