Royal Games | Teen Ink

Royal Games

January 24, 2017
By Baekster BRONZE, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
Baekster BRONZE, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My eyes widened as the body in front of me slowly closed the door. My name was Alexander Red. I am a freshman at Omega college recently turned eighteen years old, from New Hope, Pennsylvania. I decided to go to a party at a frat house that I was considering pledging to. So me and my roommate, Blake Bay, getting ready for the party dressed up looking preppy. You know the board shorts, polo, sperrys, and the signature backwards hat. Entering the party, the atmosphere reeked of the intense smell of hormones and sweat. Picking up a drink then another the party went all night, the room went in circles, then it went dark. The next morning, waking up with a blistering headache, I slowly get up and examined my surroundings for a moment before realizing I wasn’t in the room I passed out in. There were five others with me, but I was shocked to see Annabelle Stone was one of those five people. I haven’t seen her since sophomore year in high school before she moved to a Orlando, Florida she broke up with me because she couldn’t handle a long distance relationship. What is she doing here and how did I get here that was the question going through my mind over and over again.

As everyone slowly stirs awake, I walk over to Annabelle to reconnect a little bit as well as try to grasp the situation we were in. Once everyone was awake, men in black suits escorted each individual out of the room separately. Me having to say goodbye to Annabelle as it was her turn to go. When it slowly began to be my turn, I felt a frigid chill go down my spine. I knew wherever I was being taken to it might be the last place I will ever see. Entering a lab, I saw Annabelle strapped down to a bed being carted off to a different room. Being held against my will, forced to move along forward from the lab, I couldn’t do anything but turn my head the other way. There was a bed waiting for me as well in a room with a painting of a dreary day and statues around the staring at the gloomy painting. Uneasily laying down on the bed. My head, legs, and arms were strapped down with Metal Cuffs. Lying there panicking, a rather strange man in a large black lab coat injects into me a glowing white substance. Then continued to stick an I.V in my arm as I lay there helpless. My eyes widened as the body in front of me slowly closed the door. My body writhing in pain as the serum courses through my veins. I scream and shout as if I was bloodedly murdered. The man that left the room, was the man who changed my life into a chaotic mess. I will never forget the name even if I die, Mr.Crow Hades.

It has been eight months since I’ve been kidnapped, but they were kind enough to give me a diary to write about my feelings and how the experiments were affecting me physically and mentally. So I write every chance I get.
Dear Diary,
Today was the first day I could verbalize my sorrows and pain I've held in the past eight months. They have beaten me and put me through very painful science experiments. I feel my body changing everyday since I’ve been here. The other day, I set something on fire with my mind because I was very furiated. I never have time to myself. I’m watched twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. I never feel safe, but there are important information I’ve gathered in the last couple months I’ve been here. The group that kidnapped me is a society named the H.G.M.C. (Human Genetic Mutation Corporation). It’s an underground corporation that kidnaps kids my age and conducts experiments with your genes and biostructures creating us into a superhuman with supernatural powers. I need to go now. I hear voices approaching my room.

Walking out of my room with cuffs, I head to the cafeteria. After going through the line, I sit with Annabelle, Caleb, Gabe, and Nina for dinner. These are the people I was with when this nightmare started. We converse and try to act like we live a normal life but that's far from it. We never talk about what we go through and what they have done to us. Me and Annabelle have grown close compared to everyone else in the group. It must be because we grew up together. After dinner, we go to our assigned rooms and wait till our doses arrive. Which doesn't affect me anymore because I’ve grown use to the serum. Another three  months just fly by and It was as if I had became a monster. I’ve developed a power that is equal to or more powerful than satan himself. I’ve been pitted against many strong superhuman monsters like me in the company but no one has been able to put me down to my knees. They have categorized me a class 7 (Devils Magic).
Entry 17
Dear Diary,
Today was the day they finally announced what was going to happen to us and I fear for my life as well as Annabelle’s. We are being entered into the Royal games. I always thought that this was just a TV show because I enjoyed watching it on TV growing up. Never in a million years did I think it was a real event that was just broadcasted and made to look like a TV series. The royal games is a five trial tournament that lasts a month. It’s where different underground agencies bring their super humans to compete. Trial one is where you have to complete a five mile life threatening obstacle course. Many have died during the obstacle course. Trail two is a group game of capture the flag. In which you can use any means necessary to win, as long as you abide by one rule team safety zones. Trail three is where you fight a mythical creature that you individually pick out of a hat and choose. In order to advance to the next trial, you have to completely kill the beast but the creatures can range from all the way to ancient times from all around the world. So it is basically a pandora's box of the most deadliest creatures. Trial four is where you put together a team to fight other teams to the death but you only fight 1 team. Trial five is a tournament style death match which brackets are used. Knowing all this, I made an agreement with Mr.Crow-Hades. I told him that I’ll win these games if only they keep Annabelle and the 4 others out of the games. But if I lose, they will be killed as well as I. Well I need to head out. I'll write about my experience and my thoughts after each trial. Goodbye my old life.

Tucking my notebook away under my bed. I head out of my room ready to face a new world I'm not familiar with.

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