Lola By Gavin Schell | Teen Ink

Lola By Gavin Schell

November 14, 2014
By Anonymous

4/26/109  6:30 a.m
On Lolas’ home planet she was talking to her superiors about taking over Earth, but her superiors said “no”, but since they said no Lola was very mad at them but went any way to Earth to take it over. Then had a flashback

4/26/109  10:30 a.m
Lola came to Earth to invade the planet. When Lola landed she saw Jessica Simpson and ate her, so Lola started living Jessica Simpsons life. I heard on the news that Jessica Simpsons music sounded horrible now.

The next place Lola was going was to Supercon because she always wanted to see it. This little boy named Spider Baby went up to Lola and started yelling at her about his parents and her fighting to the death. So Lola asked the little boy where he heard that from and he said “ I heard it from my aunt Amethyst.” Then Lola said “ I think your aunt is very wrong with what she told you.” So then Spider Baby showed Lola a picture of Lola killing his parents that he got from his aunt. Lola tried to eat the picture so that her superiors couldn’t see the picture. Then Lola started trying to get the picture but Spider Baby was to fast for her. Lola stopped and opened wide and Spider Baby ran right into Lolas’ mouth.

After Lola ate spider baby she started having a chain reaction from eating Spider Baby and jessica simpson, then she became Spider Simpson.

On the way out of Supercon Lola bumped into the  worlds most famous lady, also known as the worlds Fattest Lady. Lola said “get out of the way fatty” and the Fat Lady said “I am going to sit on you” the Fat Lady said she would sit on Lola and she did. lola was being sat on by the Fat Lady. So Lola said “ this is disgusting.” So Lola ate the Fat Lady for sitting on her.

4/27/109  noon
Lola went into hiding and was watching surveillance cameras at the White House, and saw some guy that is the Presidents secret service bodyguard. Grant (lola’s husband from geroxon) came to check on her and seen a picture of Lola and - Brent. Grant was okay with it because on Geroxon it’s okay to have a boyfriend and a husband.

4/27/109  5:30 p.m
Lola was heading to the White House in Washington D.C. so she could eat  me and take over the world. When Lola got there and saw Brent, but she was wondering why he was there. When Lola got up there she said to Brent “ WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE” and Brent said “I am working for the president, I am his bodyguard”. When the other bodyguard wasn’t looking Lola ate Brent and went into the White House. Lola was looking for my office  and found it. I was wondering why my bodyguard walked in my office. Then Lola transformed back into herself and came behind my desk and ate me. Then Lola took the form of me the president.

Then Lola launched the nuclear missile codes into my computer to control them. So Lola could take over the world, but Lola made an announcement to world that if they didn’t listen they would be destroyed by the nukes. The people of earth knew she was not kidding.

4/28/109  11:15 p.m
My bodyguard that was still alive came in and punched Lola in the gut then the face, and lola puked out everyone she ate (Jessica Simpson, Spider Baby, the worlds fattest lady, Brent, and me, the President.) Lola was arrested after eating me, but I said “she does not have to be arrested if she becomes an alien spy and spies on other planets.” Lola Said “yes” so she started spying on other planets, but she had to spy on her home planet first. Lola was happy now with her new family for the rest of her life. So lola finally new if it was over........... or was it.

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