potato? | Teen Ink


November 13, 2014
By JuliaAguayo BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
JuliaAguayo BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It appears that everyone expects you to know what you want to do with your entire life the moment you graduate high school. It makes you wonder if anyone even considers your existence. How are you supposed to decide what you want to do for the rest of your life when just the past week you had to raise your hand for permission to use the restroom? Alice like everyone else felt the pressure the morning after she had received her diploma. Her parents weren’t making the matter any easier. They were offering financial support and just support for whatever major she decided to choose ,but they weren’t any guidance. They just expected her to know what she wanted. Alice didn't know what what she wanted, Alice just wanted to be happy.
    With that in mind she figured that being a lawyer would make her happy. Everyone in her family had been a lawyer and everyone had attended Harvard . They all seemed happy being rich lawyers so she figured she’d be happy too. Thats how she ended up studying law at Harvard. Her three weeks at harvard had taught her a few things. One of them being she hated learning about the law. She thought everything about it was stupid. It was boring and complicated and long. Eventually she stopped going to class. She didnt like it. She didn't like the people or the professor . She hadn't made any friends and she hated sharing a dorm with some annoying girl. She just didn't like people and people didn't like her. So she decided to drop out.
    She packed up her belongings and left. She decided it was best to not inform anyone of her rash decisions. For a while she wandered around from town to town; Having small jobs here and there to pay for her housing and basic needs. She continued to be a nomad for a few months just wandering around till one day she stumbled upon a cow.
    She looked at the cow and wondered how it managed to get there in the middle of no where. “Do you know what the meaning of life is?”, she asked the strange cow.
The cow then continued to stare deep into her soul for a few seconds then it turned around and walked away. It walked and walked and she followed the cow every step of the way until it stopped in front of a cornfield. The cow then decided to speed off deep into the field. “Wait! Come back!” she yelled after the cow, but it didnt listen it just sped off. She slowly walked through the cornfield mindlessly for a couple of minutes till she stood in front of a house.
    She knocked on the door and a very tall built man opened the door. “What do you want?” he asked. “I was wondering if you guys have seen a cow? It has black spots and it’s white with really big brown eyes? It knows the meaning of life.“ You just described every cow in on the planet  ma’m.”.   “Who’s at the door dear?” a very excited voice called. A petite man in bright pink overalls popped up next to the scary man . “Hi can we help you?”, the flamboyant man asked. “Well actually I was wondering if you knew where a cow with really big brown eyes and black spots was at? This cow knows the meaning of my life.” Alice asked patiently. “Well sweetie thats what every cow on the planet looks like, but if you’d like you can come inside and we’ll help you figure out the meaning of life.” They walked into the house and she realized that it was kind of frilly and feminine. She wondered where all the females were at. She looked into the living room and looked around. Everything was pink and frilly except for one big comfy looking chair. That chair was about as manly as manly gets.  They sat down and talked for hours over tea and cheeseburgers.
    About an hour into the conversation she asked what they were doing on the farm .”We grow the finest potatoes around! We work hard for the first few months so we can feast on potatoes all year long . We make potato bread ,french fries , potato everything! “ they excitedly informed her. “She was shocked, that sounded kind of very well she didn’t know how to feel about it. They offered her a room for the night and a nice potato based meal .While laying in bed she got to thinking about potatoes and how delicious they were . She now understood how them Irish survived off of potatoes for so long they’re amazing! She wouldn’t mind eating something with potatoes everyday for the rest of her life. She slowly dozed off into a deep sleep . She kept tossing and turning thinking about potatoes. She even started to dream about dancing potatoes! The next morning she got up and went straight for the shower. She smelled atrocious after her long trip. “A potato flew around my room before you cameeee…” she abruptly stopped singing and realized she had said potato. That wasn’t the right word. She got out of the shower and met up the nice men in the kitchen where they had prepared a nice potato based breakfast. After breakfast she went out for a walk around the farm. While on her adventure she ran into the cow with the big brown eyes.
“Cow!” She screamed as she ran up to hug it. She was so excited that she walked around with the cow for hours talking about her dilemma. The cow nodded and looked at her as if it understood.  The cow stopped walking abruptly and turned to look at a couple of potatoes on the floor . She then suddenly understood her calling in life; It was to be a potato farmer. The cow helped her find her way back to the farm and helped her figure out what she was going to say to the nice men about her staying and teaching her the ways of the potato. It took her to the front steps and laid down . “Stay there ,“ she told the cow.
    She ran in and told the farmers about her discovery and how the cow had helped her . They were both thrilled to teach her the ways of the potato, but the flamboyant man stopped and said “wait dear we still don’t have a cow.” “Yes you do its right outside napping” She then ran outside with them at her heels. She looked around and there wasn’t a cow in sight.
    With that she accepted the fact that she was meant to be the best potato farmer in the world.

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