When they Attack | Teen Ink

When they Attack

December 11, 2015
By Austin99 BRONZE, Westminster, Colorado
Austin99 BRONZE, Westminster, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I woke to the sound of a gunshot and stood up as fast as I could as I ran for my gun in the closet they ran through the bedroom door and hurled themselves at me as the tips of my fingers grazed the cold metal of the handgun on the shelf I was taken to the floor by one as the other held the gun to my head and as I prepared to die I heard the loud explosion and thought the bullet was on its way to my head but then I felt it falling onto me and I heard the other hit the ground, it was my wife she had taken my gun off the shelf and killed both of them just in time to save me, we both grabbed our pre-made bags and loaded the truck you could hear the tires squeal and smell the burning rubber as we blew through the neighborhood we passed the other houses and there were flashes in the windows that revealed shadows of them attacking defenseless people. we speed through the streets and heard gunshots in every direction and the hiss of them as the flew by the truck and we knew it had happened.

     As we made it to the end of the neighborhood we just barely escaped the army of them terrorising the streets and destroying anything in their wake. We escaped them but we both knew that there would be more and that if we did not make it to the dessert that we wouldn't make it through the morning. We knew of an underground bunker that was made up of two shipping containers and a small storage area. The bunker is a 15 minute drive  away which is standing between life and death but if we make it we have a chance, at least for a couple of weeks. The bunker has a few weeks supply of food for 2 people and plenty of drinking water about 150 gallons. It even has a steady supply of air through a state of the art air filtration system. The bunker was built specifically for this catastrophe and we saw them coming but the only thing we could do was build a bunker, we couldn't tell a soul about them otherwise we wouldn’t even be able to fight for our survival we would already be long gone.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          We were almost halfway there when we made it onto the last and longest road to get there, Em and I thought we had made it when a light brighter than anything I had ever seen before started to blare from the back it was growing brighter and brighter and after about 30 seconds a sudden deep burst exploded in our ears and the sand from the dessert was hurled into the car throwing it onto its top after rolling over 3 times…..

“Come on! Asheton we have to move , if we don’t make it to the bunker we're not going to live to tomorrow!” The bunker is still a couple miles away we need to move. Let's go into that store and fill our bags with some supplies, we need water. Asheton grab your knife we need to get in and out, the store looks empty lust just grab water and i’ll get some supplies, the stores power was out as was the rest of the cities and the stores red emergency lights were the only thing lighting it.
“Hank just stay aware they could be anywhere and don't make too much noise.”
I knew they were all over the state by now and probably spread out, they are like bears they don't move in packs and they are hard to take down. I found some cans and a first aid pack and yelled for Asheton to meet at the front. As the sound left my lips I got a pit in my stomach and I heard the glass panes on the front of the store shatter, I had attracted one right to us. Asheton had scrambled her supplies and ran to me, we both knew we had a big fight ahead. We both had a small Knife about 4 inches long and we were weak from escaping them earlier but there was no easy escape. We moved to the front of the store and peaked around the shelves and we saw one. It was erratically twitching and it looked like it was waiting for a noise to attack. We knew it could not see as none of them can. We both readied our knives and prepare to pounce on it….

   I woke with my vision blurry and a sand storm surrounding “Em” I yelled
Yeah! where are you I asked Tom I can’t see, Are you ok?
I yelled I was fine and grabbed the goggles from the only pre made bag that wasn't crushed by the car I grabbed a pair for Em too. “Come to the front of the car!” I could  see her crawling over I can probably only see about 3 feet through the sand it is so thick and blowing at intense speeds it feels like needles stabbing every nerve in your body. We both crawled into the car to protect ourselves all the windows were shattered and the space inside was only about 2 feet high but the seats protected us from the heavy sand cloud. We had to wait out for it to  settle...

   “GO!” we both leaped at it Ashton got to it first and as she tried to stab it in the head it threw her onto the ground. I attacked it from the back and grabbed its neck to pull it to the floor it was squirming all around thrashing its sharp claws around one hit my leg and created a deep gash all the way down my thigh and blood immediately started flowing out. I could see asheton getting up right as it was about to slip my grasp and she got it right in the top of the skull it immediately went still and I told her to get the first aid pack out of my bag.
There's a lot of blood Hank “just wrap it fast he said” so I wrapped it with the bandaging from the pack and it stopped but it tore the muscle and he could not walk on it.
Asheton go find some crutches we have to leave now before anymore come, and then I heard the loudest sound I had ever heard and a bright light lit up the whole store right as she returned with the crutches the whole store was shaking and rubble was falling from the ceiling as everything fell of the shelves. I could see the sand being blown thousands of feet in the air and the explosion looks like it was right in the middle of the city. The sand was blowing right at us in a matter of seconds so we ran to the back of the store and took cover behind some shelves.

   The sand began to settle enough for us to crawl back out of the car but the dust was still invading the air and you could only see about 10 feet in front of you. Em and I began to walk down the road towards the bunker once again. Once we started walking we could already feel how hard it was to breath, every breath we took filled our lungs with more of the dust. The bunker couldn’t be more than a mile away now and we could hardly see. As we were walking we started to hear a growl from behind it sounded like a dog or coyote we turned to look and saw that is was another one of them walking our pace right behind us but we both knew it could not see so we just had to keep walking and not make any unusual noise. Walking now with such low visibility and it only a few feet behind our hearts were racing and we were stuck. Then Em coughed and we both ran at the same time to try and get away we ran straight down the road and we saw a shadow it was the bunker! so we sprinted towards it and when we got a few feet away we were relieved but then we realised it wasn't the bunker…

   The sand began to settle in front of the store so we started to walk out to the front. “Asheton we are only a few miles away from the bunker now we need to find a car”. We both began to look on the roads for a car that had not been thrashed around by the explosions blast. I found an SUV that looked pretty good, so I got in and began to hotwire the car while Asheton got our supplies in the back. It would take a while to hotwire because I had only seen a few things in movies to teach me. As I was breaking the panel off to reveal the wires I heard the scream that only comes from someone that is staring death in the eyes, It was Em she had been taken to the ground by one and it started to bite into her neck I immediately stabbed it in the top of its head and threw it off and as I looked down Asheton was already still…

   We saw it and there was nothing we could do the other one was only a few steps behind us and the one in front began to lunge forward so we ran to the side but the one in front took us both to the ground and the one behind us caught up and immediately jumped in and we Em went for the gun she had used earlier it was in a holster on her side but she couldn't get we were both under them and we could hardly move a muscle. As we tried to move we could feel them thrashing on top and then we heard a loud sound like a humans and both of them fell of to the sides of the pile and as we turned over we saw them thrashing around and slashing each other with their sharp talon like nails. One hit the other across its neck and it fell to the ground and screamed a terrifying sound as it bleed to death and right as it hit the ground I heard a gunshot Em had pulled out the gun and shot the one still standing and they were both on the ground so we ran as fast as we could further down the road to the bunker…

   I looked down and Asheton was not moving I went to feel her pulse and then I knew she was gone forever. She was not bleeding but her neck had been broken by the awful creature and I knew she wouldn't want me to give up I couldn't I had to kill every last one of them before I gave up I had to do it... for her.
I put her body in the back of the SUV and finished hotwiring it and then I took off toward the bunker…

   We knew we were close the bunker couldn't be much further now and as the sand began to clear we could see it only a couple hundred yards away. As we approached it looked unharmed, only a small outhouse sized room was above ground it was 2 inches of solid steel walls that had a small door that was locked and only we had the keys. When it opened it revealed a ladder to the bunker. We both crawled down and lit some of the lanterns and sat on the floor to finally take a break from running and after a few seconds of sitting we heard the door open again…

    I finally reached the bunker and went to unlock the door and as I crawled down the ladder I could hear someone and my stomach dropped and I turned to see two people sitting in the corner with a lantern barley revealing their faces. I asked who they were and they responded with
“Em and Tom, How do you know about this bunker?”
I should ask the same thing I know it from the lab I worked in it was a last resort if the project failed.
“You worked for Opuplex?” Tom said,
Yeah I was on the apex project I worked with the cancer patients directly.
“We worked on it too we worked on the fabrication of apex” Em said,
I administered that drug into the actual patients I was in another building then I guess we just never came across each other. Then why are we both here Opuplex said that they had an assigned bunker for us and some other staff had separate bunkers.
“We all knew that company cut corners whenever they could I guess we have the same bunker” Tom said. Well there are not enough supplies for any more people. Wait have you ever looked around yet let's see what we have here.
“We haven't looked at all” Tom said.
As we all looked around I came across a locker and when I opened it there was an arsenal of weapons. “There is not even food in here!” Em said.
No there isn't the shelves are empty, but there is something in these lockers I said.
“what is it?” they asked.
It is an arsenal. They are all kinds of weapons in here guns, RPG’s and even some grenades. Well I guess we aren't staying in here for much longer. When we gave those cancer patients that drug it was supposed to heal them, not this. Worst case scenario it didn't work and the cancer killed them, They weren't supposed to turn into this and if they aren't killing people or each other they infecting others. Whether this was supposed to happen or not there is no curing it now we have only one choice to take these weapons out there and kill as many as possible and find other survivors.
“ We can’t kill all of those things there are too many and you are barely walking, what happened to your leg anyways?” Tom said.
One of them clawed into my leg but I can walk and I can shoot them just fine to make it out alive.
“well we don’t have much of a choice anyway” Em said
As Hank crawled up the latter to open the door we grabbed our guns and followed and as he opened the door one of them jumped down the ladder and started pulling Hank apart and with his last breath he whispered “Now we can be together again”

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