Our First Christmas | Teen Ink

Our First Christmas

March 5, 2015
By A.S.B BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
A.S.B BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
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“I told you before and I’ll tell you again, I don’t know what happened to Jacob!” Sydney yelled.
“I understand that, but I need to hear your story one more time.” Paul said calmly.
“Okay, fine. I was in the kitchen making brownies and cookies for Christmas Eve dinner. Jacob went outside to fix the Christmas lights before Matthew and Bailey arrived. They got to our house about two hours after Jacob went outside. I asked them if he was still out there when they pulled up, they said no. At that point I started to worry, so I went out there to look for him.His car was still in our driveway and all I saw was his glove with what looked like blood on it,” Sydney wipes away her tears before continuing. “I told Matthew to come and help me while Bailey finished the baking. We searched the whole street calling out his name, but no one replied. After we got back to the house, I called the police to report that Jacob was missing and here I am now.” Sydney replied sobbing.
“Alright, thank you for your help; we will try our best to find your fiancée.” Paul said as he left the room.
Bailey tried to calm Sydney down after the interrogation because it was so stressful. They later went back home that was surrounded by police cars to finally get some rest before Christmas morning. Paul was there to tell her that they found blood on a knife that is being identified. The knife was hidden underneath some bushes that were covered with blood stained snow.  Sydney broke down at the thought of Jacob being hurt by someone. 
Sydney was overwhelmed with all the drama that was around her, that she decided to get some sleep before something else occurred. She wasn’t asleep very long until Paul was there to wake her up.
“The blood that was on the knife was John Henderson’s along with Jacob’s plus it was also all over the bushes.” Paul explained.
Sydney replied in shock, “That was my ex-boyfriend. Why would he want to hurt Jacob?”
“I’m not sure, but we are going to try our best to figure it out,” Paul stated. ”Do you have security cameras by any chance?”
“No, but my neighbors, The Smiths, have their house surrounded in cameras. They might be able to help us.” Sydney said.
They walked across the street to the Smiths and Sydney told them what was going on. She asked them if she could look at their security footage to see if you could see what happened to Jacob. As they were watching, they could easily see a car; Sydney confirmed it was John’s, drive up to their house attack Jacob and drag him to the car that drove away. Sydney was stunned, seeing her fiance being hurt by someone she knew was heartbreaking.
Paul called someone on the phone and told them to be on the look out for John’s vehicle. Bailey was there to help calm her down but Sydney was frustrated. She felt so helpless because she knew there was nothing she could do. The more she thought about why would John hurt Jacob, she put it together. John was disappointed and angry when he found out about her and Jacob being engaged.
“Where would he take him?” she asked herself.
It would be too obvious to take him to his house so where else would they go. All of a sudden, she remembered John’s cabin up on a mountain that he took her to on her birthday. Sydney screamed for Paul, who came running to her aid.
“I think I know where John and Jacob are!” she explained.
“Where, where?” Paul begged.
“On my 23rd birthday, John took me to this little cabin up on a mountain not to far away from here. That would be the most reasonable place to take Jacob.”
“You could be right. I will send out some officers to go find this cabin and if they are there, arrest John”
“No! I need to come with you. Only John and I know where the cabin is located at. I have to go.”
“Alright but we will need to be careful, another snow storm will be hitting us soon.”
They got into a police car and took off with Sydney directing them. The snow started to pick up when Sydney saw the lights of the cabin ahead of them. The car started to slide on the ice when they pulled up at the cabin. Someone handed Paul some binoculars to see if John and Jacob were inside, they were. He sent some officers to go get a closer look. When they came back to the car, they told Paul and Sydney what the situation was. John was threatening to KIll Jacob if he didn’t end the engagement and leave town forever. After hearing what John was doing, Sydney ran past the police officers and straight into the cabin.
She screamed, “Stop John!”
John was frighten when he heard Sydney barge in.
“How did you find me here? I thought you forgot about this place.” John questioned.
“I knew you would be here, i just knew. Now let Jacob go!”
“I’m sorry Sydney, but I cant. I love you too much for you to get married to him when you should be with me.”
“Look I love Jacob and he loves me, I’m not going to leave him for a psychopath like you. I mean, who kidnaps someone and threatens to kill them just because they love someone you love?”
“Look I’m sorry but I still love you and I want to be with you.”
“I don’t love you John! The only ‘one’ you will be with is your cellmate.”
Sydney called for Paul and he ran inside to see if anything went wrong even though he was listening to the whole thing. Paul arrested John for kidnapping and attempted murder. while Sydney untied Jacob. Jacob had to go to the hospital to treat his injuries so Sydney went with him to make sure that he has nothing serious.
  By the time they got back to their house it was Christmas morning. All of this drama only lasted a couple of hours, but they felt like weeks to Sydney. She was so grateful to have Jacob back safe that she would have searched for years just to get him back. Instead of giving each other gifts for Christmas, they were just thankful to have one another and that was the greatest gift of all.

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