The Field | Teen Ink

The Field

June 1, 2016
By OpTiRiZed BRONZE, Cresco, Pennsylvania
OpTiRiZed BRONZE, Cresco, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The war ended long ago, but nobody told us.  We were organized as a rouge faction of the former army, fighting for our fallen country against destructive rule and rebel anarchy.  We're running out of ammo fast and don't know how long our food is going to last.  To even have a chance we will have to win this next battle. 

All the troops were getting ready for battle by preparing their rifles and repairing the remaining vehicles.  I got into a transport truck to go to the battle.  On the way there I could hear the gun fire and explosions of the first wave fighting the enemy forces. 

As we got to a field near the battleground the truck I was in got struck by a mortar and flipped onto its side.  I was knocked unconscious during the crash.  I woke around 30 minutes later still in the back of the truck with a little bit of blood coming from my head.  I could hear the sounds of gunfire right outside.  I pick up my old soviet rifle and crawled out of the truck.  When I crawled out I saw the bloody bodies of my comrades and the destroyed chassis of our last tanks.

As I stood up I saw my enemies all around me.  They haven't noticed me yet so I got back down to the dirt.  It seemed while I was knocked out their forces pushed up and either killed our troops or we pulled back.  Either way I'm behind enemy lines and I need to get out of here before they start searching the bodies for survivors.  I start crawling slowly across the dirt towards the tree line that was about 500 meters away.  As I was crawling I got mud all over me. 

I could hear the gun fire stop in the distance, I think the battle is over.  I thought to myself, “Now they'll be checking the field for survivors.”  Right as I thought of that I saw tanks coming.  I quickly stopped moving and stayed still.  The tanks didn't see me, I think they are going to the front lines to reinforce for another attack.  As I was about to start crawling again I heard screams to the North West, it was at least three squads of troops.  I could see the soldiers pick up one of my allies who was hiding around the rest of our fallen allies.  He got loose from the guy's grip and made a run for it.  The soldiers shot him right in the back.

I knew if I got caught what torture they would put me through.  I had to make a decision before they were any closer,  fight and die or give up and wish I was dead.  Either way I had better chances to survive standing next to the Chernobyl reactor when it exploded than making it out of these fields.  “I choose to fight” I screamed at the top of my lungs.  When I did this I saw I was surrounded by enemies.  I knew I couldn't fight them in the open so I fired while I was looking for cover.  Bullets were hitting around when I found a hole that I could make a stand in, before I built up enough energy to sprint the rest of the way to the woods that were 100 meters away.  As they are pushing up on my position I got down to my last mag.  I put my rifle in single shot mode to conserve ammo.  I start to run to the woods, but right after I get up and start running I got shot right in my back.  I fell to the ground and knew it was over for me.  So instead of giving up I was going to die with my comrades on that field.  I slowly crawled over to my rifle and grabbed it I went to pull the trigger and nothing happened, so I opened the chamber and saw I was out of ammo.  It was over,  I will now be captured and taken and tortured to get information.  They started pushing in on me with soldiers and tanks.  Just as they got to 50 meters of me I heard a helicopter coming from the woods.  I started to black out from the blood I had lost but I came back to when I heard gun fire and explosions.  Two attack choppers came and strafed the field taking out the enemy tanks.  As the soldiers turned around to shoot at the helicopters gun fire came from the woods that I was running to.  The soldiers in the woods mowed down the troops and started pushing out.  They got me and started checking me to see if I was still alive and if I was able to be moved.  One of the soldiers picked me up and carried me to one of the helicopters that landed to drop off more troops.  They put me in the helicopter and started flying me back to my groups base.  I found out that theses guys were a rebel group who we've fought before and decided to help us since they saw my courage against all odds.  We landed at my base and my fellow rebels brought a stretcher to carry me to the medical tent.  So that just shows you how one day your enemies might be your only saviors.

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