The Adventures of Apollo and Alli | Teen Ink

The Adventures of Apollo and Alli

March 6, 2016
By Kate1315 BRONZE, Ault, Colorado
Kate1315 BRONZE, Ault, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I had just home  from work I was beat, working during the middle of the day and ending my shift at night really threw me off, but I had to count myself lucky because I even had a job and I often corrected myself on that. I walked through the door and slipped my old beat up black vans off dropped my backpack on the floor which I really should have just taken it to my room but I was too tired and I knew I would hear it from my sister later. I slowly made my way into the kitchen yawning  and  was greeted with a loud bark and a little dance, “ Hey there Alli wanna go for a walk?” I asked as I unhinged her kennel door, another bark but not as loud as though it was her way of saying yes, “Alright come on!” I say as she rushes out and does her little dance again. I lean down, hook the leash to her collar and then I run my hand through her silky soft caramel and black fur, she was one of the prettiest dogs I’d seen she was a German Shepard husky mix with blue eyes so she was a fairly good sized dog, She tugged on her leash and I led her outside, I took a deep breath in feeling the cold air hit my lungs and the smell of cow manure and fresh cut grass tickled my nose, it was moments like this that I enjoyed just me and Alli nothing but the open world and nowhere to be. We walked for ten minutes and then I noticed Alli was bored, she had stopped at about every house that had dogs and peed on every inch of grass, so we went back to the house, “ Hey little lady how does pizza and horror movie night sound to you? make it an easy night?” She sat down at my feet smiling wagging her tail, “Okay let's do it how does a heart attack  sound?” She  laid down and whimpered I laughed, “ not literally it's got sausage, pepperoni, Canadian bacon and regular bacon with a thin layer of cheese on top!” she sat up and  began to wag her tail fast and smile at me. I got on the phone and ordered a large pizza for me and Alli and a small one for my sister. After I got off the phone I walked over to the movie case and pulled some of my favorite scary movies, “ Okay you get to choose,  Orphan, Chainsaw Massacre, Saw, The Exorcist, Poltergeist, The Shining or Grave Encounters?” she whined as though the choice was tough for her eventually she lay her head on Grave Encounters, “ That’s my girl! Okay, we will wait for the pizza and then we will put the show on okay?” she looked up at me and huffed. We waited about 20 minutes and when the pizza guy arrived I thanked him, tipped him then shut the door. Alli sniffed around waiting anxiously, I opened the box and watched the steam rise off the pizza my stomach began to yell at me the smell of the crisp bacon and melted cheese was just too much for my stomach and Alli’s too  i cut up a small piece of pizza then placed it in Alli’s bowl and two pieces on a plate for me carried them both over while balancing a can of coke and put the food down in my spot popped the movie in and went back to the couch when I got back Alli had started without me, “ Hey punk! what happen to wait for me?” she put her head down and inched away from her bowl a little, “ okay now I'm ready!” I grab the remote and pressed play, I placed her bowl next to her on the couch and I set my plate in my lap to open the can I watched as the bubbles rise and then settle I don't know why I always found that amusing but ever since I was young it was my favorite thing about opening a can of soda. I bit into the pizza it was soft, warm and juicy and it danced on my tongue. We  had almost gotten through the whole movie when my sister came downstairs finally, “ Apollo really with the backpack?! what it that god awful smell?!” she boomed through the house I couldn't help but think of her as the giant from jack and the beanstalk when she got this mad I pictured her tromping through the house stepping of everything yelling,
“ Fee-fi-fo-fum,
I smell the blood of an Englishman,
Be he alive, or be he dead
I'll have his bones to grind my bread.”  I began chuckling and looked up there she stood arms crossed and a very unhappy look on her face, “ what are you laughing about?”
I continued to look up at her the lines on her forehead were so vivid it was as though they had been permanently carved, “Nothing, there is a pizza in the oven just for you, it’s small your welcome.” I said in a c***y tone she turned on her heels and walked into the kitchen. She didn’t give me nearly as much hell about the bag as I had expected her too. Alli got up and stretched herself out her butt in the air still on the couch  and front legs on the floor, “ Are you ready to go to bed?” Her ears perked up, she opened one of her brown eyes and looked at me
“ I mean it come on I'm beat!” I say with a smile. She pushed herself off the floor with her front end and lazily walked to the bedroom where she beat me into my bed, she began her nightly routine while I got ready for bed she circled around on the bed five times stopped to sniff and scratch and area did another three circles and by that time I had crawled into bed she threw herself down next to my feet and let out a heavy sigh as though she was deflating and was out in thirty seconds. I leaned over to turn the bedside table of, wiggled under the blankets and I put my hand on Alli’s head
“Good Night Alli I love you so much.”

The author's comments:

I wrote this for a class project and I was inspired to write it because of my dog, she is fairly older and I wanted to write something that shows my love for my dog through the eyes of Apollo. 


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