The Fated Day | Teen Ink

The Fated Day

May 23, 2016
By Jessie33 BRONZE, York, Pennsylvania
Jessie33 BRONZE, York, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They were between me and the exit. I started running, and then I hear “BANG”, I look down and red was flowing down my shirt the color of crimson. I start staggering, and I finally realized, it was my blood.

Let’s start from where it all started, hello my name is Drew and I’m an average guy maybe 5 feet 9 inches high and very unsociable. For the first time in forever I decided I will finally go outside, I started, “5 minutes later” I couldn’t take it anymore so I went into a  small café and just told myself I will just get some food and go home. In the corner of my eye I see a couple fighting and I hear a “slap” and the women was on the floor bawling. My face pale and my rage couldn’t be haltered and the next thing you know I am standing near the guy and punched him with all my might, I could feel my hand aching in pain, and shaking as if I was sitting out in a snow storm. You could tell the lady was anxious and confused, the man was shocked you could see it in his face, the lady touched my hand and told me to “run.” So I took the lady’s hand and ran with all I could. We ended in an old bartending shop, we took a seat and breathed as much as we could as if it was the last thing we could do.  The lady got up and told me she needed to go tidy up in the restroom and would be back in a few. She’s been in there for a very long time so I got up to see if she was okay and all of a sudden maybe 6 people came in and surrounded me and the lady was behind the man smiling from ear to ear with the most sinister smile on her face. I then realized I was going to be killed and saw an exit, but they were between me and the exit. So I start running and running trying to get out of this alive, I didn’t care if I had a few bruises or broken teeth I just wanted to get out of here alive. Everywhere I looked it was dark and I couldn’t see nothing, all I could hear was footsteps around me like I was some sort of prey. The next thing I hear though is a “BANG”, I look around and then I look down and I see the color red, and the next thing that I think is destiny. I start staggering and I finally fall to the ground, thinking what led up to this. I look up and the last thing I see before my eyes start going hazy is a door that says in bright white letters “BEWARE MAFIA”. Everything finally went black, I felt no pain, and I couldn’t cry, the last thought I could hear from myself was from my conscience saying to me that I should’ve stayed inside today as well.

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