The Battle | Teen Ink

The Battle

December 9, 2015
By Gundy98 BRONZE, Emporia, Virginia
Gundy98 BRONZE, Emporia, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everything had led up to this. It was finally time for the last battle. The war between the utensils. After today, only one would walk away. But who will it be; the mighty fork or the majestic spoon?
As the spoons stood in their camp at the top of the hill, they knew they already had the upper hand. The forks army had sustained many losses the past dishwasher cycle, and were wary from traveling. The general of spoon army, Spoonicus, went over the attack strategy one last time because it is well known that spoons can be forgetful at times. Little did any of them know what they were about to face.
At the bottom of the hill, the fork army was nervous. Not many of them knew that the great Spork general was on their side. Coming from a fork father and a spoon mother, Sporkicus faced many challenges growing up. But all the bullying and hardships made him stronger. Having led many battles, Sporkicus could be considered a veteran general. He spent most of his off days studying strategies of past wars.
Not many people remember what started the battle. If you are lucky enough to find an old knife, he may tell you something along these lines;
“Back in my days, we used to live together peacefully. Well, as peacefully as we could. It was a pretty self-segregated time; the spoons kept to their drawers, and the forks to theirs. But us knives changed that whole dynamic.
  Some may call us trouble-makers, others knew that it was destined to happen sooner or later. As soon as us knives set silverware in that drawer, we knew that there was tension in the air already. The way the spoons and forks interacted when they were forced to interact. How the spoons bent away from the forks, and the forks bent away from the spoons. Anyone with common sense could see what was going on.
Us knives did not want to move to that drawer originally. We were happily content in our rack. After the separation of ’73, we parted from our rack. Us knives went to one holder, and the rack to the other. The owners of the knives spilt up, the wife got the knives, and the husband got the rack. We were nervous at first, thinking that us knives would be separated. After we were packed together, the majority of our fears were relieved.”
The knives could go on forever. They were famous for their story telling. It basically boiled down to the spoons and forks just not liking each other. It was that plain and simple. Just like cats and dogs, orange juice and toothpaste, and salt and pepper (but that’s a different story). So when a baby spork was found, both forks and spoons were flabbergasted.
Legends of Sporkicus’ past range depending on if you ask a fork or a spoon. A fork will tell you he was grew up with spoons due to his father dying during a magnificent fight with toaster. While with the spoons, they tortured him. The spoons did not accept him because of his four prongs that protruded where his head should have curved. They made him ride the front of the bus when he went to school, nobody picked him to play dodge ball, and nobody want to be friends with him. Not picking him for dodgeball was partially owed to the fact that he had a habit of popping the ball while attempting to protect himself. Nevertheless, it still made Sporkicus feel sad and lonely. But through all his adversary, he learned how to strive and become stronger.
Spoons, on the other hand, will say that his father was addicted to “tergent”, a highly addictive cleaning substance, and that this was why his dad was absent all his life. Spoons also say that they treated him as one of their own, always making sure to try and include him in all the activities. They say that he was the one that distanced himself from everyone once the realization that he was different became clear to him. He was the one choosing not to play games and sit away from all the other spoons. It is a personal choice, whichever one you believe is true. One common item between both stories is that Sporkicus’ childhood changed him and made him who is today.

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