The haunted house | Teen Ink

The haunted house

November 2, 2016
By zelja BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
zelja BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My husband Jim, and I lived In this old house. It was night time, and while we were sleeping, we heard some scary noises in the basement the noises sounded like people was knocking on the door, people were screaming, and Jim became worried, because the manager of the house told me, and Jim that the house was all clear, so we called the manager, and told him the situation of the house, and the manager said” go check all around the house, and see who it is.”

Jim, and I went inside the basement to see who it was, and Jim said “it’s nobody let’s go back to sleep.”
I was scared all night to go back to sleep, because the noises were stuck in my head. The next morning Jim, and I woke up for work we do not work at the same job I come home at 4:00PM, and he comes at 12:00AM. I was at work doing my job, and I get home, and I open the door slowly. I see all my clothes around the floor, the TV was on the floor basically everything was on the floor. I called my husband Jim, and told him what happened Jim said “It’s fine I’m sure Katie came inside the house in did it.”
Katie is Jims sister. I was off the next day Jim was at work doing his job, I was washing the dishes, while I was washing them I heard some noises coming from the downstairs I turned the water off, and I heard it again I went downstairs in saw this little man on the rocking chair I turned the light on, and he was dressed all black he’s socks was dirty he’s face was all dirty it looked like he has fell in the mud. I was so scared to even look at him , because he looked creepy I grabbed the baseball bat that was next to me, and I started hitting him with the baseball bat I ran upstairs I grabbed my phone, and ran in my room I locked the door and put my big cabinet by the door, so he won’t try to get in I could not go outside, because it was far away from where I was at I texted Jim, and told he said “ to stay where I was at .”
The creepy men started to bang on my door telling me to open the door I yelled “ NO GET OUT BEFORE I WILL CALL THE COPS ON YOU .”
Jim came inside through my window he turned off the light so the creepy men will know that we not there, and the window was open we unlocked the door to the room, and the men came inside, and seen the window open he went to go check if Jim, and I got out through the window but we did not we hide behind the door he seen something move Jim moved it, so he would come near the door , and the creepy man opened it slowly in saw Jim, and I behind and he almost chocked me but he did not, because as soon as he wanted to touch me Jim shot him with the gun , so we called the police in told them the situation , and they came in took the creepy men . The next day Jim, and I went to go look for a new house, but before we bought the new house we asked the manager of the house if anything was wrong with it, and the manager said “no nothing is wrong with it.”
I bought the house, and Jim, and I didn’t have to worry about nothing no more.

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