Credit Cards | Teen Ink

Credit Cards

May 30, 2015
By Khushii PLATINUM, Parsippany, New Jersey
Khushii PLATINUM, Parsippany, New Jersey
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just a girl trying to get her ideas out there.

She can persuade, she can act, she can convince, she can hack, she can be stealthy, and she can hide. Her name- Katrina. Katrina is a very spy-like hero thats seems to live on nothing but coffee. Her great deeds are done undercover, never in plain sight. She is known by many, but as a different identity. Sometimes as Soni, other times as Tia, but mostly as Katri. Knowone knows her true whereabouts. She can sabotage her enemies right under their noses, without them suspecting a thing. People from all around come to beg her for help, whether they are in debt, overtaken by a stronger opponent, or have a financial crisis. Always, being the selfless hero she is, she agrees to help them. However, Katrina is tied down by materialistic things, such as her desire to shop for shoes, clothes, and small shiny trinkets. Everywhere she goes, she feels the need to spend her money and yearns for something new. Just the sight of a cute pair of heels or an expensive diamond bracelet makes her heart skip a beat. Though she helps others gain back their money, she cannot help but spending hers.
Her enemy on the other hand, Wren is a crafty businessman that possesses the ability to control simple or dull-minded human beings. Currently, he has worked his way up the staff  of Midgard Mall. Starting as the coffee boy, then organizing merchandise, working endless hours at the cash register, winning employee of the month, becoming a favorite colleague and friend of the manager, becoming assistant manager, replacing the manager, and now to the point where he requires everyone call him “boss man.” When working the cash register, he had took a venture through some of his customer’s delicate minds and somehow made them pay extra for an item, of course making more money for himself, yet “robbing” people of their money. Now that he was the boss man, he could make bigger plans, making even more money. He quickly fired those who were smart enough to realize and stand in the way of his schemes. He kept the careless, dumb college students and controlled their minds, so they would do his bidding.
Katrina waited for Wren to turn around, Starbucks coffee ready in hand. At the split second when he did, she jerked forward and spilled the burning coffee on him, while with her right hand, she reached into his pocket and pilfered his phone.
“I am so sorry!” she shoved some napkins into his hands.
He muttered something resembling “no problem” and left, unaware of his missing phone. Katrina had been confronted last night by one of Midgard Mall’s fired employees. They had asked her for help to get their job back and warned her of Wren’s evil scheme of robbing people. The employee told Katrina that the police would not help because they did not believe him about Wren’s power, however Katrina was aware that anything was possible in Midgard Mall. The jobless man had explained that Wren’s plan is bigger than it seems.
At Midgard Mall, customers have the luxury of paying by credit card, which most do. However, when they swipe their credit card, they are basically handing over their lives to Wren. Through the credit card number Wren is able access to all legal information, and anything he can find on his customers, but mostly their bank accounts. Wren has made more money than one person can imagine by saving the credit card numbers of every single person who steps foot in his mall. They are all under his control, he can pick whichever customer he wants to ruin and when they wake up in the morning they will be broke, with the very bed they sleep on being taken away. Through this process, Wren gains his wealth, but Katrina plans on ending this, today.
She raised the phone with one arm and took a selfie. When she saw Wren walking past her, she quietly slipped the phone back inside his pocket. She waited until he stopped and casually walked up to him.
“Hey,” she said, “I remember you.”
Wren looked at her with squinted eyes. “We’ve never met before.”
“Oh, ya we have. I bet you still have my number on your phone,” she continued.
Wren took out his phone to check is she was telling the truth and instantly when he turned it on, there was her picture. “I...guess I do know you,” he said uneasily.
Katrina and Wren chatted for a while and soon Katrina convinced him that he was too drunk to remember anything, but they were good friends, in fact best friends. Wren had commented on Katrina’s gorgeous black stone earrings and Katrina had replied they were from Tiffany’s, just to make conversation.
“So bestie,” she began, “Are you gonna show me your office or what?”
“Sure,” Wren replied, still a bit suspicious but playing along.
Earlier, Katrina planted a stink bomb in one of the mall’s most successful stores. It was to go off at exactly 2:55, it was 2:50, just enough time to get to Wren’s office. Wren kept all his information and the key to access the cash he had been keeping from people's bank accounts. If Katrina could get a hold of that, it would be over. They had nearly reached Wren’s office when the stink bomb went off. A crackling sound came from Wren’s walkie talkie, “Sir, I mean boss man, we have a situation. It seems that you need to be here in person. Second floor, Michael Kors.” Wren scowled, then turned to Katrina.
“Stay here,” he said, “Minor disturbance.”
Katrina attempted a goodbye hug and, awkwardly succeeded at retrieving a keychain which included the key to Wren’s office from his back pocket. Naturally, as soon as Wren left, Katrina kept walking towards the office and tried every key on the keychain until one finally made a satisfying “click.” Katrina slowly turned the doorknob, ready for anything, but was underwhelmed when she saw something that resembled a regular office. On a desk, there was a computer, which she hastily found herself in front of, digging into her bag for the virus. She pulled out lipstick, but when she opened it, there was a flash drive. She turned on the computer, not surprised to see hundreds of credit card numbers. The password was his own name. She then inserted the flashdrive into the computer and the tiny numbers on the screen began to disappear. Within minutes, everything Wren had worked for would be gone and he would no longer be able to rob his customers. However, Katrina’s quest was not done yet.
She felt around the drawers for the key to the vault which held all the stolen money. Katrina eventually found it beneath a pile of papers and snuck out to go into the basement: where the vault was located. She was running out of time. It would take at least ten minutes to get from the top floor, where she was, to the basement. By then, Wren would have taken care of the stink bomb situation and come back up for her. She thought fast, then grinned at herself as an idea popped into her mind. Right beneath her feet was a air duct, an air duct that went straight down to the basement. In no time, Katrina had it open and was attaching the rope, that was in her bag onto one of the metal rods. Obviously, she did not want to plummet down five floors. She squeezed her tiny body into the space and closed the air duct on top of her. Then, down, down, down she went, mostly freefalling, her hands barely grazing the rope, but in position in case she wanted to grab it.
Katrina saw a faint light, the ground beneath her was coming near. She grabbed the rope at an instant and landed on the basement floor, on her feet. She made absolutely no noise while walking to the vault, opening it, jamming a tracker in between wads of money, and calling the police to come to the exact coordinates of the tracker. Now to go back up and take the virus out of Wren’s computer before he realizes it. Katrina tugged two times on the rope which she had come down on. Instantly, she was zoomed up to the top, while the rope neatly rolled up. With her legs firmly placed on the walls of the duct, she lifted the top and crawled out. “Not much time,” she thought.
Suddenly, a magnificent pair of Bare Trap boots caught her eye. They were black leather with buckles going all down the side. They had four inch wedge heels, perfect for her. She did not care if Wren got her credit card number, it would be deleted anyway. Eyes wide, Katrina couldn’t resist but to come closer to stare at them, and eventually buy them. Leisurely, she took the time to put them on and stroll around in them. Really, they were perfect.
Katrina looked up with curiosity, hoping she could shop more, but then she looked down at her watch. It was 3:15! Surely, Wren would have been back by then. Just then, Katrina heard Wren coming. She stood still like a statue. When he saw her, he smiled, not a friendly smile, but a wicked one.
“I know what you’re up to,” he growled, “and you won’t get away with it.”
“Ho-,” Katrina started, but Wren cut her off.
“I found this right next to the bomb.” He held up a black stone earring.
Katrina held her hand up to feel her earring, but to her surprise, there was nothing but air.
[Wren, like the devil he was, put up an unlawful hand, sending a murky, mysterious mist spiraling about the mall, mesmerizing everyone in it’s path. However, the great and witful Katrina, by covering her mouth with a cloth, was able to escape his wrath. Then, the people came, from all around. In a circle, Katrina they began to surround, and soon the great hero found that she was being pushed straight towards the ground. Oh, these people! The same people she was meant to protect, the people that had given her respect! Now, by their hands, she was being wrecked. Then, the great and witful Katrina devised a plan. A plan so great that her own people, she would not have to mutilate, but harm would come only to Wren, the devil incarnate, the one demon who she did truly hate. That coward! Where had he hid? Thinking he could leave a fight, and in his place putting civilians to do as he bid. Despite the pain, the hero laughed, with confidence, pride, and a bit of craft. In the distance, Wren turned, in fear of defeat, he churned.
Then came the heavenly booming voice of Katrina, “This battle is not adjourned, for your victory is still unearned. To fight, it is you for which I yearn, these people are not my concern. Come coward! Conquer me if you wish… by your own two hands!”
So, from the insult, the rage inside Wren burned like fiery pits of lava, and eventually, to show her he wasn't a coward, he returned. The sinful spell wore off of the civilians, sending them to a deep slumber. At last, it was only the great and witful Katrina and Wren. Victory, was undoubtedly her’s again, for without his tricks and magic, Wren was no stronger than a to-be-slaughtered hen.
To be as brief as possible, Katrina started with a backfist strike, followed by back hammer fist strikes, before a breaking roundhouse, back, butterfly, and breaking side kick. Wren staggered helplessly, swinging his arms about, being knocked down every moment he managed to rise. He was overtaken by Katrina’s speed and strength for her small size. Finally, to finish the filthy fiend, the great and witful Katrina struck hard with a bolo punch, immobilizing the beast-man. Wren had been defeated. The victory came so easily to Katrina that it seemed God himself couldn’t have done a better job.]
Katrina heavily breathed out, and once again, slipped into the office. She hurriedly snatched her lipstick flash drive and bolted for an elevator with her new boots. Once she reached the exterior of the building, she heard police sirens. Officers were already making their way into the basement, following her tracker. Katrina took her black wig off, satisfied at her work.
“Don’t worry,” Katrina said to the man, “You can get your job at Midgard Mall back. The credit card numbers are erased, the sleeping people are back home and healthy, Wren is taken away to prison, the money is being given back to the rightful owners, and all is right once again.”
And so, the big-time business owner, Wren, was taken off to prison for the millions of dollars he had robbed, along for the people he had wrongly controlled. Meanwhile, all the old, loyal, employees of Midgard Mall thanked Katrina for her help. Her cunning wit, and strategic thinking had saved the day, and many people’s life savings too. She, the great hero, Katrina, deserved many thanks that day, not only from one person, but from hundreds. Nevertheless, she disappeared before anyone else could do so, only to reappear when another quest presented itself. She continued helping anyone in need, all the while keeping an eye on Wren’s wretched cell.

The author's comments:

This is my version of an Epic Poem I wrote in Social Studies.

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