"A Life With Meaning" | Teen Ink

"A Life With Meaning"

March 15, 2015
By Justin Kim BRONZE, Seal Beach, California
Justin Kim BRONZE, Seal Beach, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

During the famine, atrophy ran rampant along the streets, but when the rain began to patter, the soil began to gasp in unexpected relief. However, the food that had just began to grow was seized to feed the troops just as the hollow stomachs were barely satiated. Alas, famine began to spread and petty crimes began to increase, yet there was no justice as no patrol existed to maintain order on the streets due to the mandatory conscription. The bastion managed to ward off the attack shedding the blood of the innocent people, yet at the exorbitant price of spending innocent blood, the bastion was conquered. When peace had been established, concord liberated the imprisoned justice and provided all children safe passage on the streets allowing them to frolic in glee, the streets that were gradually losing its pungent odor, yet the stained streets remained vibrantly red as if anticipating the return of the flowing stream of glittering rubies.

For the benefit of the people, the war had been waged, yet the lives of every civilian remained unchanged. Aggravation riled among all; desperation and tears began to replace the crimson liquid on the streets. Fathers began to toil to feed the small calloused hands worn from the lack of jovial activities and beaten from the presence of desolate hunger.

Hunger and consummate dotted the collaborators with the finesse to escape the scene with the corpse of the extravagant and corrupt monarch before the dye was noticed. Before the tale of betrayal had reached the ears of the dead monarch, disarray pranced upon the streets engulfing its inhabitants with rage. The exigency for food rallied the citizens of nearby lands to muster into battle to procure justice and to exact revenge. Flotsam branded the the deceased monarch and its friend death prepared to drink with lavish greed. Frenetic blessed the citizens to hasten their departure to seize their bounty; however, in its frenzy, frenetic encouraged the citizens to depart before an adequate amount of men poised for battle had accumulated. To recover from the grave mistake, glean mustered the remaining supplies and men and provided the hasty citizens with valuable power and assistance; with the excess help, the men stained the city plaza with the unaged wine of passover. After providing a majority of its supply, the city’s grouse murmured remorse about the lack of men and supplies. Jocular evaded the city when the grouse began to inhabit the city, and thus, every child smiled with stern faces, blank eyes, calloused hands, and bruised hearts. Demanding more occupants, incarcerate implored the sheriff to seize all criminals, yet the doors of the prison remained unlocked as no robberies occurred from the lack of supplies to yearn or dispute over despite reaching capacity during the previous famine.

When the defendant was found guilty for seven accounts of destruction of private property, the incumbent scoffed at the absurdity of the court’s decision to incarcerate the cute puppy, and as a result, the puppy cuddled into a ball at the foot of his owner’s bed to rest before he prepared his defense for two more accounts of destruction of private property the following day. While ludicrous marked the few cases with its approval, mandatory slowly consumed the desire of the sheriff when the adorable puppy ensued to cause mischief, and thus, after forty-five known accounts of destruction of private property in the small town with twenty-three inhabitants, the puppy accompanied incarcerate.

The sheriff slowly began forget the mandatory meals of kibble for the puppy, and as a result, mordant occupied the puppy who slowly grew frail. Nettle slowly chewed, dug, and prayed, and alas, after enduring three hours of abuse, the puppy was liberated from the confinements of the fiery inferno of survival panting from its tremendous escape by shaking its coat and slowly making its trek home. After three days of much deliberation, pecuniary forced the owners to seize the puppy, who was now charged with forty-nine accounts of destruction of private property, from its snug corner against the post of the bed, remove the golden collar the puppy proudly adorned, and place the golden furs in an abandoned alley.

Pusillanimous replaced the rampant desire for destruction, yet the puppy’s paws were stained black and red as its belly’s growl echoed in the vacant alley. Recumbent shivered against the cold coarse gravel, but when the sun arose, the puppy wandered off to a distant lake glittering with its shiny coat void of muck and dirt, feasting on the small cluster of collected berries one by one, and forgetting the maltreatment it endured. Stratagem refused to purge the city of its stained floors, and thus, the war began for a purpose no soldier nor leader remembered.

Walking from village to village, the dog’s stumps became weary, yet he progressed without companionship all lonely. Starving, the dog gulped copious amounts of water to muffle the roar of the organ that served no purpose no more; anguished by hunger, the dog persisted to roam aimlessly for months until he encountered a juvenile delinquent who believed it would be amusing to watch the frail dog flounder to survive with its legs tied to a rock. Believing it was taking its final breath and final look at the world, a sole tear fell from failing to find a reason to live. Immersed in water, the dog heard a splash and saw a figure diving in the direction of the rock behind the him. Despite the momentary lapse of a hallucination before death, the puppy shuddered from shock as three other figures splashed attempting to detain the figure. Gasping for air after having his breath beaten out of him, the figure dived towards the same rock, yet he stopped before he could reach the rock and grabbed the puppy and lifted it into the air as he suffered from a hiding from the three fellows. Encouraging the puppy to run away, the gallant figure endured the fists of cruelty. Instead of retaliating, the boy merely attempted to reduce the damage he took; as the sun set in the horizon, the jury sheathed their weapons and towered over the figure. When the three executors left, the puppy returned to see the figure distorted and disfigured with agony and pain.

Boldy donning his bruises, the figure grabbed the dog and headed towards the town; heading immediately towards his abode, the child called for his mother to assist the dog. Denying his mother the relief of tending to his wounds, he mandated that she fed the feed the puppy before she considered anything else. After the puppy had devoured the large hunk of meat, the boy collapsed from fatigue and pain and relieved his mother’s anguish. By merely looking at her son’s gaze towards the puppy, the mother understood what happened and did not meddle with her son’s affairs.

Returning to high school the next week after recovering from his grave injuries, the child humiliated the three executors after challenging them to a fight without harming them. Facing punishment, the child executed small fibs dictating that he was the one who was bullied despite being already injured; compared to the three individuals who were not harmed, the child who had worn an additional cast radiated innocence.

The child and the puppy were inseparable; teachers became accustomed to the adorable lump of glittering gold. While everyone seemed to adore the puppy, the three figures made measures to exact their revenge. After graduation, the child prepared to assist college, yet a letter informed him that he was about to be deported to the war due to his supposed enlistment. Traveling the nation, the child dictated his farewells to his family, yet despite his intentions, he could not muster the courage to inform his companion. Trailing his sole friend, the puppy continued his trek to find someone who cared for him.

Spending another year to find the soldier, the puppy managed to reunite with his friend. Despite being instructed to return home, the dog managed to stay beside the soldier. Following the soldier onto the battlefield, the dog managed to ward off the enemy who had been brawling with his companion. After illuminating the lives of all the soldiers and saving inumerous lives, the dog became a hero, yet he always resides beside his soldier.

Hearing the click of a gun, the soldier turned around to face an enemy who had infiltrated the base; tackling the perpetrator, the dog saved the life of the soldier. As the soldier was notifying the base of the breach in security, the base was bombarded with an assault. Entering the fray, the dog followed his companion. Despite suppressing most of the resistance, the dog’s leg was injured from a stray bullet. Attempting to dress the wound, the soldier became oblivious to his surroundings, yet the puppy remained alert aware of the soldier’s position in danger. As the golden matter on his lap began to radiate coldness, tears began to replace the knowledge of the current situation. The boy was shocked when the dog was possessed by some will; the dog jumped towards the boy to prevent the bullet from lodging itself in the soldier.

Rescued by reinforcements, the bombardment was suppressed, yet the puppy’s body became cold. Drenched in tears, the puppy’s heart remained warm from the flames of love he had received and remained so. Despite the extensive burial, the child shivered from sadness and remorse; time did not heal his remaining wound. While the realization that the puppy was absent from his aching heart despite the myth from movies, the child realized that the puppy was alive in his thoughts. Realizing that his friend had sacrificed his life to save his, the child matured into an adult to accomplish the debt he had to repay, the debt of living his life to its fullest, a life with meaning.

The author's comments:

It started out as a vocabulary assignmend personifying each vocabulary term, but after the addition of a few sentences to make the passage coerce better and a ending, it became a story. While some of the sentences and vocabulary are rudamentary, I have taken pride in this assignment. I would take not of the change between "puppy" and "dog" throughout the story as well as the mingled usage of "child" and "soldier." Stories that always impacted me fell into the categories of dogs and war; as a result, I attempted to fuse both aspects to the story. While it is not that great of a story, I enjoyed writing every single word. In addition, the ending could have been better, but I wanted to emphasize the connection between the adult and puppy.

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