Never Give Up | Teen Ink

Never Give Up

November 13, 2014
By Anonymous

“Hahaha” the kids where laughing very funny at Mikey. Mikey was a 13 year old that was always made fun of because he was not good enough at soccer for the other kids. “Forget about you guys you can say whatever want because I’m not a bully like you little rats” Mikey said. After school his mom asked him “Did you have fun at school honey” Mikey responded “NO!!!!! I’m giving up on everything, I hate school, and they always make fun of me. “Mikey shattered in tears. His mom responded “Let’s go home eat dinner and you will forget about it tomorrow. Mikey got so sad he started to eat a lot and the kids made fun of him even more. One day his mom asked him “so you’re just going to give up on your dream like that?” Mikey responded “Well” his mom Responded back “you can’t just turn your back on your dream; you know what I’m going to get you your own personal soccer trainer”. “Yes, yes, yes I love you mom”. Two month later he was fit and an awesome soccer player. Happily they played soccer outside and he was better than all the other kids they said “I’m sorry that I made fun of you, now Can you help me how to get better!!!” No he said get your own personal trainer you little skunk.

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