Meet the Beast | Teen Ink

Meet the Beast

October 19, 2016
By Anonymous

19 October 2016
“Meet the Beast”
At dead midnight on October, it was cool and dark a child was awake to meet a beast of the night. Arthur was the boy’s name, he was far too awake from his slumber the boy laid still, staring up into the dark room. Sitting up he yawned, his messy dark brown almost black hair was very adventurous tonight, sticking out in every direction. The room was very spaces just for himself, but not as much to the toys that were littered everywhere.
Rubbing his eyes, he blinked warily, something was missing something very important, but what was it? His light brown eyes trailed along the room, scanning the place. He stepped around the room sleepily, yawning he made a list. Blankie? Check! Pillow? Check! Teddy? The boy gasped then realized that his teddy bear, was missing. Flying across the room he throw the room upside down, every nook and crook. His room was a mess by the end of his rampage.
Wondering as he pulled on his hair he began to think, “Where else could I have place Teddy?”. Deeming this to be an important mission to find the teddy bear Arthur went to grab his flashlight and blanket wrapping it around himself. He walked towards the door to his room and silently push the door out. Walking along the hallway he avoid his parents’ room careful to be quiet, but stopped for a moment. Maybe Arthur could ask for his parents help, lingering on the though he dismissed it, muttering to himself, “I’m a big boy now, I can solve my own problems.” Then he continued on sneaking around the area and to the stairs.
Arthur climbed down the stair searching and looking. Around and around he went, but Arthur couldn’t find his poor teddy bear. Checking every possible place he could’ve have left the toy. Arthur sighed, he had searched everywhere, except for one place. Turning his head to the back door. He learned not to tread beyond this door, for there is a beast that lives there, but trust the child he has known for a long time. At night he could hear the cries, and howls of the beast. Swallowing the fears back Arthur had opened the door to search the last place.The cool air had tickled his nose, making him snug in his blanket even further. Peeking his head through the small opening, he saw nothing but shadows. The sky was covered by clouds only small rays of light radiating softy from moon providing the only light source for his search. Creeping out into the pavement and away from the safety of his home he began to search carefully. Shining the flashlight in front of him, the source was very dim and couldn’t light enough to even see the ground.
The beast was silent tonight, he had heard no cries or any howls, just the whistles of the wind. Shuffling around the area he shone the light around as useless as it was, it gave him some type of small confront in the position he was in. After a few moments of walking and wandering he bummed into a rather small wall. Still a good length from the wall he examined it, and at faint he could hear a soft breathing. From where he stood he could see Teddy, Arthur was in such gled he started walking faster to retrieve the stuffed bear. Stopping suddenly right at the moment he heard a small grunt. Stiffly he walked along the wall and found that a giant in its slumber. Looking much more different than he expected, but still he had found the beast. It had its head resting on its paws and a little less than half it huge body could fit inside the small house.
Arthur slowly backed away from the giant beast, but he was too focus on the beast to care what was behind him. His foot had caught onto his blanket and fell back with a loud thump. A sound came from the beast, Arthur knew he had made a huge mistake. Dropping his flashlight he dove into the closest cover he could find. Some wood panels in the corner give him little to no cover, but he had hope the shadows could make up for the lack for wood. Eyes wide Arthur could only watch as the beast rise from its sleep. As quickly as the beast rose it snapped its head to where the boy was hiding.
The steps grew closer and closer, but then it stop. The boy still held his breath sinking into his blanket even further until he peek around the corner. The beast was there, staring right into the boy’s eyes. Standing on all four, at least a few inches higher than the child. Mouth wide almost into a face eating grin, showing its teeth that glittered in the dim light of the moon. Its mixed of brown and dark brown fur stood on edge. Arthur gasped and covered the blanket fully over himself. Waiting for the beast strike Arthur was confused, looking up from the blanket the beast was still there but rather than standing it was sitting and waiting for the boy.

Head tilting off to the side it curious, why the boy had a need to hide away from it. Arthur slowly but cautiously stepped out of the cover of the wooden panels. Standing in front of the beast he had a better lighting from the moon since it wasn’t covered by the moon this time. Its didn’t look as fearsome as it did before, its eyes still bore into Arthur’s eyes but not as scary. The fact it was sitting down made it look more calm and passive. The beast started to come closer to Arthur, face to face the beast started to nudge the boy’s hand.
Arthur was very confused what the beast wanted from him, so Arthur started to place his hand on its muzzle and rub it. The beast turn into the most cute fluff ball the boy has ever seen. Wagging its tail side to side and rolling over on its back to ask for a belly rubs, it was probably one of the cutest thing Arthur has ever seen in his life considering he was a young child. Arthur started to giggle and chuckle how could such a giant softy make such a big racket at night.

The gentle giant started to nudge Arthur until he was wrapped around the small boy. Resting its head on the boy’s lap, Arthur had felt warm and comfortable enough. Disregarding the search for his stuffed animal he curled and snugged into his blanket and into the giant’s soft fur. Slowly Arthur closed his warily eyes and snoozed for the rest of the night know that he wasn’t haunted by the cries and howls of a frightening beast, but instead with a soft and gentle giant protecting him.

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