Cruise Catastrophe | Teen Ink

Cruise Catastrophe

December 14, 2015
By Jaden15 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Jaden15 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a warm, bright, radiant summer day, and Timmy was sitting on the curb with his basketball. He was sitting there spinning the ball on his finger and wishing some of his friends were in town or he was out of town doing something fun and exciting. He checked his phone to make sure his parents hadn't texted him, hoping they were on their way home. When he looked up his neighbor, Dylan, whom Timmy found rather annoying, was walking towards him. He thought about going inside and pretending he didn't see him, but it was too late.
"Hey Timster!"
"I've told you not to to call me that." Timmy's voice was stone cold and he remained straight faced.
"Well someone's being awfully bitter. What's wrong?"
Timmy wanted to say that he was what was wrong but instead he uttered "I'm just bored."
"I would say I know how you feel, but my boredom will soon end, thanks to my Uncle Anthony. He's taking me and my brother to go stay with him for a while."
Timmy thought about how cool Dylan's older brother was and how he couldn't stand Dylan. How were they even related? These thoughts were soon interrupted by another thought. Even annoying Dylan was going on vacation. That was just great because now he was gonna be the only kid who had a lame break and no vacation.
"Timmy? You in there?" Dylan was waving his hand in front of Timmy's face.
"That sounds like fun,"he blurted out. Timmy was referring to Dylan's stupid vacation. At least he wouldn't be bothering him for a while. 
After Timmy's talk with Dylan he went inside and laid down on the couch until finally he heard his parents pull into the driveway. Timmy went to the door to greet his parents, anxious to see how their days went.
"Hey mom, hey dad."
"Hey Timmy. I have great news." His dad's voice sounded more excited than usual.
"What is it dad?"
"We're going on a cruise!"
"Are you serious?"
"I've never bee n more serious. Start packing. We leave tomorrow."
Timmy hopped up with excitement. He couldn't believe he was actually going on a cruise.
A camera shuttered as it took Timmy's picture for his ID card for the cruise and he realized how different he looked from when school had ended. He stared down at the picture. Dark brown hair half-way down his forehead, dark brown eyes, and tan skin. He was still him and all he could think about was the first thing he would do on the ship. He figured he'd have to put all his stuff in the room first and his mom wouldn't hesitate to give him something to do.
"How much longer is the stupid check-in? I'm starving."
"We don't have time for your useless complaining," said his dad.  "This is going to be a very long trip if you sit here and complain the whole time."
Timmy figured it would be a while before they finished check-in, since his dad didn't answer the question directly, so he just sat there, his stomach growling ferociously. He couldn't wait to lay his hands onto some delicious food. It didn't matter what it was, as long as it was food.
Timmy scarfed down his food, while still enjoying every bite, before his mom could give him any instructions. He wanted to go up to the basketball court and see if anyone up there wanted to play a game of pickup.
"Where are you rushing off to alone?" his mother questioned.
"I'm just going to the basketball court. I'll be fine."
"Ok," said his mother hesitantly. "We'll come to get you in a few minutes."
Timmy was off almost before she finished saying ok, and he set out to find the court. It didn't take him too long after he found a map of the ship. He was ready to play.
There were a couple guys already up there, but they were just standing around, so he went up to the most approachable-looking guy and asked him if they wanted to play. This guy quickly gathered up all his friends and pretty soon they were ready to play a game.
"Are you sure you wanna play kid?" asked another guy.
Timmy was determined to play with these guys and not make himself look stupid.  Besides, there was no backing down now, so he confidently told the guy that he wanted to play.
"Alright," replied the man, trying to hold back a laugh. Timmy wanted to ignore him but he just couldn't. He was not going to be made fun of out here. 
Timmy was being way too passive and he knew it. Anytime he got the ball he didn't look for a chance to shoot or drive, but he looked for a chance to pass to one of his teammates. There was no way he could prove himself by just passing. Plus he wanted to give the guy who laughed at him something to laugh about. So the next few times he got the ball he looked to make a play, waiting for the perfect moment. Then he saw an opening. He charged toward the basket picking up a defender-- the guy who laughed at him. He hesitated, then crossed over low and finished with a left handed layup, which just happened to be the game winning shot. He completely tricked his defender and all the guys didn't think twice about making a big deal about it.
The man was furious. He'd given up the game wining shot to a kid that just happened to be the same kid he'd laughed at earlier. It definitely wasn't sitting well with him.
Timmy figured he would leave and meet up with his parents, but after he turned the corner from the court someone grabbed him and put a hand over his mouth. Naturally he started resisting, although he wasn't doing much damage. In this position he couldn't tell who was grabbing him. He only knew that it was a man. He was being dragged to the railing of the ship so he started resisting more, looking for someone that could help him. The man began to lift him over the rail and dangle him by his shoulders looking him square in the eye. It was the man from the basketball court.
"This is crazy!" Timmy shouted, realizing what was going on. "You're crazy!"
"Shut up!" said the man. "You made me look like a fool in front of my friends. That isn't something that goes unpunished."
"You don't have to do this," Timmy pleaded. But the man was done talking. He let go of Timmy's shoulders and he began to fall towards the ocean. It briefly crossed his mind that the cool water would be the end of him, so he tried to grab onto anything and somehow he did. He managed to grab a ledge on one of the lower decks. His voice finally returned to him ad he began screaming for help. Someone nearby ran and pulled him up off the ledge and Timmy sat on the ground shocked about everything that had just happened.

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