The Tiny Shark with Ten Tiny Lasers | Teen Ink

The Tiny Shark with Ten Tiny Lasers

September 11, 2017
By TNabower BRONZE, Roseland, Nebraska
TNabower BRONZE, Roseland, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was an evil wizard in a gigantic orange submarine that terrorized the seas with his shark army. Each shark was equipped with a crimson ruby laser held on a chain around its neck, but not every shark was loyal to the mad wizard. A tiny shark with ten tiny sapphire lasers did not want to harm the peaceful seas, so he fled. He swam away from the other sharks and their lasers of death, and the tiny shark hid in a small, slimy hole. He waited there peacefully, until someone disturbed his lonely solitude. An octopus wearing a fancy yellow hat full of feathers was also searching for a place to remain hidden.
He slid into the same hole as the tiny shark with ten tiny lasers, not realizing it was already occupied. The octopus saw the shark and almost inked himself. He did soon realize that the tiny shark was more scared of the octopus than the octopus was scared of the shark.
The tiny shark with ten tiny lasers thought the octopus was a squid, and he was deathly terrified of squid. The octopus asked the shark if he was a member of the evil wizard’s shark army with a worried tone. The tiny shark said no in an even shakier voice. The octopus then introduced himself as the Duke of Octopi Vale, and he was looking for a hidden place to observe the shark army without being seen. Trusting the octopus, the tiny shark with ten tiny lasers asked if there was any way he could help the Duke.
The Duke of Octopi Vale was a very trusting mollusk, so he allowed the tiny shark to follow him to Octopi Vale. As he slid across the ocean floor, he asked the tiny shark to follow him. The Duke explained to the tiny shark that he could be a very valuable asset to his kingdom, because he might have some inside information about the evil wizard and his plans.
The Duke led the tiny shark to a small hole smothered in seaweed. The octopus glided through the hole, but the shark had a difficult time squirming through it. He soon realized that his efforts were rewarded with the astounding view of Octopi Vale.
There were entire houses and shops constructed out of shells of various different sizes, the streets were lined with colorful corals, and towering over the entire city was the palace. It was a massive sunken ship that had fallen over the original entrance of the chasm. Two octopi wearing crowns were eating crab on a balcony that was clearly not a part of the original ship, while the citizens of Octopi Vale were going about their business in the streets. Not a single octopus wasn’t wearing a fancy hat of some kind, which made it seem that this was a very prosperous city with no poverty class whatsoever.
The Duke led the tiny shark with ten tiny lasers toward the guarded entrance of the palace. The guards immediately recognized the Duke, and allowed the odd pair to enter. The shark followed closely behind the octopus, afraid of getting lost in the humungous structure. The Duke led the shark up multiple flights of stairs, and down several hallways. Eventually they found themselves in front of the door to the balcony where the King and Queen were feasting.
A guard standing in front of the door told them to leave, for the King and Queen did not want to be disturbed for any reason, no matter the importance. The Duke let out an irritated sigh, turned around, and angrily crawled back down the stairs and through the hallways. The tiny shark followed behind him sheepishly, until they had exited the palace. The octopus turned around and told the shark that they were going to infiltrate the evil wizard’s submarine, and take it down from the inside, therefore leaving him defenseless.
The Duke gathered his few supporters, apparently he wasn’t very well liked by the people of Octopi Vale, and led his small army to the last known location of the evil wizard. His plan was to distract the army while the tiny shark with ten tiny lasers would sneak into the submarine and destroy the engines. And they did just that.
The tiny shark got into the submarine with ease, due to the bulk of the army going to battle the small octopus army. Surprisingly, the octopi held their own against the sharks, and the battle could easily go either way. The tiny shark swam through the tunnels of water, which were designed for the shark generals to receive direct orders from the wizard, until he found his way to the engines in the back of the submarine. He used the destructive power of his ten tiny lasers to completely incinerate the engines, and made his escape before the entire machine exploded.
The tiny shark with ten tiny lasers just barely managed to escape, and as he swam as fast as he could the giant orange submarine, along with the evil wizard residing within it, exploded into a million tiny pieces. The lasers the sharks wielded soon lost their source of power, and were easily defeated by the octopi. The sharks were imprisoned for their crimes, and the Duke of Octopi Vale and the tiny shark with ten tiny lasers were named heroes of the seas.

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