the forgotten farm | Teen Ink

the forgotten farm

May 17, 2016
By Anonymous

In a small town just outside of Topeka Kansas, there lived an old lonely man in a farm house secluded from the rest of civilization. His nam had been forgotten over time, so everyone referred to him as "old skeeter".

Now, old skeeter was never seen around town, but every night, just as the sun was setting, he would stand with his shirt off, showing his abnormally large belly button. His belly button was so large, in fact, that legend had it, it stored thge severred head of his long lost daughter.

According to old folk-lore, one day a group of boys planned a scheme to get into old skeeter's house. They wanted to sneak in while he was out watching the sun set, to see if the rest of his daughters body was pickled in a giant mason jar.

So the story goes that one day just before the sun started to set, the boys hid in the over grown grass waiting to hear the screen door slam, signalling them to make a break towards the cellar doors.

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