The End | Teen Ink

The End

October 6, 2014
By ChocolateMilk69 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
ChocolateMilk69 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The End
  It was just a normal day at school I thought, hanging with my friends Brandon and Christian, eating lunch. That’s when I happened, as I was about to take another bite of mashed potatoes listening to Brandon talk about how the xbox one is so much better than the ps4, a man stumbled in, he was covered in blood, with decaying skin, and half of his jaw was missing. Everyone was looking at him but I guess they took It as a joke because it was so close to Halloween, even the teachers did, until the man lunged on an old black haired teacher and started just taking handfuls of her flesh an began eating it. At this everyone screamed and the cop that was always at the school shouted FREEZE!! All the man did was stand up, turn around, and move slowly over to the woman. She began backing up and shouting “I will shoot!!” over and over, then the unthinkable happened, at least 20 or more of the creatures ran into the building, through the windows, the doors, and at this, chaos started, all I remember Is following Christians ginger afro, past the creatures, out the doors, sprinting into the gym and locking the door. Luckily Brandon had followed me and Christian. 
“What just happened!!” Christian yelled, neither I nor Brandon replied we were both too shocked to do anything. After about 20 or so minutes of waiting in the gym listening to the horrible sounds of death, we heard the sound of jeeps and gunfire. “It’s the military” Brandon yelled ,”they’re here to save us!!” as we all jumped up and started to sprint to the door, excited to see what was happening. But when we unlocked the door we didn’t see military jeeps, we saw what looked like three makeshift apocalypse surviving machines. They were jeeps fitted spiked bumpers, armor, turrents, and to finish it all off, a nice paint coat of blood. Before we could finish admiring their rides someone jumped out of the closest one, the guy looked like he was built for war, he was really tall, with broad shoulders, and arms that were ten times the size of mine, he also was bald, and had a scar that ran from his temple to his chin, “get in the jeep if you would like to live gentlemen” the man yelled as he blew off one of the creatures head with his sawed-off. We didn’t hesitate, we all sprinted to the jeep and piled up into the back where thers was a man standing up manning the turrent and another in the passenger seat. Then the man that told us to get in got in and slammed the door then yelled into a walkie talkie that he had, for everyone to head back to HQ. That’s when he turned around and injected me with something, then everything went back. When I awoke I was in a room and I was shackled to a chair with a table in front of me and an identical chair on the other side, there was also a single giant mirror on the wall, which was probably a 1-way window, I thought this because this whole place looked like an interrogation room. A few minutes later the man with the scar walked in and sat in the seat opposite to me, “hello Connor” he said “how do you know my name?” I asked “we have pretty advanced technology here Connor, we can find out everything there is to know about someone by analyzing their blood, and your blood is very valuable Connor, it’s the whole reason you’re here.” “What’s so special about my blood” I asked, confused. “Well It seems as though you are immune to this virus” he explained “a convoy is on its way to take you to a lab where they will extract your blood and make a vaccine.” Then the man simply got up and walked out of the room. A man replaced him, he held a pair of handcuffs he walked over to me and undid the shackle and replaced it with the handcuffs. Then we walked out of the room, outside of the room was just one long boring white tiled hallway, it took about 2 minutes to walk through the hallway and eventually we came to a door that led outside, when the man opened the door all I heard was the sound of a helicopter and muffled yells as I was rushed to the chopper and basically thrown down and restrained to a seat. Three other people got in the chopper, two ordinary soldiers sat on both side of me, and the man with the scar sat opposite of me. When we were in the air it was less noisy so I could hear the soldiers conversation. “so this kids gonna cure this whole thing?” the man to the right of me said to the man with the scar, “we hope so” he replied. About 10mins later I heard a loud thump and the helicopter swayed. “it isn’t possible!” the man with the scar yelled “they’re getting smarter” “you’re gonna have to get that thing off” the pilot yelled. Then the man with the scar got up and shot the creature three times “I got it” he yelled to the pilot. Just as four more creatures jumped in an began shredding the men apart with their teeth. Since their was no one controlling the helicopter the chopper began spiraling downward, and at this all of the creatures jumped out, the last thing I saw was one of the creatures turn around and smile. Then everything went black, when I awoke I was lying on the ground, I tried to stand but when I did there was a sharp pain in my knee, and I fell, so I just crawled over to a nearby tree. All I could see was a huge chunk of metal that used to be a helicopter. I sat there for about 30 minutes before I felt a warm liquid all over my leg. I then looked down and saw a huge piece of shrapnel, it didn’t take long for me to realize that I was going to die. I didn’t start crying, I simply sat there, and in my final moments I though about how the blood that was leaking out of me could save the world, but I knew it never would. I also thought about my friends and wondered if they were alive. But it wouldn’t matter because the human race was going to end….

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This article has 3 comments.

on Oct. 9 2014 at 9:50 pm
blue-moon SILVER, Palm Desert, California
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If Life is art, Then what is Death?"

Good storyline. But I would suggest proofreading before posting. The grammer is off and there are some minor spelling errors. 

lel4321 BRONZE said...
on Oct. 8 2014 at 4:37 pm
lel4321 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
I was there......

on Oct. 8 2014 at 11:37 am
gingerlion35 BRONZE, Jonesboro, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
That's my homie.