Got Away | Teen Ink

Got Away

January 19, 2016
By Carloshaggar BRONZE, Indian Wells, California
Carloshaggar BRONZE, Indian Wells, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I ran over to my car and jumped in. I had to find a hospital to take the bullet out of my leg. I turned on the car and rushed out of the parking lot. I had almost all police in San Diego after me, but I couldn’t stop. It was an accident. I didn’t mean for a cop to die; it was a robbery gone bad. I kept going, making sharp turns to the right and the left. All the cops knew I was in a blue Ford, so I had to find a different car to carjack. I took a turn into an alley and ditched the car. I wobbled out of the alley and to a car with a teenage boy inside. I opened the door and pointed my gun.
“Get out of the car!,” I yelled. The teenager scrambled out and ran. I got in and took off. I had to find something to wrap around my leg stop the blood from flowing. I kept driving. I was safe from the cops, for now at least. All of a sudden, I realized how tired I was. I had to sleep. I turned the corner into a parking lot. I laid down and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning with my leg aching. I had to find a doctor, I thought to myself. The cops are probably surveilling every hospital, so I had to think of somewhere else I can go.
After a couple hours, I couldn’t think of anywhere to go, so I decided to take it out myself. I had no equipment, so I had to use my bare hands. I took a deep breath, then pulled it out. I felt a sharp sting as my whole leg exploded in pain. I yelled as loud as I can. The pain was unbearable, but the bullet was out. I ripped off the bottom of my pants and tied it around my leg to stop the blood from flowing to the wound. I had to get going because someone must have heard me yell, so I took off. I had to get out of the state, so I decided to go to Mexico. Then, all of a sudden, I heard a beeping sound. I looked down at the dashboard and saw that I was almost out of gas. I had to stop at a gas station. I knew I would have high risks of getting caught, but it was the only way, so I took a right and stopped at a gas station. I started filling up the car with gas, waiting for it to fill up. I had to leave as soon as I can. After what felt like an hour, the gas tank was full, so I got in the car. Right after that, I heard sirens. I looked into the rear view mirror and saw cops pulling up. I turn on the car and try to drive out, but a police car pulls in infront of me.
“Freeze, put your hands where I can see them,” yelled the Police man. I thought of something to do, but I couldn’t think of anything. I decided to listen to him and I stepped out of the car and put my hands in the air. He walked up to me and cuffed my hands behind my back. At that point, I realized that my chances of escaping were over.

The author's comments:

I had to enter a writing contest and I chose to enter the teen ink fiction contest.

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