Beginning of an Epic | Teen Ink

Beginning of an Epic

October 30, 2014
By Breadstick SILVER, El Dorado, Kansas
Breadstick SILVER, El Dorado, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't tell me the sky is the limit when I know there have been people on the moon

The battles were legends. They had been fighting since the beginning of their existence. They were rivals, enemies, and close friends. QC and Geen had a complex relationship: a cross between competitiveness and Cold War interaction. Play the role of a hero or a villain an angel or a demon without caring what others thought. QC was a paladin, a warden of nature, and a sorcerer all in one. Magic and battle fury merge with swords, beast, and blessed light. QC was the front-line hero but Geen on the other hand was more indirect. Having the powers over life and death, capable of manipulating time and space. Creating fantastic best, phasing and causing decay were his powers for combat. In the end it always ended as a tie between them. Never did Geen or QC achieve victory over their rival. In every battle, every war there were casualties on both sides. The wars would end but only outside interference led the wars to end but the interference never affected that battle between Geen and QC. From an outsider’s perspective the word god may have popped into mind during the fights between them: impossible was the only thing impossible around them. Hope and despair always followed the battles around them. Stories of their battles filled many legends, but the battle without witnesses where QC and Geen both go all out are the true displays of two people who have been fighting for over a millennia.

Zap! A blue bolt of blistering bluegrass explodes on the wall of earth QC had erected. The explosion shoots grass glowing grass seeds all over the wall. The seeds quickly sprout and build large root systems squeezing the rock wall. As the rock begins to shatter QC freezes the movement of the shards of earth and directs the shards toward Geen, standing across a large canyon from QC. Geen shape shifts into a translucent panther darting around the shards of earth flying towards him. Geen lets out a deep roar summoning a horde of stampeding eight-legged cattle charging into the meadow. Qc raises one hand toward the sun making it darken then stomps on the earth. An abyss opens up in front of the stampeding cattle with surprised moos escaping from the crevasse. Something else crawls out from the pit as well: four armed demons colored the same as an angel’s shadow, a legion of demons charge out happy to be released upon the world adn seach for something to eat: they find cattle and a lone human on the other side of the meadow. Geen, back in human form, picks a dandelion out of the ground seeming unaware of the monsters coming after his blood. Looking at the demons he blows the dandelion. More than a thousand times as many sees fly as should have and descend unto the demons. Confused the demons stop. The seeds sprout into little sprites around three inches tall. The sprites sport fearsome fangs and are happy to consume the nearest source of meet: the demons. Attacking them in an Old Testament kind of way the demons are deduced to less than dust in a few short seconds. As the first target is eliminated the sprites look for another and see QC across the way. However, before they could fly at him an inferno of silver fire generated by QC engulfs them causing the fertile meadow to become dry ash. Taking back the initiative QC summons 64 pillars made of a dark material not found in the natural world. Once the eight by eight grid is made half of the pillars fall due to cracks in their structure; a result of so many battles. In front of each remaining pillar is a devil: some are animalistic humans like Sobek and Lamia others are oddities with limbs and bodies unexplainable to humans but the worst are the knights wearing darkness. Standing a block away Geen also has summoned some battle scared serpents. Qc starts with 64 pillars and similar Geen summons 5 beast with number of head correlating to their number: two, three, and four are skeletons decomposed to the point of being unidentified but number one and number five remain ready to continue; number one is a giant dark grey snake reminiscent of Ouroboros and number five is a hydra with each head spitting a different danger: one breathes fire, another exhales poison, a different head spits acid, one other head generates arks of lighting, and the last head absorbs heat.


“Are you done with warn-up yet?” QC taunts Geen.

“Yes, lets move onto the main event,” Geen agrees. They both grin as they battle begins in true. 

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