The Plan | Teen Ink

The Plan

June 1, 2015
By Raya DeVary BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Raya DeVary BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Lets make a deal, we will never betray each other, never hurt each other and never grow apart”,said John.  “You got yourself a deal John,” answered Luke. “Let's head home it’s getting late and my mom is almost done with dinner.”  “Good idea Luke, I'm starving!”  They ate in pure enjoyment as the pizza, that was homemade and steaming hot, tasted like heaven.  The next day as they were walking to school the class nerd named Robby was sitting on the school bench reading and fiddling with his glasses, eating brussel sprouts.  All of a sudden, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich was launched and landed directly on Robby’s white shirt staining it for eternity.  Mean giggles could be heard from all directions, Robby was devastated.  Luke and John never saw Robby, he switched to a different school.
Luke and John celebrated their 10th birthday at Jungle Joe’s. As they were walking back they saw Robby talking to himself about a master plan that will happen in 7 years.  It didn't bother Luke and John to tell anyone the plan because they thought that Robby needed to let off some steam and deal with his problem.  As John looked over his shoulder, his sparkling, brown, frightened hair flew over his face.  As Robby was right behind him, his eyes were twitching, palms sweating and face reddening he gave John a note saying never make a promise you can’t keep. His mind screamed with terror, John sprinted to catch up with Luke.  Johns night was a blur.
7 years later...  “Dude how did you do on the Spanish essay?” said Luke lifting his eyebrow.  “I got a 95% but I had to use one of my tardys because Joe was talking to me about a robbery at as gas station a minute away, answered John.
“Do you think Robby robbed Rons rocking gas station?,” said John I thought that Robby was in jail for robbing something else, which means he's out to get me and Luke for standing while he got bullied, thought John. 
“ We better get going our busses are about to leave.” said John
“Okay see ya later bro!” Answered Luke.
As John was walking to his house, he saw Robby following him rubbing his hands in a creepy way.  John turned around to see Robby, now dirty with bright red dye in his hair and not so-stylish sunglasses walking toward him. 
“Johnny is that you?” I havent seen you in forever. Well lets get to the point I have an important question to ask you but you can’t go tell the police, you hear?”
John thought, what if I acted like I was going along with the plan and I call the police and put Robby in prison for real this time, so he can’t get out.  Robby told John how they were going to rob Lukes house because he was the richest guy in the school. He had so much money he didn't know what to do with it.  Robby wanted John on his side because he knew John knew every single part of Lukes mansion and where to go to miss the security cameras. It was settled. They would rob Lukes house in 3 days then John and Robby are going to a private rich island where nobody will find them.  The next day John went to Luke’s house to set up the secret camera’s so they could spy on the house.  Luke told John about how they were going to have a police officer at his house for the weekend because there was an email sent to Luke from an unknown person saying that someone was going to steal from them.  After, he went to the secret hideout where he and Robby could map out where they were going to start.  They spied on Luke’s house and everyone inside of it and they were plotting but Robby never saw the police officer.  After a couple minutes John decided to say…..
“Why dont we just go now and get it over with before his parents come back, he’s home alone anyways?”
“I guess you're right, I'll go through the front and you through the back and make sure Luke’s doesn't see you!”  So John’s plan was on. He sent an email and knew that the police officer knew about the plan but he wondered if Luke knew.  He made his way to the back to find Luke walking towards him with the trash.
“John what the heck are you doing here with a suitcase and black clothing on?”
“Luke I can explain…..” But before he could continue, they heard, “Robby you're under arrest for theft and the attempt to rob again!” 
“You're trying to rob me?” Said a confused Luke.  “No I’m the one who warned you about Robby!” answered John.  Luke believed John and told him that the officers name was Tony and John told Luke everything.  Tony,who was huge, announced that  Robby would be in jail for 20 years and Luke's parents were almost home. “Thanks for not trying to rob me said Luke.” “Well we made a deal remember?” Replied John.

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