Falling Off The Face Of A Mountain | Teen Ink

Falling Off The Face Of A Mountain

January 1, 2016
By satyamari BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
satyamari BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The hail was hitting my face as if it was a warning. My fingers and toes curling from the ice going in my boots and gloves. If you had seen me it would have looked as if I was a 78 year old man(about to dye) with huge bulging eyes and a white solid cold body. The cold breeze went by me and snow came following after that with the remainder stuck in my hair as it had already been damp from the shower I just took. So it was just me looking out at the huge mountain of snow. I had just pressured my feet into the soft cozy ski boots and my head into the airless helmet and everyone was waiting for me to face my skies down to go tumbling over the snow. I could see mini tornadoes of snow rising from the hi….. then before I could finish my thought my name shouted from the little crowd (Tessa) she said “Go”.

My skies pointed down and my body came toppling on with it. I glided on the new fresh layer of puffy snow and it was all okay till a huge flat surface of ice came my way. Without a blink I felt my body crashing the ice and the ice breaking piece by piece… At this time know one could see me because I was around the corner. My eyes shut close I tried every muscle in my body to open them but they gave up on me as I sank into the water below the ice. I didn't even know there was water under all the layers of snow and ice. Then I couldn't breath, my cheeks had blown up and my eyes had opened and were bigger than a whale's eye. I kept swimming up but hit my head on other ice blocks. The water was a dark navy blue with the pollution of dirt and trash so I had no where to look. Suddenly I felt my arm give out on my body. Then I felt myself lowering down and down but still I never had touched the ground. My eyes closed and new this was my end. So I let go of myself and left it up to my body and the water to decide what way to go on…

I felt my eyes twitch then my nose felt warmth and air I had fallen into a submarine. There was a person beside me patting me down and giving me medicine. I tried to stand up but my body didn't move an inch.

“Hi”, I'm Ralissa I found you floating in the water unconscious so I swam and got you. “I can  imagine you had a bad fall so I took you in and gave you some remedies.” You probably have lots of questions but for now I want you to rest and sleep. I live here so if you need something there is a bell on your side table so just ring it and I’ll be there.”

I was in shock my mind was juggling as if I was in a jungle gym with a bunch of little kids. I had so many questions and i had no one to give me answers. Images had popped in my head from the other day. People must be worried I thought. Everything went black again and my mind went clear. I woke up again but before opening my eyes I told myself this was a dream and after i had fallen someone had saved me. It was a lie when I opened my eyes.

Ralissa brought me food and hot ginger lemon tea when I woke up and told me that I was going to be alright. She was trying to figure out a way to get me out and see everyone again. We went on and on with ideas but none of them seemed to work. There was no connection to call anyone and it would be dangerous to find a crack of ice to get up on. suddenly it hit me Ralissa could keep driving the submarine till it found an opening. So that's what we did we did not waste any time we turned the headlights on and we began to search. We found a white mist that looked like an opening with snow but it was not big enough for the submarine to get through. Ral Lisa had to decide if she wanted to stay in her submarine or go with Tessa. Ralissa grabbed her closest and most useful belongings and put them in a sealed tight water resistant backpack we swam out as quick as we could and made it into the open of where the view was of mountains and snow with people worrying and afraid to go down the hill I had just went on. We ran over to the group of people. I was taken into an ambulance immediately and that was the last time I saw Ralissa. Everything went normal after that and the next year on the same day I went skiing again and faced my fears.

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