Albeni and I | Teen Ink

Albeni and I

November 2, 2014
By Mallowbunny BRONZE, Seattle, Other
Mallowbunny BRONZE, Seattle, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Don't even worry about it"

          I hear the trumpet booming loudly through my small village that lies at the edge of Somalia Africa. The trumpet continues to blare in my ear as I pull myself up off the couch and push the screen door open i can see my sister Abeni making her way down to the water as we do on the last day of every month. I join her as we steadily work our way the the tall grass just outside of our village the water is only a good mile from the village.
I hate the last day of the month for its the day of the spirits and if we do not reach the water before dawn the man eating monsters will get to us and we will perish a terrible death. I try not to think of the old man last month who had gone deaf two nights before and did not hear the trumpets he lay sleeping while the vicious demon monsters found him.
I can see the sun rising Abeni and I pick up the pace my heart begins to pound as i see the sun lifting faster than ever before. Almost in synchronization Abeni and I start to run we can hear the sounds of the monsters coming out of the forest behind the village I see the beach not far ahead I pump my legs fast as I can I feel my body flying like a Pronghorn Antelope that my father feeds every Monday. The beach is nearly 7 yards away I can see my sister ahead of me her foot touches the soft sand I feel I suddenly relief that she has made it but the question now is will I. 5 yards away. 4. 3. 2. 1. My foot is an inch from the sand when i feel something pull my back my body shuts down as it feels the cold rough feeling of the monster’s hand and I know now the answer to the question will I make it
The End

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on Nov. 6 2014 at 12:29 am
Mallowbunny BRONZE, Seattle, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Don't even worry about it"

:) I am proud of this piece :)