The Huntress | Teen Ink

The Huntress

January 15, 2016
By YoungSimba BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
YoungSimba BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her skin was a light caramel; her complexion was just- flawless. And those eyes, she had these blue eyes that were just captivating. They were fierce, but seductive. She had curly, black hair, just over shoulder length, which transitioned to a dark red. Each strand was like silk, and she had bangs that partially covered her left eye. Her face was unbelievably gorgeous; she had a small nose that accentuated her eyes.
  Her jawbone had a gentle curve and her cheeks were soft and smooth. As my eyes struggled to encompass the full measure of her beauty I noticed her lipstick. It was a dark shade of red, almost taboo. Its essence was bone chilling, almost like that of death. Like she could steal every last breath from your euphoric body, and leave you lifeless with a single kiss. My eyes began to descend, as I gazed upon the rest of her body.
It was like that of a goddess, her neck was slender and smooth, and her breasts were alluring. Her waist was slender, and her hips were a little wide. Her legs were long and toned, and her thighs were thick. She had on a black tank top; she wore a long sleeve leather jacket on top of that. It cut off around the midriff, and was a two-tone black transitioning into a darkish red.
  The jacket had embroidery on it; dark red in the shape of a bird of some kind. Of course she had on pants to match the jacket; leather, two-toned, embroidered, they cut off around the upper calf, unsurprisingly she wore black boots with dark red laces. It was like her whole outfit was custom made. Wrapped around her thighs were holsters… for blades, they were knives; thin, double-edged, each with a finger sized hole in the handle. Each holster carried eight knives, and she had two holsters on each leg. Underneath the jacket she wore a black holster. With it she carried two handguns; black with red lining and a glossy finish, they were absolutely beautiful.
As I admired her beauty, she began to walk towards me. My heart began to beat, faster and faster. I was in complete shock, paralyzed by her presence. Even her aura was intimidatingly sexy, I was stunned. I was just beginning to catch my bearings, when I heard a click. A black barrel, a gun barrel, I was staring down the barrel of a gun.
“Huh, that’s pretty cute, but I really don’t appreciate it. Dawn.” She was, short-tempered to say the least. She seemed irritated when she spoke to me. “You haven’t stopped staring at me since I came out the bathroom, Dante. What’s your deal, huh?” she said with her gun still pressed against my temple. I was oddly calm, must have gotten used to it I guess. “Nothing you just…” I was at a loss for words, but that just made it worse in this situation, she got angrier, “Just what!?” That was a warning, if I say the wrong thing, she could snap, which by the way isn’t exactly the safest time to be around her.
I was truthful, I calmly and simply said “You just look different, that’s all.” She looked a little stunned at first; she backed off, holstering her gun while she turned the other way. “Hm, that’s too bad.  I’ve been a little restless lately; been looking for a way to blow off some steam. Not to mention Midnight hasn’t eaten in a while.” She loves making threats, but rarely are they ever baseless; I guess I just have a strong connection with her. “You’re not going to shoot me, so why don’t you just lower that pretty little pistol and tell me about this job of yours.” She might shoot me one day though.

“That mouth of yours is going to get you killed some day, and I might just be the one to end you.”  Yeah, she definitely might shoot me one day. “Yeah, nice to know. Now about that job?” You’d be mistaken if you thought I’d be intimidated by her threats. “Hmph, the client is offering $500,000.” She gets excited when there’s a new hunt for her. “That’s a bit much for a single job, don’t you think?” I was skeptical, for good reason apparently. She said “I was thinking the same thing, until they told me what they actually want…”
“Well, what do they want?” It was odd for her to care about the why when she took on a job, for her it was all about the hunt; the money mattered little to her, only a means to an end. “They want you.” I wasn’t surprised. “Well that’s not surprising, but what makes these people so different from everyone else that wants me dead?” See, not surprised.
“The difference is these people hired me to catch you, alive. When have you ever known me to bring someone in alive? I’m an assassin, Dante, not a bounty hunter.” She was strangely quiet at this point, speaking softly, but she never looked at me. “So what do you plan to do, Dawn?” Her tone surprised me, it was gentle and warm, as if she genuinely cared that I was being hunted. Then she turned and walked out the door, as it closed behind her she looked back and said. “I’m going to find out why they’re after you… and then I’m going to kill them.”
The name’s Dawn and I am an assassin. Despite what the rumors may say, I’m not as ruthless as everyone thinks. I’m just not very patient, and I’m not exactly a fan of taking prisoners, so, you know I don’t. Over the years I’ve become quite infamous, as you can tell the names they’ve given me aren’t very flattering, depending on your point of view I guess. But names like The Huntress or Reaper, kind of speak for themselves don’t you think? But like everyone else there’s always a story behind the name. And I think around the time my uncle trained my older sister and I to be killers would be a good place to start.
My sister, Lunar, and I are orphans. Our parents were killed almost twenty years ago, during Valhalla. The world’s superpowers waged nuclear war on each other. Not much to say, after that everything went to hell. Civilization as a whole was just destroyed, society completely collapsed. It was an absolute nightmare.
  My parents were C.I.A, so in a sense we were prepared for the worst. We had a bunker built underneath the house for emergencies. The day of Valhalla, my sister and I made it into the bunker. Unfortunately our parents still had a job to do… they didn’t make it home. Months later we got a message from a relative, it was our uncle Levi. Levi was Ex-Special Forces so it was no surprise to find that he had survived, we were happy to hear from him nonetheless.
A few days later he arrived at what was left of our house, he said he’d take care of us from then on. We left our home behind and went with Levi. We never left the house since Valhalla so we never saw the damage it did, needless to say… it wasn’t pretty. Every house or building in sight was decimated. My sister and I had been living in ruins, nobody would have found us, nor would they have looked. Levi told us to forget everything we knew about the world we lived in. He told us that that world was dead and gone. He said he would teach us to survive, to be strong so we could not only survive in the hell we’d been forced to live in, but actually live. The thing is the hellish training Levi put us through was worse than anything I’ve yet to come across to this day, the irony is infuriating.
After 10 years of torture, we were ready. Sadly Levi had died two years earlier. Apparently he’d been caught in the blast during Valhalla, but was far enough away that he wasn’t directly affected, but his blood was poisoned by the toxins in the air. But he didn’t die from the poison. I killed him. I was the reason he died, he died cleaning up after me.
He was an extraordinary human being; built small and lean but was the most deadly person I’ve ever seen to this day. I don’t think he had a single ounce of fat on his body. His body was riddled with scars; big and small, gruesome and clean, and each one had a story behind it. He once fought and killed a grizzly bear bare-handed, no pun intended; then he proceeded to carry it back to the bunker 5 miles away all on his own. He was unbelievably strong, and was fast enough to chase down most animals on foot. He had the agility of a jungle cat, able to scale trees taller than buildings. He was amazing, and I admired him. I wanted to be just like him.
During our training, Uncle Levi taught us how to repair and maintain a number of things, a radio being one of them. One day while tuning this radio I was working on, I tapped into an unknown frequency. I overheard some people talking about cargo being dropped off nearby our bunker so I decided to check it out. When I arrived at the drop I stuck to the shadows, it was around midnight and there was a gorgeous full moon out that night. It was pearl white and enormous enough to light up the landscape.
About twenty minutes later a truck showed up it had two cages in the back, covered in a tarp. Two more cars pulled up with four men inside; heavily armed. Two men stepped out the big truck and began to converse with the other four men. After about five minutes one guy went to the back of the truck and pulled out the two cages. He set them down and the other men gathered around it. One of them pulled the tarp partially off then suddenly jumped back. The rest of the covering slid off and revealed what was inside the cages. I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was a cat, a huge black cat with yellow eyes. There was a smaller cage next to it, inside was a little black kitten with green eyes; a mother and her cub. I decided to move closer to hear what the men were talking about, I wanted know why those cats were there.
I couldn’t hear much, but a few words caught my attention; panthers, slaughter, meat, fortune. Whatever they were planning would not end well for the cats, so I acted. The men walked to the other cars and one of them opened the truck, dozens of weapons were in there. While they were over there I snuck down to the cages. I let the mother out first, and then I opened the second cage. The mother grabbed her cub and she turned towards me and looked and stared into my eyes. I saw desperation, fear, and anger in her eyes. I looked down and saw she was bleeding. A gunshot wound to the lower abdomen, must have punctured her femoral artery. It was bad, and she did not have much time left. I knew then that she wanted me to take care of her cub…
“Hey pretty girl… I promise I will take good care of her.”
She looked at me, her eyes filled with content. She was happy, but a split second later her eyes were filled with rage and hatred. She got up and let out a heart stopping roar.
“Hey, there’s someone over there by the cages… Jesus Christ! They let the panther out of the cage!”
They pulled out their guns and started shooting. I made a B-line towards the woods, trying my hardest to avoid getting shot. A bullet grazed my leg, I stumbled. I looked up and met eyes with one of the guys shooting at me. He was tall and muscular, was covered in tattoos and had a beard. I could tell he’s killed many people from the look in his eyes, they were cold and ruthless. I looked over and the panther had taken out two of the shooters, but she was riddled with bullet holes and was bleeding out quickly. She was exhausted, the big guy walked towards her and aimed at her head. She looked at me, her eyes said “Thank you”. I looked back “I promise…” I turned and ran as fast as I could through the forest. Heard two shots go off, the cub started crying. “Shhh, it’s going to be okay, I’m going to take care of you, don’t be scared.” I ran back to the bunker as fast as I could, Levi was waiting for me. “I hope you made the right choice Dawn, because this will not be the end of it. They will come for you, and when they do…” I cut him off. “They’ll get a bullet in the head!” He took a deep breath, and then looked towards the night sky.  “So, what’s its name?” I didn’t know at first so I looked up at the moon… “Midnight, her name… is midnight.”


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