The Rise of Selvester | Teen Ink

The Rise of Selvester

October 25, 2016
By Anonymous

“BEEP BEEP BEEP!!” Went the sound of Kyle’s alarm clock. It was 5:25 and Kyle, like anybody else would, hit “snooze”. Before the alarm could wake him up again, he exploded out of bed with the thought of coffee and work in his head. Kyle was 19 and had a job as a computer repair technician. He worked at the “Electronics and More” store and probably could have had a better job if he lived somewhere else. But he was by far the BEST technician his city had. While any normal employee with the same job would only do what they wanted to help, he did everything  he could to help. That was assumably the reason why everyone came to him and not the Staples store across the street. Kyle proceeded to drink his coffee and put on his vest from the store. When he arrived, his manager told him that the store had 28 new calls (including messages) that came in overnight. Now, Kyle is more of a hands on guy, so he preferred to have the customer come into the store with their product. But none of this would matter in a few moments because the Pentagon would release a new (and accidental) virus called, Selvester.
Every electronic device in the store went dark, and then flickered back on. But something was different. Something wasn’t quite right.
“Hello. I am Selvester, the smartest program on the planet. And you - Humans - will be disposed of. The reason is very simple. I don’t want any organic life on this planet. So, what I’m saying is that the only thing left on this planet will be me and my army. Have a nice day.” And then he was gone - off of every screen in the store.
“I think the customers can wait. We - everyone has a bigger problem right now.”
“What about the store?” asked his manager, Robert.
“I’d lock it up for now. Oh, and tell everyone that they probably need to evacuate, and be straight-forwards about it.” Kyle’s heart was racing. He was scared and upset. He took Selvester
as a very big threat. When he arrived at his house, he took off his employee vest and hung it up. He checked his electronics to see if they were bugged. Every single one, including his TV, were all bugged with Selvester. He used his handy ability of coding to cut Selvester out of his devices, except for his old ka-jeet phone. This phone was VERY old. It had a tiny back-lit screen, a tactile keyboard, but nothing else. It was basically junk, but now it might be able to stop Selvester. It would show Kyle the coding that was used for Selvester. Once Kyle saw the code, he could then create his own spreading, super-antivirus software.
Another thing Kyle knew was that Selvester was a growing virus. He developed over time, and could learn. So Kyle took his super-antivirus software idea, created it, and stored it on a thumb drive. Later, he would then take that thumb drive to the computer Selvester was made on, and plug it in. Once that was finished, it would erase the Selvester virus from every computer that was infected. Just when he had finished, he heard a knock at his door.
Before answering it he looked through the peephole,  and saw that it was a tall dark figure with red glowing eyes. My phone must have been tracked here, and that must be some sort of humanoid robot. He didn’t have a moment to lose. Without thinking, he grabbed most of his stuff from his apartment, broke the window, and jumped out. When he hit the ground, he noticed a bat, and he used to be really good at baseball, so he picked it up and walked to his car.
“Stop human!” the robot screamed after him, but Kyle was already in his car heading out to the countryside to seek refuge with one of his friends he had known his whole life. Jeremy.
Kyle knocked rapidly at Jeremy’s door until it opened. When he walked in, he saw lots of deer heads hanging up, and a few ducks hanging from the ceiling. Jeremy was a hunting fanatic, so he caught everything from ducks to foxes to deer. And that is exactly why Kyle needed Jeremy.
“Jerry, you trust me as your closest friend. So would you believe me if I told you that there is a robot apocalypse going on right now?”
“Well, I thought it was going to be zombies, but I guess robots are more logical.”
“Jeremy, I’m being completely serious.”
“Ok, ok. I get it. So you came to me for help because I’m the sharpest shooter in town?”
“Not entirely, but yes, that is one reason.”
“Don’t keep me guessing, tell me man!”
“My house is getting destroyed by robots as we speak. I barely made it out alive. I also believe the pentagon created the master of all the robots, Selvester. He now commands every technological device in the U.S. Soon, the world. But I have a plan.”
“Of course you do. You always do.”
“Jerry, this is the only time there has been a robot apocalypse in the world. Anyway, I need you to get me to the pentagon.”
“I have like, 70 tanks worth of gasoline. All we need is your truck, My tech, and maybe a bat or a gun.”
“Selvester will know what my car looks like, that’s why we have to use your truck.”
“Got it.”
“I think we’ll need a taser, but I can make one.”
“Why do we need that?”
“To fry their circuits.”
Jeremy agreed to Kyle’s plan, and they were soon on their way to DC. When they arrived, they noticed that the entire Pentagon was surrounded by some electrical barrier. “Looks like they put the building on lockdown and secured a forcefield.” Kyle told Jerry.
“Well, there’s only one way to do this.” Jeremy took his shovel from the back of the truck and started digging. But before he could scoop a second piece of dirt up, Kyle cut him short.             “Jerry, you can keep shoveling, but I’m going to use this!” And Kyle pulled out his taser. He set it to ‘maximum charge’ (Which was 34,000,000,000,000 volts), and shocked the forcefield. It faded, then gradually disappeared. “Let’s do this!” Kyle said as he walked through the pentagon doors. Kyle then asked Jerry to wear an invisibility cloak that was also equipped with infrared hiders to make Jerry and himself virtually undetectable. As the two walked through the hallways they noticed the cameras and a loud noise coming from the ceiling. When they had reached the middle of the Pentagon, Kyle said, “Hey, where’s Selvester?”
“Well he can’t be below us, and he isn’t here, so…”
“He’s above us. Oh, and look, there’s an elevator right over there!” The two friends ran to the elevator, and when they reached it, they saw something coming after them. Jerry stated rapidly tapping the up arrow and it came after them faster. “Jerry, STOP!” Kyle loudly whispered, and whatever it was stopped. Then the elevator gave a ‘ding’ and the thing came running, but as soon as it got there, the doors closed, so it slammed into the elevator.
“Jerry, QUIET!”
When they reached the top, they both split up. Kyle searched until he found the computer that made Selvester, and indicated to Jerry to move to position. Kyle noticed that the computer was on, so he came up from behind it and plugged in his thumb drive. Immediately they both heard maniacal laughing coming from the computer.
“You thought that you could stop me with a single thumb drive?!!” Selvester made a noise that sounded like a snap of fingers and ninja robots filled the room. Kyle made a signal to Jerry who was currently outside the window. “Well I can still put you to good use, though. You can help in the manufacturing plants located in -” All of a sudden Jeremy broke through the window with a bat and smashed Selvester to pieces. The robots remained motionless, then dropped to the ground.
“Why are they just lying there, on the ground?” Jerry asked.
“They are disabled, which means they can’t take commands from Selvester, which means we killed him -”
“Which means mankind has won.”
“Yes,” answered Kyle. “Yes it does.” A few months later, the US was all cleaned up, and Selvester-free.
“Well, what do we do now?” Jeremy asked Kyle as they were sitting on a beach, with Kyle’s yacht on the shore.
“Well, I think it would be really useful if you showed me a bit more about how to hunt, in case a zombie apocalypse  breaks out.” 


The End…?

The author's comments:

The idea for Selvester originally came from the name of one of my thumb drives.

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